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Acai Bowl: 4 Easy-To-Make Recipe Ideas For Singing Mornings

We only hear about him; he is the darling of fit girls on social networks… But what is this dish whose main ingredient would be our new healthy ally?

Acai, What Is It?

Acai is a natural product local to South America, explicitly the Amazon district in the Brazilian Amazon. It comes on acai palm trees, up to 25 meters tall. The acai organic product is a little blackberry and is wealthy in cell reinforcements, fiber, solid fats, and protein. It tastes like a blend of dark currant and dull chocolate. It is generally utilized as juice, smoothie, or frozen powder to make acai bowls. 

You can track it down in natural stores or on the web. It is considered a superfood because it contains fundamental well-being supplements, like cell reinforcements, nutrients, and minerals. It is well-shaded and available on the Instagram records of fit young ladies as a bowl.

This super-nutrient bowl, made with a thick acai berry smoothie, is a hit with surfers and volleyball players in Rio Straight. It is sold there on the seashores, blended in with banana and guarana, as a backup to a dish or a sorbet. Californian joggers have additionally embraced it to support their exhibition. Now is the ideal time to invest ourselves in Brazilian energy and exploit acai’s solid ethics.

What Are The Benefits Of Acai?

Acai (pronounced a-sa-hi) is a great conditioner. Very nutritious, its pulp contains 50% carbohydrates, 8% protein, and – a rare occurrence for a fruit – 32% lipids, mainly composed of essential fatty acids essential for a healthy heart. It is also full of fiber (44 g / 100 g of acai powder) which slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and ensures a gradual energy supply. Perfect for endurance. Iron is muscle oxygen. 

A top athlete has doubled iron requirements. Acai contains 4.4mg/100g. More than almonds or roast beef! Beneath its appearance of a giant blueberry with a chocolate taste, this fruit hides a mine of antioxidants that protect the tissues against the free radicals generated during exercise. The pigments that give it its purple color (anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin) have exceptional anti-inflammatory properties. 

They would thus curb joint pain, according to an American study published in April 2011 in the “Journal Of Medicinal Food.” Acai is packed with B1 vitamins, which are valuable for energy metabolism and muscle recovery. Alkalinizing also reduces the body’s acidity, which increases during sustained physical activity. Add calcium-rich foods (almonds, hazelnuts, dates, etc.) as a topping to limit the risk of cramps and body aches.

Acai Bowl: 4 Easy-To-Prepare Recipe Ideas!

Acai Bowl: The Recipe That Has It All!

Mix 200 g of frozen acaï, ½ banana, and 15 cl of almond milk. As a topping: blackcurrants (or strawberries), kiwi, coconut flakes + 1 pinch of muesli. Frozen acai is hard to find in France ( ). It can be replaced by raspberries and a tablespoon of acai powder (from Naturalia). There are, however, many ways to make an acai bowl, but here are some recipe ideas to get you started:

  1. Classic Acai Bowl: Mix a frozen banana, a cup of frozen berries (strawberries, blueberries, etc.), a tablespoon of acai powder, and a little water in a blender. Pour the mixture into a bowl and top with granola, fresh fruit, and nuts.
  2. Tropical Acai Bowl: Mix a frozen banana, a cup of frozen berries (pineapple, papaya, etc.), a tablespoon of acai powder, and a little orange juice in a blender. Pour the mixture into a bowl and garnish with grated coconut, fresh fruit, and fresh mint.
  3. Spiced Acai Bowl: Combine a frozen banana, a cup of frozen berries, a tablespoon of acai powder, a pinch of cinnamon, and a pinch of grated ginger in a blender. Pour the mixture into a bowl and top with spiced granola, fresh fruit, and nuts.
  4. Chocolate Acai Bowl: Mix one frozen banana, one cup of frozen berries, one tablespoon of acai powder, one tablespoon of cocoa powder, and a little water in a blender. Pour the mixture into a bowl and top with chocolate granola, fresh fruit, and peanuts.

There are recipe variations, depending on your tastes and preferences; you can add fruits, seeds, spices, honey, agave syrup, and other ingredients to give more flavor to your acai bowl.

Read Also: Top 10 Foods For The Nervous System


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