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Coconut Sugar: Benefits And Harms

With intriguing dynamic fixings and an unobtrusive glycemic record, coconut sugar is introduced as a sound choice for table sugar. Be that as it may, there stays a sugar, which in overabundance hurtfully affects the body similar to those of its cousins from sugar sticks or beets. It’s far off from the beginning, and significant expense can rapidly conquer the cravings of the most inspired.

Dehydrated Coconut Sap

Coconut sugar comes from coconut manors ( Cocos nucifera ). The entry point of their inflorescences makes it conceivable to gather the sap, warmed to permit the vanishing of the water. In this way, the glue works, leading to brown gems with caramel fragrances. Coconut sugar isn’t refined like white sugar, made only from carbs. It holds a portion of the supplements present in the plant’s sap.

The Main Constituent Of Coconut Sugar

Coconut sugar is made of sucrose, a disaccharide consolidating glucose and fructose particles. It contains 87%, while natural sweetener includes practically 95%. Notwithstanding sucrose, it incorporates a limited quantity of glucose and free fructose, coming to 4.6% and 3.7% of its creation, separately. They come from separating the sucrose particle under the intensity impact during the sap change process.

Coconut Sugar Is Not Just Sugar!

Micronutrients, Inulin, and phenolic compounds represent the remaining fraction of coconut sugar. On the mineral side, the most abundant is potassium, the concentration of which reaches 720 mg per 100g of product. Coconut sugar also contains iron (1.44 mg/100g), zinc (0.15mg/100g), copper (0.09 mg/100g) and manganese (0.09mg/100g). These values ​​are higher than those recorded for cane sugar.

Vitamin C And B Vitamins

Coconut sugar also contains vitamins, mainly vitamin C, vitamin B6, and vitamin B1. Vitamin B2 is also present but in tiny quantities. Some vitamins in coconut sap are lost during processing, notably vitamins C and B1, easily denatured by heat.

Polyphenols With Antioxidant Properties

Coconut sugar stands out for its polyphenol content. These compounds, widespread in the plant kingdom, are responsible for the colors and flavors of plants. They have antioxidant properties that contribute to the health benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Analyzes of coconut sugar obtained from different varieties of coconut trees grown in Ivory Coast reveal that the total polyphenol content varies between 35 and 143 mg per 100g.

Inulin, A Prebiotic Fiber

Coconut sugar contains another molecule of interest, Inulin. This carbohydrate with a complex structure belongs to the class of fructo-oligosaccharides. The small intestine does not directly absorb Insulin because we do not have the enzymatic equipment to digest it. It is thus fermented by the bacteria of the intestinal microbiota which live in the colon and allows the formation of compounds playing a favorable role for the body, short-chain fatty acids. Consumption of this type of fiber leads to a  better feeling of satiety and reduces the urge to snack.

A Lower Glycemic Index Than Table Sugar

Coconut sugar’s glycemic index appears lower than most other sweetening products. This indicator reflects a food’s effect on blood sugar levels; the higher it is, the higher the blood sugar levels. The body must, therefore, produce a greater quantity of insulin to lower it. In the long term, consuming foods with a high glycemic index thus promotes tissue resistance to this hormone and increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

A GI Displayed At 35 Was Not Very Credible

Producers of coconut sugar and many articles that notice it feature a shallow glycemic record, 35. In correlation, the glycemic record of white sugar is 68, and that of honey is 62. This information In any case, this ought to be taken with alert. It comes from a solitary report with 10 individuals in the Philippines, one of the nations creating coconut sugar. 

If the presence of Inulin can help bring down the glycemic file, its limited quantity likely doesn’t permit this level to be reached. The College of Sydney, which has made extensive information based on glycemic records, shows a value of 54 for coconut sugar, which is significantly more sensible. It is equivalent to maple syrup, likewise produced using concentrated plant sap in the wake of a vanishing part of its water.

The Disadvantages Of Coconut Sugar

Although the nutritional profile of coconut sugar may seem advantageous, it must be considered in light of the low concentration of bioactive molecules it contains. For them to help cover a large part of our daily needs and exert their benefits, we should consume high quantities of coconut sugar. As it is made up of sugars, the harms linked to these intakes outweigh the benefits.

The Dangers Of Excess Sugar

  1. South America (Paraguay and Brazil): Rapadura
  2. Indonesia (Philippines) and Indian Ocean (Mauritius): The Muscovado
  3. Central America (Ecuador): The Dulcita

We can also mention Demerara sugar, an unrefined brown sugar surrounded by a thick layer of molasses. It is made in Guyana or Mauritius. Another solution is to use a product created by our friends, the bees: honey. You can choose organic, locally produced honey to limit the ecological impact linked to transport. To stay in shape, limiting your sugar consumption as much as possible is best.

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