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HomeSKIN CAREFacial Radiofrequency Is Safe

Facial Radiofrequency Is Safe

Radiofrequency is a restoring treatment that has had impressive accomplishments throughout recent years. Until now, along with other stylish medication rehearses, it addresses one of the most definitive answers for giving a more youthful, tonic and conservative appearance to the skin. The method is referred to as ” lifting without a surgical blade “, as it ensures clear and good outcomes for the patient.

Moreover, radiofrequency’s advantages are evident according to a contemporary perspective and solid. The profundity with which it acts in the skin tissues and the viability of the electromagnetic waves deciphers a distinct feeling to the development of new collagen and elastin.

Nonetheless, regardless of its numerous positive perspectives, right up until now, there are as yet many individuals who keep thinking about whether radiofrequency is a protected treatment for skin tissue. In this aide, we will attempt to explain the issue.

What Is Radiofrequency, And How Does It Work?

As anticipated, it is an aesthetic medicine technique designed to rejuvenate the skin tissues of the face. However, the treatment can also be extended to the neck and décolleté, two body areas where skin aging leaves somewhat visible signs. The signs that radiofrequency can counteract are mainly wrinkles (at different levels of depth), crow’s feet and sagging skin.

How this treatment is performed is very simple, effective and safe. The aesthetic doctor will proceed with the passage of a handpiece that emits radio waves, characterized by a frequency close to 450 kilohertz. Their task is to produce and transmit energy and heat, stimulating the skin tissues. The heat emitted on the epidermis, i.e. the most superficial layer of the skin, is around 35°, while we rise to almost 60° for the dermis, the deepest layer.

However, the treatment is practically painless for the patient, so no anesthesia is required. It is essential to underline that the waves emitted by the handpiece are not carcinogenic and do not lead to skin problems or discomfort. Indeed, it is precisely the action of heat that offers all the benefits that the patient’s skin will enjoy. The increase in temperature causes a natural response from the dermis, which will be stimulated to produce new collagen and elastin.

The latter are two essential proteins that make up the skin tissues and give the skin a tonic, elastic and compact appearance. Consequently, radiofrequency is excellent for counteracting the signs of skin aging and is a natural solution for slowing down its new appearance. The number of sessions necessary to notice the first improvements varies from patient to patient, so it is advisable to book an appointment with the doctor.

How To Prevent Side Effects

Radiofrequency is a safe treatment for the patient’s health, which is in no way compromised by the emission of radio waves. While they act deep in the dermis, they don’t have a long enough radius to damage internal organs. Furthermore, considering the peculiarities of radio waves in terms of length, frequency and amplitude, the chances of causing long-term damage are zero. 

In this regard, numerous studies and researches confirm the non-existence of a possible link between radiofrequency and the development of tumor pathologies. However, to avoid unwanted effects after the sessions, it is advisable to observe some indications. The latter, together with all the other information, will be provided by the aesthetic doctor to the patient during the first cognitive appointment. 

In general, however, the precautions are elementary and do not require particular attention. The first, and perhaps most important, lies with the patient. To ensure that facial radiofrequency does not cause problems or inconvenience, it is advisable to contact a professional in the sector: aesthetic doctors and surgeons specialized in aesthetic medicine are the only ones who can carry out the treatment. 

The second precaution concerns the state of health of the patient. Radiofrequency should be discouraged for pregnant women and those who suffer from skin hypersensitivity or who show skin pathologies. Aesthetic medicine offers many other treatments that ensure equally positive benefits and results. Thirdly and lastly, so that the effectiveness of the radiofrequency is not compromised, the patient must observe some indications during the post-treatment phase. 

Without going into too much detail, exposure to UV rays and hot, humid environments (hot showers, saunas, Turkish baths) is not recommended. In conclusion, radiofrequency is a safe treatment for the patient’s health, as the latter respects the few indications mentioned above.

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