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HomeFASHION & BEAUTY6 Grandma's Tips For Having Beautiful Hands

6 Grandma’s Tips For Having Beautiful Hands

The hands are one of the most visible parts of the body, and everyone should take special care of them. These are also two parts of the anatomy that are most exposed to the elements, which damages them and causes them to lose their shine and softness. Here are our six grandmother’s tips for having beautiful and soft hands.

Always Protect Them

If your hands lose their softness and beauty, it is often because of the many aggressions they are subjected to daily. It is, therefore, essential to protect your hands in all circumstances. When you do the dishes or the housework, for example, wear rubber gloves because the washing-up liquid, bleach and other cleaning products attack your nails and the skin of your hands.

Your hands are also sensitive to cuts and other minor scratches that leave unattractive marks, even if they are only superficial. Wear protective gloves when doing DIY or gardening. Protect your hands from excess moisture and cold as well. In winter, wearing a pair of wool or leather gloves can only benefit your hands’ health and beauty.

Wash Them With The Right Products

Some soaps can be as harsh on your hands as some cleaning products. You must therefore be attentive to the products you use to wash your hands. In particular, I prefer moisturizing soaps that prevent the needles from drying out over the enemas.

You can make your own hand soap to save money while making an ecological gesture for the planet. To do this, use Castile soap that you mix with the essential oils of your choice and coconut. You can also opt for Marseille soap and use it as is or make a liquid soap by mixing it in warm water with honey and essential oils.

Heal Them When They Are Chapped

Under the effect of cold and dryness, the skin of your hands can crack, becoming much less pretty. It is, therefore, imperative to treat cracks as soon as possible and preferably with homemade products.

You can, for example, mix two teaspoons of honey, a few drops of lemon juice and two teaspoons of glycerin and apply the resulting substance to your hands six times a day until the cracks disappear. Elderflowers are also known for their virtues in the treatment of chapped hands. To use them, mix flowers with petroleum jelly and heat them slightly in a bain-marie. Mix for a long time and filter before applying the ointment obtained on your hands.

Moisturize Them When They Are Dry

Dry skin is one of the most common factors that degrade the appearance of your hands. You should use natural remedies to restore their shine and tone if your hands are dry. To do this, you can use a moisturizer at a pharmacy or cosmetics store. You can also use home remedies like a mixture of lemon juice and honey or olive oil and honey.

There is a compelling grandmother’s recipe for moisturizing the hands. To make it, mash a large cooked potato or finely grate a raw potato and spread it over the entire surface of each hand. It is then necessary to leave the poultice to act for several hours to obtain perfectly hydrated hands. You can even leave it overnight if you cover your hands with a scarf or socks. After removing the poultice, rinse your hands, dry them and apply sweet almond oil.

Lighten Them When They Are Dull

With their exposure to pollution and manual labor, the hands can darken and look aging. To lighten them, you can use homemade recipes based on natural products. Rub your hands with half a lemon for five minutes, then rinse them thoroughly with clear, cool water. 

You can also massage them with cold coffee grounds before rinsing them just as thoroughly. Mashed potatoes also can moisturize and lighten the skin of the hands. It would help if you rubbed your hands with boiled and powdered potatoes to use them. Leave on for ten to fifteen minutes before rinsing with tap water.

In the summer, after eating a melon, keep the peel and rub its inner side on the back of your hands, which rehydrates the skin, exfoliates and restores its radiance. In winter, soak your hands for a few tens of minutes in a bath of hot lemon water. Then rub with olive oil and rinse thoroughly before drying your hands.

Protect Them From The Sun

The sun and, more specifically, ultraviolet (UV) rays are one of the main factors in skin aging. When you go out in nature, in the mountains or on the beach, you probably apply sunscreen to your neck, shoulders, back and legs, but like many people, you probably neglect your hands. 

But they need it too. So never again forget to protect your hands with sunscreen and as your hands are subject to friction with your clothes and the environment, feel free to reapply the cream several times during the day.

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