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Fast Workouts For In-Between: Fit Despite Little Time

Fast Workouts: Those who don’t like sports and are constantly stressed, take note: You can easily do these quick workouts in between. The excuse “no time” no longer counts and “no desire” can be crossed off your list. These workouts go so fast that you really can’t push yourself back anymore. The best: you can start right in the morning in bed!

Fast Workouts: Quick Workout In The Morning In Bed

A little stretching and stretching is great, but there is more! In the morning, stay a little longer in a warm bed and do a little sport. There are a few exercises that you can do wonderfully while lying down – even in bed.

1. Leg Scissors For Stomach & Legs

Lie on your back, tense your stomach tightly. Lift your legs straight up, the soles of your feet facing the ceiling. Now cross your legs back and forth. The deeper you lower your legs, the more strenuous it will be for your stomach. Ensure that your lower backrests are on the bed and that you do not slip into your hollow back. If you like, you can also do crunches. Hold on for 20 seconds. Lie on your back, stretch your belly firmly on. Lift your legs straight up, the soles of your feet facing the ceiling. Now cross your legs back and forth. The deeper you lower your legs, the more strenuous it will be for your stomach. Ensure that your lower backrests are on the bed and that you do not slip into your hollow back. If you like, you can also do crunches.

2. Leg Presser For Stomach And Back Lie On

your back, stretch your legs upwards so that the soles of your feet are facing the ceiling. Legs and torso should form a 90-degree angle. Now tense your stomach tightly and push your legs towards the ceiling. The bottom is lifted a few centimeters. If you want to train your oblique abdominal muscles, you can alternately turn your hips to the right and left as you come up. Fifteen repetitions Lie on your back, stretch your legs up so that the soles of your feet are facing the ceiling. Legs and torso should form a 90-degree angle. Tighten your belly firmly and push your legs towards the ceiling. The bottom is lifted a few centimeters. Do you want your weird ones

3. Hip Lifter For Legs And Buttocks Lie On

your back, stand your legs loosely with a bit of distance to your buttocks. Tense your stomach tightly and raise and lower your buttocks. Push it up high. It should be in line with your back. If you want it to be harder, lift one leg straight up and exercise it on one leg.

4. Lateral Crunch

Lie on your back, bend your legs, stand them about hip-width apart, and put your hands behind your head. Now you lift your upper body so that your abdominal muscles get something to do and bring your right elbow and your left knee together and your left elbow with your right knee. Always alternating. Do not put your upper body down. Thirty times, then a short break and one more run.

Short Morning Exercise After Getting Up

Once you’ve got out of bed, you can do a little exercise before disappearing towards the bathroom. You can either stimulate your circulation with a bit of cardio training or start the day relaxed with yoga.

1. Cardio For The Circulation

Stand up straight and then sprint on the spot.

Hold on for 1 minute

2. Squats For A Firm Bottom

After you have stimulated your circulation, you can get your bottom in shape. To do this:

  1. Stand upright with your legs slightly more than hip-width apart.
  2. Tense your stomach and tail firmly, and then come deep into your squat.
  3. Push your bottom back when you come down – as if you were sitting on a chair.

The upper body remains upright but is tilted a little forward.

15 repetitions

3. Sun

Salutation: Stand upright. Take a deep breath and stretch your arms up to the sky. Bend forward and put your hands on the floor. First stretch the right, then the left leg backwards. Come down into the cobra. Your legs are on the floor, your upper body is supported by your outstretched arms and bent back.

From this position comes the downward-looking dog. That is, you stretch your legs and arms and push your bottom up so that the body forms a triangle. Hold a few breaths. Then put your right leg forward, put your left leg forward, push your legs through and slowly roll up your upper body. Repeat with the left side.

15 Training During Lunch Break

It would be best if you used your lunch break for a bit of cardio training. Take at least 15 minutes and do not stroll, but go fast and take energetic steps. It’s best to take your arms with you when you walk.

The power walk is particularly effective if you also use small dumbbells or attach unique weight cuffs to your ankles or wrists. So you train your muscles with every step.

Fast Workouts For Commercial Breaks

Hanging out lazily on the sofa in the evenings is excellent. But there is also some time for exercise. Either use the around 5 to 10 minute long commercial breaks for a quick workout in between or take a break between two episodes if you watch a series on Netflix. You will see: You will feel much better afterwards! Hanging out lazily on the sofa in the evenings is excellent. But a little time for sports is too, right? Either use the around 5 to 10 minute long commercial breaks for a quick workout in between or take a break between two episodes if you watch a series on Netflix. You will see: You will feel much better afterwards!

1. Donkey Kicks

Perfect for a firm bottom: the rear leg lifter. To do this, go into the four-footed position and stretch your right leg back and up so that the sole of your foot points towards the ceiling—the knee points to the floor. Then you raise your knee towards the top. Raise and lower your leg 30 times, then switch sides, and it’s your left leg. Goes perfectly in front of the TV, by the way.

2. Dips On The Sofa

Sit on the edge of the sofa. Your hands are supported next to your buttocks. Step forward with your feet so that your bottom is in the air just before the edge of the sofa. Your arms are stretched out. Now bend your arms low and push your bottom towards the floor.

3. Always Possible: Planks

A perfect exercise for those who have little time is always the plank. Here the core of the body is perfectly strengthened. Lean on your forearms, straighten your legs at the back and stand on your toes. Make sure that your body is in a straight line.

4. Push-Ups On The Sofa

To also train the biceps, you should turn the exercise around. Stand at a distance in front of the sofa, support your hands on the edge and step back with your straight legs so that your body forms a line. Then do push-ups and bend your arms deeply.

5. Side Support For The Waist Lie On

On your right side, tense your stomach tightly. Then come up in the side support by resting the weight on your right hand and the edge of your feet. The arm is stretched out. Make sure that the writing is under the shoulder and that the body is in a line. The left arm is stretched straight up.

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