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Healthy Eating: Everyone Should Know These Ten Tips

Are you also confused when it comes to healthy eating? We make the restart and explain the basic rules for a healthy diet. Have you heard about the latest food trend that is healthy and also brings the long-awaited weight loss success? Don’t you think? – That’s right! Most of us are now overwhelmed and entirely overwhelmed by supposedly healthy nutrition tips, so hardly anyone knows how to eat a balanced and healthy diet. What is right?

Now is probably the right time to take a close look at your diet and perhaps to remember essential tips such as: “You should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables” or “You should drink a lot.” To make it easier, you can refresh your knowledge with these ten essential rules for a healthy and balanced diet.

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Eating a balanced diet is not only very good for your health, but it can also boost your performance so that you can feel good all over. In addition, women who want to have children should deal extensively with a healthy and balanced diet, which can sometimes impact conception. The following ten tips for a healthy diet were obtained based on current scientific knowledge. Incidentally, we received information about this from the “German Society for Nutrition experts.”

Ten Tips For A Healthy Diet

  1. Diversity is pure enjoyment – Don’t always reach for the same products. Take advantage of the vast offer that is available to you. You can let off steam, and your food will never be dull again. Have you tried everything from the vegetable and fruit section of your supermarket? We rely on fresh and natural products, whether for eating or drinking. Above all, the right amount and the combination of high nutrient content and low energy are decisive. Plant-based foods, in particular, provide you with precisely that, and, in addition, your health is positively supported.

​2. Whole grain is the magic word – carbs are allowed! Yes, you read that right. Grain products and potatoes are simply part of a healthy diet. Bread, cereal flakes, pasta, rice, and potatoes are not taboo. Of course, the magic word is whole grain. After all, it would be best if you ideally were consuming at least 30 grams of fiber – every day. Incidentally, entire grain products and potatoes contain many vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals that are good for your health and that your body urgently needs.

  1. Vegetables and fruit for EVERYONE! Yes, exactly, because they are the be-all and end-all of a healthy diet. It’s not for nothing that most of us learned the rule “take five a day” in elementary school. So it should be precisely these five portions of fruit and vegetables every day—best fresh or gently cooked. Go with everything, whether with the main meal or as a snack between fruit and vegetables. You can also choose from freshly squeezed juices and smoothies. You will be supplied with plenty of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and secondary plant substances, no matter in which form. According to the DGE, this could even reduce the risk of diet-related diseases. A little tip: If you choose seasonal products, you protect the environment and always have variety on your plate.
  2. Animal foods provide your body with valuable nutrients. Milk provides you with essential calcium, and sea fish comes up with iodine, selenium, and n-3 fatty acids (including the well-known omega-3 fatty acids). When it comes to animal products of all kinds, you should attach great importance to freshness and sustainable origin. Milk and dairy products such as quark, yogurt, etc., should have a daily role in your diet. To keep the fat down, use low-fat varieties whenever possible. Ideally, fish should also be on the plate once or twice a week. No more than 300 – 600 g of meat should be eaten weekly, and sausages should be eaten. Always try to use the lean version. Core provides minerals and vitamins (B1, B6, and B12). Poultry (white meat) is healthier than red meat (beef, pork). The following still applies: Eggs should not be eaten every day.
  3. Fatclearly has the worst reputation of all nutritional building blocks. Nevertheless, it is part of it. Fats supply essential (essential) fatty acids. A little tip: Fatty foods also contain fat-soluble vitamins. However, fat provides so much energy that it can contribute to obesity if eaten in excess. In addition, too many saturated fatty acids increase the risk of lipid metabolism disorders, resulting in possible cardiovascular diseases. Ideally, vegetable oils and fats should always be used for cooking and baking in your kitchen. You should also pay close attention to invisible fat. Meat products, dairy products, and pastries, sweets are often quite greasy. Incidentally, this applies in particular to fast food and ready-made products.

​6. Sugar and Salt: Mmmm… Chocolates, muffins, jelly beans, chips, and soda – resisting these treats is no easy feat. But this is precisely where the crux lies because sugar and salt are not suitable for our health. If you cannot do without sweets completely, you should at least make sure to keep the sugar content as low as possible. A little renunciation is also part of a healthy diet. In addition, you really shouldn’t use it all the time – try spreading a bar of chocolate over the whole week. The situation is similar to salt. Season it creatively with herbs and spices and a little salt for a change. Please use the enriched versions with iodine and fluoride if you have salt.

  1. Drink enough! Water is essential for life – you should drink at least around 1.5 liters of liquid every day. Here, too, low-energy and unsweetened is ideal. If you drink drinks that provide a lot of energy – for example, in the form of sugar – constantly and in large quantities, this can promote the development of obesity. You should only drink lemonade and sweet fruit juice drinks rarely. The same applies to alcoholic beverages, which do nothing at all for your health – on the contrary, your health is even endangered. Make sure you drink alcohol infrequently and in small amounts.

By the way: Before you eat, ask yourself if you are hungry. Many people often confuse hunger and thirst because they no longer know precisely what their body’s signals mean.

  1. Gentle preparation of your food is essential so that as many nutrients as possible are preserved and protected. Fresh ingredients should be cooked at the lowest possible temperatures and, if possible, boil briefly and in little water. You should also use fat as sparingly as possible – this does not distort the natural taste and prevents the formation of harmful compounds

​9. True enjoyment takes time, and this should not be neglected, especially with meals, because this is where the potential for enjoyment lies at its highest. Very important: Don’t just eat casually in front of the TV or the computer. Take the time and listen to your body to promote and sensitize the feeling of satiety.

  1. Exercise and weight are also two important factors that make up a healthy diet. Why? With at least 30 to 60 minutes of exercise and sport every day, you can positively influence your weight. Try getting off the train one stop earlier and then walking home, or ride your bike more often.

Eating Healthy: Tips For Losing Weight

At regular intervals, we all come into contact with supposedly sensible tips for healthy eating. At the latest, when your jeans start to pinch a little or the success of your current diet is frustrating, you start looking for the absolute secret recipe. What do we find there? Are these valuable tips for healthy eating or just some flimsy diet programs that drive us further into the vicious circle of frustration and yo-yo?

It could help you restart by changing your diet to an average level. With the ten tips from the DGE, you can eradicate mistakes that have crept into your diet over the years. If you have any health problems or need to follow medical diets, please consult your doctor beforehand. If you want to do without certain foods for moral reasons, you can also ask your doctor so that nothing is missing in your body.

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