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HomeHEALTH & WELLNESSIs Ginger Healthy? It Has These Effects On The Body

Is Ginger Healthy? It Has These Effects On The Body

Whether it’s nausea, cold or digestive problems – ginger is said to help with all of these ailments. But is that true? We took a look at how healthy ginger is. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is considered an actual miracle bulb and is said to help with many ailments. According to studies, ginger has long since proven its effectiveness in travel or pregnancy sickness conditions. However, new research has shown that the spicy tuber can do much more for our health and well-being.

But why is ginger so healthy? That’s because of the ingredients. Among other things, ginger contains gingerol. This botanical provides an intense citrus aroma and allows the ginger to have healing properties. Furthermore, ginger or the root, more precisely the rhizome, contains essential oils, zingiberene, and, as another pungent substance, in addition to gingerols, also schools.

Fresh ginger is best, ideally of organic quality. You can prepare this as hot tea or as cold ginger water. You can prepare healthy ginger tea in just a few simple steps.

Easy Ginger Tea Recipe:

  • ​Cut off a piece of the ginger root (approx. 1.5 cm) and remove the peel.
  • Grate, press, or cut the flesh into small pieces.
  • Pour hot water over it, cover, and leave to stand for a good 10 minutes.
  • Either enjoy the ginger tea immediately or let it cool down.

The ginger tea also tastes delicious with honey and some lemon juice teaspoon.

Tip: If you don’t like the taste of ginger at all, you can get capsules with ground ginger in the drugstore or pharmacy. The effect on stomach problems or nausea is comparable to drinking ginger tea.

Seven Healthy Reasons To Eat More Ginger

Ginger is a popular medicinal plant in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda. Ginger should not be missing in the medicine chest or the kitchen because it is simply unbeatably healthy. Here are seven effects the tuber has on our body.

Ginger Helps With Colds

Whether for prevention or as SOS medicine when a cold is approaching: Healthy ginger should be your home remedy of choice. Ginger is said to have antiviral properties and is therefore particularly popular for flu and colds. The contained gingerol has an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthens the immune system. In addition, it warms wonderfully from the inside, and in the case of respiratory problems, ginger loosens the mucus in the bronchi and paranasal sinuses.

Ginger Can Relieve Stomach Pains

The tuber is also an excellent home remedy for gastrointestinal complaints. Fresh ginger tea helps, for example, against abdominal cramps or a bloated stomach. However, ginger can also increase symptoms, so you should not eat ginger if you have a sensitive stomach or are even diagnosed with ulcers.

Ginger Supports Digestion

If you eat greasy food that is difficult to digest, you should drink ginger tea or take ginger powder afterward. Ginger helps with digestion. Gingerol helps the liver with digestion. Ginger also supports the absorption of nutrients. Instead of being whole and tired, you feel fit and have no stomach problems.

Ginger Helps With Nausea

Ginger is also perfect if you regularly get sick on bus rides or the plane. Its anti-nausea effects have been proven for many years, and you won’t get tired of ginger tea or capsules like motion sickness pills do.

According to an Australian study in which various study results were compared, ginger can also be used safely and effectively as a medicine to combat morning sickness during pregnancy. However, in particular, pregnant women should be careful with ginger and not overdo it. For dosage, type, and duration of application, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor.

By the way: Ginger helps against nausea in general, not just when traveling.

Ginger Has An Analgesic Effect

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a headache, body aches, or menstrual pains: Ginger can work minor miracles here too. It drives away the pain in a completely natural way. Just drink a cup of tea or take a capsule with ginger powder. Mix a few drops of ginger essential oil with a carrier oil, such as jojoba or almond oil, then gently rub onto sore muscles or joints.

Ginger Ensures Beautiful Skin

Ginger is not only great for diseases. The effect goes much further! This promotes blood circulation and minimizes inflammation. Anyone who drinks ginger tea regularly is happy about a radiant complexion.

Tip: You can also try ginger face masks. To do this, finely grate 3-4 cm of ginger root, add to 120 ml of hot water and leave to steep for 5 minutes. Mix one tablespoon of honey with three tablespoons of wheat germ and stir into the slightly cooled ginger water. Apply the mask to the face. Wipe gently with a damp cloth.

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