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Lose 10 Kg In A Month: Is It Possible?

Is it possible to lose 10 kg in a month? What contraindications are linked to such abrupt and sudden weight loss? Are diets to lose 10 kilograms in such a short time genuinely balanced from a macronutrient point of view? Let’s find out everything you need to know.

Is There A Diet To Lose 10 Kg In A Month?

Many people wish to undertake a weight loss journey. However, it is essential to remember that losing 10 kilos in a month is an unrealistic goal on average, which, in addition to being very difficult to achieve, can even have negative consequences for our health. For a non-obese subject who is on average 10-20 kg overweight, it is practically impossible to carry out such a restrictive low-calorie regime without encountering dangerous nutritional deficiencies, not to mention the fact that, once the diet is over, it would be straightforward to recover all the kg lost.

If losing 10 kg in a month is, therefore, a utopian goal, the goal of losing the same amount of weight over a more extended period is within everyone’s reach, as long as you pay attention to the calorie balance of the day and practice an adequate amount of physical activity.  A calorie cut considered normal is between 350 and 500 per day, depending on gender, which, on average, will lead to losing around 0.5 kg per week. 

Considering that 1 kg of fat mass contains approximately 7000 kcal, to produce a weight loss of 10 kg per month, it would be necessary to establish a deficit of roughly 2500 calories per day, which is a lot considering that the average requirement of a typical weight male between 18 and 29-year-olds 1.70m tall has approximately 2600 kcal/day. It is clear, therefore, that you can lose 10 kg in a month only if you establish a very extreme diet, which can only be helpful in some pathological cases under strict medical supervision.

However, losing weight remains a highly subjective process influenced by various variables, including starting overweight, the amount of physical activity practiced, and individual characteristics. Generally speaking, an obese person can quickly lose up to 5 kg per month, while those who have little fat to lose are rarely able to lose more than 500 grams-1kg every thirty days.

Diet To Lose 10 Kg In A Month: Does It Work?

Many people wonder how to lose 10 kg in a month. However, it is essential to clarify that although it is possible to drop the scale needle significantly in such a short time, it is also likely that you will recover all the excess fat once the low-calorie regime is over. In most cases, the loss you notice in weight is not fat but water, which will accumulate again as soon as you start to introduce more calories again. 

Another aspect to be considered of such intense and rapid weight loss is that lean mass is also lost in addition to fat mass. The subject will, therefore, find himself with fewer muscles and consequently with a less efficient and slower metabolism, triggering a rebound effect at the end of the restrictive regime, leading him to gain weight again.

How To Lose 10 Kg Quickly: The Diet To Try

Once it is clear that there is no magic formula on how to lose 10 kilos in a month (other than a very strict caloric deprivation, which brings more disadvantages than benefits), losing this amount of weight over a more extended period is certainly an achievable goal. To achieve this, you must follow a diet that allows you to cut a good amount of calories and practice physical activity at least 2/3 times a week. As regards the food sphere, the foods that are advisable to reduce include:

  1. fatty cheeses;
  2. sweets;
  3. alcohol;
  4. white sugar;
  5. fried preparations;
  6. packaged products.

However, fruit, vegetables, lean proteins (chicken and turkey, white fish, low-fat dairy products such as ricotta and yogurt), and carbohydrates, better than wholemeal (oats, rice, quinoa, etc.), cannot be missing. And legumes. Here is a list of foods that you can consume, respecting the indications on the quantity provided by your calorie plan:


  1. slice of toasted bread
  2. sugar-free cereals
  3. low-fat plain yogurt with fruit
  4. oat bran flakes
  5. skimmed milk
  6. Greek yogurt with honey
  7. unsweetened tea or coffee

Mid-Morning SnackCK

  1. Orange juice
  2. Three walnuts
  3. a yogurt
  4. three toasted slices
  5. fruit salad
  6. square of unsweetened dark chocolate


  1. Turkey breast
  2. chicken breast
  3. lean sausages (bresaola, turkey, etc.) 
  4. egg
  5. lean white fish
  6. feta cheese
  7. ricotta
  8. mozzarella cheese
  9. vegetables
  10. avocado
  11. cereals (quinoa, rice, oats, buckwheat, millet, etc.)
  12. legumes (chickpeas, beans, lentils, etc.)
  13. whole grain bread
  14. potatoes, not in combination with other sources of carbohydrates

Mid-Afternoon Snack

  1. an Apple
  2. cut of bread with a layer of jam
  3. slice of bread with a slice of ham
  4. Greek yogurt
  5. fruit salad
  6. dried fruit


  1. fish (for example, grilled or stewed salmon)
  2. soups and veloutés
  3. vegetable soup
  4. Vegetable meatballs
  5. legume puree
  6. rice
  7. tofu
  8. seitan
  9. seasonal vegetables
  10. Hummus

Diet And Sport To Lose 10 Kg: Advice To Follow

How do you lose enough fat in a month without making too many sacrifices? Here are the tips to put into practice:

  1. Train at least three times a week, choosing activities that burn a fair number of calories, such as running, swimming, cycling, tennis, etc.;
  2. Consume a small snack both mid-morning and mid-afternoon so as not to arrive at the main meal excessively hungry;
  3. Replace red meats, fatty cheeses, and sausages with foods less rich in  sodium, such as white fish and low-fat dairy products;
  4. alternate cardio and  anaerobic physical activity ;
  5. Consume an adequate amount of fiber, remembering to eat five portions of vegetables and fruit every day;
  6. Train for at least 45 minutes, maintaining a good pace: the more the muscles are prepared, the faster the metabolism will become at burning the excess calories;
  7. Eat slowly, trying to pay attention to food;
  8. Drink at least two liters of water a day to stimulate the elimination of excess fluids;
  9. Prefer preparations such as grilling, baking, or steaming rather than fried foods ;
  10. Limit high-calorie sauces and condiments ;
  11. Exclude alcohol  and  carbonated drinks from your diet ;
  12. Prefer EVO oil to season vegetables and pay attention to the amount of butter used to flavor foods.

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