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Moringa Oleifera, Properties And Uses Of The Plant

Moringa is a consumable plant utilized in cooking, for mending, and the magnificence of skin and hair.

Moringa And Moringa Oleifera, The Plant

Different types of the Moringaceae family have a place with the sort Moringa, including Moringa oleifera, a plant utilized for food and remedial purposes and known as the wonder tree or Indian horseradish. Initially from India, Moringa fills different tropical and subtropical regions, including Africa and Asia. The various pieces of the plant are generally used to treat other diseases, and today, we rapidly find food supplements in powder, containers, or tablets acquired from moringa leaves.

What Is Moringa

As we have seen, Moringa is a plant that has a place in the Moringaceae family. It is a palatable plant: in the nations of the beginning, leaves, roots, and organic products are ordinarily consumed. A refreshing food oil is likewise obtained from moringa seeds, consequently utilized as a topping for hair and skin. With the dried leaves, you can plan health enhancements or powders that we track down at a bargain as superfoods to work on the wholesome profile of the recipes.

What’s In It, And What Parts Are Used

Moringa constituents include:

  1. Polyphenols
  2. beta-carotene
  3. C vitamin
  4. Vitamin E
  5. B vitamins
  6. soccer
  7. iron
  8. magnesium
  9. essential amino acids
  10. omega-3 and omega-6

For therapeutic purposes, the dried leaves are used in Moringa, but for this plant, they are also used for fruits, seeds, bark, and root, which also have food use.


Numerous properties are attributed to Moringa, including:

  1. Antimicrobial;
  2. anti-inflammatory;
  3. antioxidants;
  4. hepatoprotective;
  5. neuroprotective. 

Furthermore, Moringa can help modulate blood sugar in the case of type II diabetes mellitus. It can help decrease cholesterol and triglyceride levels and reduce the risk of developing neoplastic diseases.

The Benefits

Moringa is a very nutritious edible plant, providing the body with numerous essential substances such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and crucial fatty acids. Traditionally, Moringa is used as an anti-inflammatory remedy, to treat joint pain, as an adjuvant in bacterial, viral, and fungal infections, and to prevent: 

  1. Cardiovascular pathologies;
  2. diabetes;
  3. tumors. 

Clinical studies on humans of Moringa are scarce but show potential use of the plant in case of diabetes and rheumatism and to preserve memory in old age. Other possible benefits of Moringa include the reduction of typical menopause symptoms and the risk of osteoporosis.

Moringa Supplements

Moringa supplements are usually formulated from the plant’s dried leaves, often associated with other plants. These supplements, available in powder, capsule, and tablet form, are recommended for different situations:

  1. To relieve menopausal symptoms;
  2. promote weight loss;
  3. purify the body;
  4. even just to integrate vitamins and minerals and strengthen the immune system.

Moringa is considered a superfood, i.e., a food particularly rich in essential nutrients; therefore, its intake can improve general well-being and support the body by supporting cell function.

Moringa In Menopause

Moringa is found in many supplements dedicated to the health and well-being of menopausal women for:

  1. Mood swings;
  2. hot flashes;
  3. counteract weight gain;
  4. loss of concentration;
  5. the reduction of bone density.

Often in these supplements, Moringa is associated with plants such as black cohosh, clover, soy, and other valuable remedies for typical menopausal ailments. The benefits of Moringa in menopause seem to depend on its ability to regulate hormones and the presence of essential nutrients, including calcium, vitamins, minerals, and substances with an antioxidant action.

Moringa In Slimming Diets

Food supplements are often recommended to promote weight loss when following a slimming diet. In reality, few plant extracts can help with weight loss, and they are generally stimulant remedies, such as caffeine. Moringa in slimming diets could help fight overweight and obesity by increasing insulin sensitivity, reducing lipid absorption, and lowering cholesterol. Still, more studies are needed to determine its efficacy and mechanism of action. There are no supplements or miraculous remedies to lose weight: weight loss occurs only by reducing calorie intake and increasing energy expenditure thanks to physical activity.

Contraindications And Side Effects

The traditional use of Moringa as a food and remedy suggests a specific safety of this plant. There are no reported side effects or particular contraindications of Moringa. The plant obviously should not be used in case of allergies. If you have pathologies, are following therapies, and in pregnancy, breastfeeding, and childhood, it is advisable to hear your doctor’s opinion.

Cosmetic Uses Of Moringa

Moringa oil, obtained by extraction from the plant’s seeds, is used for skin and hair care. 

  1. Moringa oil contains :
  2. oleic acid;
  3. stearic acid;
  4. behenic acid and other fatty acids;
  5. sterols and tocopherol.

Behenic acid ( or docosanoic acid) is also used to impart softness to moisturizers and hair conditioners. Also known as ” Ben’s oil” or  “Behen,” moringa oil has emollient, antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties and is mainly used for oily skin or in case of acne, dandruff, and seborrheic dermatitis. 

Moringa In The Kitchen

The moringa plant is edible in all its parts, and in the countries of origin, it is consumed as food. The Moringa leaves, fruits, seeds, roots, and bark are consumed. The leaves can be eaten raw or cooked like any green leafy vegetable, alone or with other greens. The immature pods are eaten boiled, like green beans; if ripe, only the seed inside the pod is consumed and cooked like legumes.

We obtain the oil from the seeds, which, in addition to being used in the cosmetic field, is also used as a condiment. Finally, the root is used similarly to horseradish, and the dried and finely chopped bark is used to flavor fruit salads and drinks. In India, it is rare to find fresh Moringa, but you can buy it in powder form as a superfood to add to muffin mixes, sauces, and fillings.

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