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Seven Steps To Promote Eye Health

The vision is maintained every day! To prevent or slow down the onset of eye problems and keep the good health of your eyes, here are seven simple actions recommended by specialists.

Protect Your Eyes From The Sun’s Rays

Whatever the color of your eyes, it is essential to protect them from prolonged exposure to the sun’s rays, the harmful effects of which can reach the retina or lead to the early appearance of cataracts. Unsurprisingly, the most effective protection is sunglasses: they must filter both UVA (ultraviolet rays at the highest wavelengths) and UVB (ultraviolet rays at medium wavelengths). 

In addition, you prefer large glasses to smaller ones that would not fully protect your side vision. Wearing a head covering is also an excellent way to protect your eyes from the sun’s rays. Finally, never look directly at the sun, even with suitable glasses: ultraviolet and infrared rays may burn specific areas of your retina.

Read With Sufficient Lighting

Near vision is very much in demand during reading, whether on paper or screen. To help relieve your eyes, ensure you always read with sufficient light: when it is dark and in the evening, turn on a high light (ceiling type) and a light at the same level as you and close to your location. Overworked eyes caused by insufficient light while reading can lead to headaches, dryness, itchy eyes and blurred vision.

Take Regular Screen Breaks

Dryness and eye fatigue, sleep disorders… The consequences of excessive exposure to blue light from screens (computers, smartphones and tablets) can be harmful. To avoid them, it is essential to allow breaks without a net, particularly when working mainly in their company: a gap of 15 minutes every 2 hours at least is recommended e. And to ensure quality sleep, avoid screens at least an hour before bedtime.

Position yourself far enough away from your screens

If you work on a screen, the correct posture to adopt for the well-being of your eyes is to set your computer at eye level (or just below) and keep a distance of 40 to 50 centimeters between your eyes . and the screen.

Similarly, remember to adjust its brightness and adapt to your environment’s lighting. The last tip, remember to blink. The blue light from the screens reduces eye blinking, which is nevertheless natural and helpful for limiting dryness and eye fatigue.

Improve The Quality Of Your Sleep

While you sleep, your eyes regenerate. For optimal regeneration, your sleep time must be sufficient: between 6 and 8 hours per night, depending on your needs. Complete darkness, without a light source, even diffuse, is preferable: it promotes hydration of your eyes and the evacuation of foreign particles such as pollution or, more simply, dust.

Adopt A Healthy And Balanced Diet

Vitamin C is particularly conducive to ocular well-being, as it notably reduces the risk of the appearance of cataracts and macular degeneration. Logs, kiwis, green and yellow peppers, green vegetables or even strawberries, pomegranates and berries are rich in them.

Another vitamin that is good for the eyes: vitamin A. You will find it mainly in carrots, eggs, red meat, poultry, fish, seafood or soybeans. It is particularly effective when combined with sufficient zinc, promoting vision sharpness. Finally, vitamin B2 contributes to optimal oxygenation of the eyes. It is found in dairy products, such as pure milk or yogurts, mushrooms, almonds and quinoa.

See An Eye Doctor Regularly

Last but not least, consider regularly consulting an ophthalmologist. This visit should take place every 2 to 3 years on average and as soon as possible in case of ocular discomfort. This specialist is in the best position to assess the quality of your sight, spot the first signs of a vision disorder, and screen for certain eye diseases. And this, from an early age!

We summarize… Simple gestures allow you to maintain the excellent health of your eyes for a long time. They are particularly recommended in case of regular and prolonged exposure to screens. Diet, sunlight exposure, and sleep quality are also crucial in maintaining good vision. Finally, consulting an ophthalmologist every 2 to 3 years is highly recommended.

Read Also: Supplements For The Eyes, What They Are & When To Take Them


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