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Should Food Supplements Be Included In Your Beauty Routine?

Should dietary supplements be part of a beauty routine? What are nutritional supplements used for? How to choose them? We will tell you everything.

What Is A Dietary Supplement?

As its name suggests, it is a food supplement, i.e., it is ingested. These vitamins can provide or fill a slight lack (in the body), improving the appearance of the skin or hair from the inside. It does not replace a dish.

In What Form Can We Find A Food Supplement?

There are various forms, in powder, capsule, tablet, flake, ampoule, infusion, or, recently, in candy called gummies.

Why Take Dietary Supplements?

They help to complete a treatment or to boost the body, for example, a lack of tone with vitamin C, to strengthen its immune defenses at the approach of winter, to help lose weight, to improve the appearance of the skin ( dry, oily, with imperfections), delay the effect of aging… Taking the appropriate dietary supplement can enhance the appearance of the skin.

 The hair is damaged, dehydrated, has a fall, and needs to promote growth…; taking an appropriate food supplement can improve the hair fiber and appearance and limit breakage, but do not repair it. A cure does not dispense with a good beauty routine; you must continue your normal skin and hair care. Food supplements are suitable for any need, whether it is a composition of a mixture of plants,

When And For How Long Should I Take Dietary Supplements?

Food supplements are taken as a cure, i.e., over several weeks. Treatment is recommended over at least three months to obtain results. If the duration is shorter, the results will not be conclusive, and you may be disappointed; six months is the maximum. A cure can be done several times a year. 

Most often at the change of season, at the beginning of autumn, for example, to prevent hair loss, to strengthen one’s immune defenses, and at the beginning of spring. But only take it continuously over a whole year to avoid accustoming the body. Carefully follow the advice of the leaflet, bringing the daily dose indicated to prevent an overdose.

How To Choose Your Food Supplement?

As mentioned above, there are various forms; choose the one that suits you, and you can bear to take every day for three months. In spangles and powder, they are to be sprinkled in food; think of the taste. In tablets, capsules, or ampoules, they are to be taken in the morning or the evening with a large glass of water, in infusion, two to three cups per day.

 Recently a new form has been all the rage, in the form of candy with a fruity taste that is more pleasant for some people. But be careful not to be tempted to take more. Do not exceed the daily dose recommended in the leaflet for any food supplement. The choice will be made according to your skin, hair, or body needs.

 Dietary supplements that target the hair often affect the nails, don’t be surprised if they become more resistant with accelerated growth. During your treatment, avoid hardener nail care to prevent them from breaking.

The Results Of A Course Of Dietary Supplements

They are numerous depending on the target; concerning the skin, the appearance is improved. The hair can be more voluminous, fortified, less fall, less brittle, shinier, or longer. As for the nails, they are more resistant, longer, and less brittle. 

Undesirable effects are possible; an ingredient in the composition may very well not be suitable for you; for example, bloating may occur during the duration of the cure. If so, stop the treatment. A food supplement cure is a plus in a beauty routine because some treatments are insufficient to complete a good medicine; a boost does not hurt; it is an almost essential beauty ally.


  1. For food supplements of vitamins and minerals, it is preferable to carry out a blood test to avoid overdosing (iron, magnesium, etc.). For severe deficiencies, consult a doctor.
  2. Read the instructions before starting a cure to avoid overdose, insufficient intake, and to be aware of the contraindications.
  3. Food supplements are not recommended for children or pregnant or breastfeeding women.

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