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HomeHEALTH & WELLNESSThe Differences That Can Happen In Black Skin

The Differences That Can Happen In Black Skin

Due to the high level of melanin in the skin, it is common to think that people with black skin do not need to use sunscreen or maintain other care for healthy aging.

They are more resistant to exposure. However, there are certain myths surrounding this issue. In addition, they are more likely to develop folliculitis and melasma.

Therefore, regardless of the tone, it is worth noting that it is necessary to keep the skin clean and hydrated and reapply sunscreen between two or three hours of exposure. However, it is essential to use specific products that combat oiliness, a factor that is very present in this type of skin. Thus, it is necessary to pay attention to tones when investing in a suitable solution.

So opt for a lower FPS if the tone is darker and a higher FPS if it is lighter. In any case, follow the advice of a dermatologist you trust and never buy products without proper medical guidance and origin. In addition, as black skin stains easily, solutions with Vitamin supplement provide excellent protection and prevent the signs of aging, as the component has high antioxidant and unifying power.

The Importance Of Choosing A Compounding Pharmacy

Following what is described in your facial schedule correctly is essential, but you need to choose a good compounding pharmacy. You must be sure that you are using quality products that will do your skin good.

Also, opt for an establishment that has a pharmaceutical professional on site. After all, he will answer any doubts you may have and help you choose the suitable options for your objective. 

The Manipulated Products That Can Be Inserted Into The Routine

Generally speaking, a facial schedule requires a lot of commitment from people. This is because it is necessary to follow daily processes to obtain satisfactory results, to feel good about yourself, and, consequently, to value the health of your skin.

In this case, it is essential not only to choose a compounding pharmacy that you trust but to pay attention to products that add value to your goal and will make you invest in a good quality of life. So, see some examples of solutions that we separate below.

Moisturizing Creams

When we talk about hydrating activities, we cannot forget the great value that dermo-cosmetics have nowadays. It is worth mentioning that they are effective solutions in dermatological treatments with formulas that bring long-term benefits to your skin.

In addition, they are entirely safe to use compared to traditional cosmetics, which are momentary solutions with many preservatives and dyes in their composition. Allied to this, each dermo-cosmetic manipulation aligns with the individual’s needs and brings several pharmaceutical forms that contribute to treatment adherence, such as gel, lotion, or cream.

Another solution that promotes skin hydration is hyaluronic acid. It is already quite famous for maintaining elasticity and firmness in the complexion and decreasing lines and signs of expression.


To maintain your youthfulness, some vitamins add value to your facial schedule. For example, Vitamin C benefits collagen production, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, and has excellent antioxidant power. Many products on the market are already found with this component in the formula.

There is also Vitamin D which promotes the restructuring of the epidermis, Vitamin B5 with its anti-inflammatory action, and Vitamin A, which helps in the skin’s healing process.


Currently, there are several types of sunscreen, and each one can suit your skin tone and benefit your facial schedule. After all, to combat the harmful effects of UVA and UVB rays, it is good to invest in an option that best suits your routine and lifestyle. Whether in spray, cream, gel, or capsule, it is necessary to count on this product daily to prevent premature aging, burns, stains, and skin diseases.

Based on this facial schedule, you can get unique and lasting results. But before starting it, be aware of the need to purchase products suitable for each skin type. Also, be disciplined not to stop doing these practices at the desired period. This brings external and internal advantages.

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