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HomeDIETTop 15 Protein-Rich Foods (Excluding Meat)

Top 15 Protein-Rich Foods (Excluding Meat)

Contrary to popular belief, protein-rich foods are not just meat and fish. They are not the only ones to be part of protein foods; far from it! Many vegetables contain more protein than a piece of “steak.” So if you want to stop or limit your meat consumption out of conviction, taste, for the planet, or your health, many vegetable protein sources are available to you.

What Are The Most Protein-Rich Foods Besides Meat? 

Nature is well made. Because of their protein content, certain foods are interesting substitutes for meat. By including them in your diet, it is possible to eat less meat while avoiding a protein deficiency. We have selected 15 plant-based foods that contain a high proportion of protein and are good for your health.

15 Foods High In Plant Protein

Here are 15 high-protein foods you should include in your diet!

Oat Bran, A Food Rich In Protein To Helps Lose Weight

Oat bran is the husk of the grain of oats, i.e., what remains of the cereal once it has been transformed into flour. In addition to being rich in soluble fiber, oat bran contains 13g of protein per 100g. Regarding benefits, oat bran is particularly appreciated for its dietary aspect: once consumed, it causes an immediate satiety effect, ideal for fighting against cravings for snacking!

Oat bran should be consumed in moderation to ensure you get all its benefits. The recommended daily “dose” is two tablespoons (about 25 g) to incorporate into a salad or yogurt. If you exceed this recommended limit, the oat bran could absorb other nutrients beneficial to your health.

Buckwheat, Protein But No Gluten

Buckwheat also contains 13g of protein. It is likewise a decent wellspring of magnesium. Another advantage: it does not contain gluten. If you are gluten intolerant, you can eat buckwheat without risk and enjoy all its benefits. Among its virtues, we can cite:

  1. its satiating side;
  2. its prebiotic properties ;
  3. its many minerals and trace elements (magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, etc.) are all essential to the body;
  4. its calcium, beneficial for the bones.

If you want to eat buckwheat, rinse and drain the seeds before cooking them for 15 minutes in salted water. Once ready, include them in a salad or even a risotto.

Where To Find Protein In Food? Think Quinoa

Quinoa contains 14g of protein. It is also very rich in amino acids, and it is gluten-free. Hot or cold, you can eat quinoa as you wish! Add it to a raw vegetable salad or a tabbouleh to replace semolina. Hot version, mix the quinoa with some vegetables and spices to treat yourself!

Spelled, An Interesting Cereal

This cereal contains 15g of protein per 100g. Spelled is usually eaten as flakes, seeds, or flour. It can be incorporated into many preparations, such as soups and salads. With its flour, you can make bread or even cookies.

Fish, For Pescetarians

As an indication for pescetarians, fish would be at this level of the classification among foods rich in protein, with an average of 16g ​​of protein for a 100g portion. If you don’t eat fish, don’t panic, many other foods rich in vegetable proteins are available!

Chia Seeds For Protein Desserts

Chia seeds are becoming increasingly popular and for a good reason! They are rich in omega-3, fiber, and protein ( 17g per 100g ). By integrating them into your diet (in your dairy products, salads, smoothies, pastries, etc.), you can take advantage of their interesting virtues :

  1. They facilitate good intestinal transit;
  2. They strengthen teeth and bones;
  3. They help prevent diabetes and certain cancers;
  4. They help to lose weight;
  5. They are good for the brain and the heart;
  6. They nourish the skin;
  7. They are effective in combating stress and for better sleep;
  8. They are ideal for staying in shape all day long.

Chickpeas, The Ally Of Vegetables

Chickpeas contain 19g of protein . They are the basis of many vegetarian cuisines. For comparison, meat would be in this place of the classification with an average of 20g of protein per 100g. Chickpeas contain many other nutrients, such as magnesium and fiber. Preparation advice: soak them before tasting them for better digestion. With it, cook delicious couscous or good hummus, or prepare a nice mixed salad!

Tempeh, An Asian Inspiration

Tempeh is obtained from the fermentation of soybeans and looks a bit like cheese. It contains 20g of protein per 100g.

The Nut, A Protein-Rich Fruit

Known to be rich in mineral salts and vitamins, nuts are also a very good source of protein (20g per 100g). On the tasting side, you can add them to a green salad or an endive salad. As an aperitif, offer it to your guests so they can nibble. Of course, nuts are also ideal for preparing good desserts: incorporated into pies, brownies, and cakes, they will bring a nice crunchy texture!

Fenugreek, A Small Seed Rich In Protein

They are small seeds that can be eaten as a spice or sprouted. Fenugreek contains 23g of protein per 100g. In addition, its high fiber content has a positive impact on digestion. In the kitchen, fenugreek is ideal for enhancing all kinds of dishes.

Indians Adzuki Beans, To Discover

Indians’ adzuki beans deserve to be known! In particular, they contain a good protein content: 25g per 100g. You can enjoy them in several ways, such as mashed potatoes. They can also go well with legumes such as lentils.

Pumpkin Seeds, Foods Rich In Protein And Not Expensive

Pumpkin seeds are rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein, with 25g per 100g. In addition, they are very easy to eat in salads, on bread, or as an appetizer. So, do not hesitate to integrate them into many recipes to treat yourself while taking advantage of their various health-beneficial nutrients! You can buy them in bulk at the store or dry them for almost free protein!

Peanut Butter, A Protein-Rich Food That Will Make You Fat?

We didn’t think of it, and yet! Peanut butter surprises in this ranking because of its good protein content: 25g per 100g. Consuming it will also provide vitamin B3, iron, and phosphorus. From time to time, you can therefore choose it as an alternative to meat! However, it is also rich in fats and carbohydrates.

Hemp Seeds Have A Handful Of Benefits

Hemp seeds offer 26g of protein per 100g. Other benefits: they contain several vitamins (A, D, and E), fiber, and omega-3. Among their benefits, you can enjoy the following:

  1. Their antioxidant power is due to their interesting vitamin E content;
  2. Their positive effect on arterial health is due to their richness in unsaturated fatty acids;
  3. Thanks to their insoluble fibers, their satiety effect, and their practical side on digestion.
  4. To consume them, you can sprinkle them on your soup, plate of vegetables, salad, or even yogurt. Do not hesitate to incorporate them into a sweet recipe like a cake!

How To Increase Your Protein Intake In The Body? Think Soy!

Soy cereal is above 36g of protein per 100g of product. It is also rich in iron and essential fatty acids, which is good news for fighting cholesterol!

Which Food Contains The Most Protein Per 100g? Without Context, Spirulina!

Spirulina is a small alga that dethrones all foods in all categories with 65g of protein per 100g! But its benefits don’t stop there! Indeed, spirulina is particularly beneficial for :

  1. Combat iron deficiency due to its high iron content;
  2. Help fight against stress due to the amount of magnesium it contains;
  3. Fight against fatigue to boost the body;
  4. Reduce your appetite thanks to its appetite suppressant effect.

Read Also: Mineral Salts, This “Geological” Aspect Of Our Organism


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