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HomeHAIR CARE5 Recipes To Make Your Homemade Hair Detangler

5 Recipes To Make Your Homemade Hair Detangler

The false promises of commercial detanglers are often deceiving. Chemicals are too heavy, too greasy, or insufficient; it is sometimes a real headache to find the product you need. Consider the possibility that you then chose to make your legal consideration. You would know the exact things in it and could prepare a custom mix! By reading this article, you will discover five completely natural homemade detangling recipes. How to find your happiness! Oatmeal For Soft Hair

This recipe is straightforward to make, in addition to being waste-free! You will need the following:

  1. A bottle with a spray tip;
  2. Rolled oats (preferably organic);
  3. hot water;
  4. What to filter.

In a cup of hot water, put four tablespoons of rolled oats. Let them soak for at least 30 minutes or overnight if you’re not in a hurry. Filter the mixture through cheesecloth or relatively fine cotton. Then pour the oat water into the clean, disinfected bottle. All you have to do is spray this water on your lengths. You will see the disangling will be done very gently. This recipe has the advantage of not requiring rinsing! You can then reuse the flakes to make homemade oat milk.

Apple Cider Vinegar For Shine

Apple cider vinegar, in addition to being excellent for health, is also an excellent detangler! It is renowned for sheathing the hair fiber, making the hair shiny, and for its anti-dandruff action. If its strong smell bothers you, know that it evaporates quickly.

The recipe is straightforward to make:

  1. In a spray bottle, combine 40 cl of cold water with 10 cl of organic cider vinegar. Shake, it’s ready!
  2. For two weeks, you can also infuse aromatic herbs or citrus peel in your vinegar. This will delicately perfume your mixture and will personalize it even more!
  3. However, avoid adding essential oils to your recipe, as these are lipophilic. They need a fatty substance to dissolve and will not be effective when mixed with an aqueous component.
  4. Some hair types will need help with this recipe. Try another natural detangler recipe if your hair feels weighed down or sticky.

Aloe Vera Detangles Them Naturally

For 10 cl of detangler (about six uses), you will need the following:

  1. 9 cl of aloe vera gel (preferably organic);
  2. 12 drops of essential oil of ylang-ylang (or officinalis rosemary);
  3. One tablespoon of avocado oil (or another dry oil such as jojoba or argan).

In a clean and disinfected pump bottle, for all the ingredients listed above. Close it carefully and mix well. This should form a cream.

  1. Apply a hazelnut of this mixture to your hair once washed;
  2. You do not have to rinse this preparation.

Oils For Curly And Frizzy Hair

Curly or frizzy manes often need better care. They must be nourished, but the care must remain light for the hair fiber. The following recipe is specially formulated for these hair types. You’ll need the following:

  1. 45g mango butter;
  2. 20 ml coconut or jojoba oil (drier);
  3. 20 ml of buriti oil;
  4. 10 ml of liquid oil.

In a bain-marie, melt the butter and coconut oil. Once the mixture is homogeneous, please remove it from the heat and add the rest of the ingredients. Freeze this preparation and take it out at regular intervals to mix it. It would help if you ended up with a smooth, creamy batter. Once this result is achieved, you can pot.

Express Recipe For All Hair Types

In a spray bottle for:

  1. 1/3 vegetable oil of your choice adapted to your hair type (jojoba, argan, olive, sunflower, coconut, avocado, etc.);
  2. 2/3 water;
  3. Add a few drops of essential oils suited to your needs (tea tree, rosemary, lavender, rosemary geranium, etc.);
  4. Shake, it’s ready!

Remember to shake the bottle with each use so that the elements mix! Spray on damp hair, careful not to get it in your eyes. Brush, and admire the result! If you decide to add essential oils to your preparation, ask a health professional about their possible contraindications.

Read Also: 5 Tips To Eliminate The Smell Of Tobacco In The Hair


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