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HomeHAIR CARE6 Homemade Recipes To Lighten Your Hair Naturally

6 Homemade Recipes To Lighten Your Hair Naturally

Do you love the lightening action the sun produces on your hair in summer? Well, know that there are multiple natural tricks to give lighter highlights to your hair throughout the year. Indeed, many ingredients at hand and for all budgets can help you. Of course, the idea is not to change color radically but to give your blonde, chestnut, or brunette hair a “beach back” effect. 

For this, we all have various everyday products in our kitchen or bathroom cupboards with lightening properties that can be easily applied to our hair. So, adopt without delay the homemade recipes that follow to lighten your hair gently.  Ready for hair full of shine? 

Chamomile To Lighten Your Hair Naturally

Chamomile is a natural ingredient that has long been known to lighten hair. Its use is ideal if you are blonde or light brown. Easy to use, chamomile is a perfect way to accentuate your golden highlights easily. Thanks to this plant, you will have luminous and shiny hair. The ingredients needed for your chamomile rinse are:

  1. A pot of water (preferably not too hard);
  2. Chamomile flowers or chamomile infusion sachets (preferably organic).

Two steps for your rinse water:

  1. Heat water in a saucepan and add your chamomile;
  2. Infuse the chamomile for several minutes over low heat.

Please wait for the infusion to cool sufficiently, then rinse your hair with the preparation after having shampooed it. Use this grandma’s recipe at least once a week until you get the desired shade. Be careful on dark or black hair; chamomile can give orange reflections that are not very flattering!

Lemon To Lighten Your Hair Naturally

One of the most effective and natural ways to lighten your hair at home is to use lemon juice. Lemon rinses help to lighten the hair and give it light. To make lemon rinse water, nothing could be easier; you need:

  1. The juice of 3 lemons;
  2. Not too hard water.

Here is how to proceed with your home treatment:

  1. Squeeze the juice of 3 lemons;
  2. Strain the juice well so that it does not contain any seeds or pulp;
  3. Dilute the lemon juice in 1/2 liter of fresh water.

Wash your hair as you normally do. Then, do your last rinse with the liquid obtained. You can accentuate the lightening effect by drying your hair in the open air, more precisely in the sun under UV rays. For faster action, apply this lemon rinse at least once a week. 

A precaution, however, is using lemon to dry the hair fiber. Therefore, remember to nourish your hair well (nourishing mask, moisturizing serum, etc.). After a month, the use of this rinse should produce its effects. Note that lemon citric acid acts on naturally light hair: light blond, dark blond, or light brown. Dark hair may have orange highlights!

Apple Cider Vinegar To Lighten Your Hair Naturally

Vinegar is a daily, inexpensive product that is good for your hair. Organic cider vinegar is particularly recommended to lighten your hair naturally! For your rinse, you will need:

  1. Organic cider vinegar;
  2. A bowl of lukewarm water.

Easy and effective recipe to illuminate your mane:

  1. Warm a volume of water;
  2. Dilute a tablespoon of vinegar in a large lukewarm, low-calorie water bowl. 

Apply the mixture to damp, towel-dried hair (after your usual shampoo and conditioner) and leave to act for 15 minutes. Rinse with a light trickle of warm or cold water, preferably.  Renew the application once a week.  A little extra, using vinegar also makes it possible to tighten the hair’s scales (just like cold water). A good way to have shiny hair, whatever your natural color.

Baking Soda To Lighten Your Hair Naturally

The simple trick to lighten your hair without the fuss is using sodium bicarbonate! You already know it for its whitening effects on your teeth; it is also useful for your hair. Besides, it also removes the buildup of chemicals on your scalp. In short, it’s all good! Here is a very simple recipe with the following ingredients:

  1. 2 teaspoons of baking soda;
  2. A volume of water.

How to make this homemade hair preparation? Dilute 2 teaspoons of baking soda in water to create a paste! Apply the paste to your damp hair, evenly distribute the mixture over your lengths, and leave for 10 minutes. Then, rinse your hair with cool water before performing your usual shampoo and treatment.

Cinnamon To Lighten Your Hair Naturally

Cinnamon is a good way to lighten brown or chestnut hair if chamomile is the ally of blond hair. Indeed, cinnamon powder naturally illuminates your hair with nuanced reflections. A spice that gives spice to your hair! To make a cinnamon skin lightener, the ingredients needed are:

  1. Cinnamon ;
  2. Of honey ;
  3. Lemon juice;
  4. Conditioner.

Here’s how to prepare your homemade recipe: In a fairly deep bowl or small salad bowl…

  1. Add 2 tablespoons of cinnamon;
  2. 1 glass of honey;
  3. 1 glass of conditioner;
  4. 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.

Dampen your hair with water and apply this cinnamon mixture. Distribute evenly on your hair and massage the scalp for better penetration.  Ideally, leave it on overnight (under a Charlotte to not dirty your pillow) or for at least 2 to 4 hours. Finally, rinse with lukewarm water and continue your usual routine (shampoo and conditioner). Perform this treatment twice weekly to lighten your brown or chestnut hair further.

Honey To Lighten Your Hair Naturally

Beyond its nutritional qualities for the hair, honey can be used as a natural lightener. Indeed, it contains a particular enzyme, glucose oxidase, which transforms glucose and oxygen into hydrogen peroxide. Yes, the component used in hairdressing is to bleach hair! So, to take advantage of the lightning qualities of honey for your hair, you need the following:

  1. 2 to 3 spoons of honey;
  2. The same dose of conditioner;
  3. A slightly warm towel.

How to make your honey recipe?

  1. Mix the honey with your usual conditioner in a container;
  2. Stir with a spatula until you get a smooth texture.

Apply the mixture to your washed, rinsed, and towel-dried hair and leave for 20 minutes under the towel to promote the penetration of the active ingredients. Then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water. You will notice how your hair is healthier and more nourished. Use this product daily; you will see the lightning effect after about ten applications.

Read Also: Henna: On lean or dirty hair?


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