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HomeHEALTH & WELLNESSAgainst The Common Cold: How To Make Healthy Ginger Shots

Against The Common Cold: How To Make Healthy Ginger Shots

A shot glass of a healthy drink strengthens your immune system. We’ll tell you how you can quickly and easily make the miracle drink, ginger shots yourself. We want to strengthen the immune system, especially in the transitional or cold winter season. In addition to a healthy diet and sufficient exercise, you can also enhance your immune system with a real booster: the ginger shot.

It’s best to treat yourself to one of the non-alcoholic, super healthy glasses in the morning – it gives you a real kick. Some ginger shot fans even report that the energy boost from the spicy drink even makes morning coffee unnecessary.

But that’s the thing with ginger. You either love it, or you hate it. But anyone who has gotten used to its taste can benefit from its positive effects. In the meantime, the healthy root can be found in every supermarket and no longer the strange exotic fruit that you don’t dare to touch. In Asian cuisine, ginger provides that exceptional taste that turns every dish into a journey to the Far East.

Many people sip hot tea as soon as it is cold. Year-round drinkers know about the beneficial effects of ginger and also like to drink ginger water.

How Do Ginger Shots Work?

Of course, it always depends on the recipe, but the classic ginger shot contains ginger, lemon, honey, and turmeric. The main ingredient, ginger, is an absolute miracle root and works well for colds, thanks to the essential oils.

By the way, ginger also helps against nausea. But the other root, turmeric, also known as turmeric, is an essential part of Ayurvedic medicine and is considered a natural antibiotic.

The job of the lemon seems to be well known, so here’s a reminder – citrus fruits are the ultimate source of vitamin C. If you add honey to sweeten, you have another treasure of nature with you. In particular, Honey, New Zealand Manuka has healing and antibacterial properties.

Ginger shots are also increasingly available in smoothie bars, in bottles at supermarkets, or online. The cheaper alternative: You can easily mix the miracle drink yourself.

Please Make Your Ginger Shot: This Recipe Makes It Happen

You Need:

  • One large head of ginger
  • Two lemons
  • One orange
  • One piece of turmeric (2 cm)
  • Honey, maple, or agave syrup to taste

Here’s How It Works:

Peel the ginger and turmeric and cut them into small pieces—place them in the juicer with the citrus fruits. If you don’t have one, use a blender. Add ginger and turmeric pieces. Squeeze the citrus fruits and add a little more juice if necessary to not become mush. Finely puree everything. To sweeten, you can stir in some honey, maple, or agave syrup according to taste.

If you like it a little fruitier, you can add a little more fruit juice or half an apple to all variants, which reduces the sharpness. You can easily buy a classic smoothie maker from Amazon. 

The ginger shot will keep in a resealable bottle in the fridge for about a week. 2 cl every day is enough. It shouldn’t be much more, especially if you have a sensitive stomach. 

If you can’t get enough of the total energy charge and want to get the most out of your ginger shot, you can also try the matcha ginger shot variant. You do without additional juice in the recipe and mix the ginger mixed with matcha. Enjoy!

ALSO READ: Nettle Tea: Positive Effect As A Home Remedy


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