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HomeFASHION & BEAUTYBeautiful Hair! 7 Professional Tips That Will Help Immediately

Beautiful Hair! 7 Professional Tips That Will Help Immediately

Beautiful Hair- Dry hair tips, little volume, and somehow lacking shine: We have high standards when it comes to our hair. But what helps? Here are the essential expert tips for a beautiful mane. Are we tired of bridging your bad hair days with ponytails or messy buns? Then it’s time to get to the bottom of the causes of your lackluster, brittle mane. 

Here Are The 7 Most Critical Professional Tips For Beautiful Hair:

1: Know Your Hair Type

“The most common mistake when it comes to hair care is to misjudge your hair type,” . “As a result, we quickly resort to the wrong product and not give our hair the right amount of care that it needs.”

If you have fine hair, it is best to choose a shampoo that does not have too high a care factor. Too much care weighs down fine hair and quickly makes it look flat and stringy. Strengthening shampoos, such as panthenol or fruit extracts from pineapple or lemon, which strengthen the hair fibers, are better. Special volume shampoos also make fine hair look fuller.

With thick hair, on the other hand, you can use a shampoo with nourishing ingredients that provide intensive care. Vegetable oils, keratin, panthenol, and unsaturated fatty acids, for example, are excellent. Algae, sea minerals, and aloe Vera also moisturize the hair. 

2: Reconsider Your Hair Washing Routine

Just like with facial care, over time, we develop the hair-washing routine that we stick to. However, those who are dissatisfied with their mane should reconsider this routine. The most common reason for dull, dull hair is neither blow-drying nor styling but the wrong washing method.

Have the needs of your scalp changed? In this case, a change of shampoo can often work wonders. Do you use new styling products? Then it makes sense to brush out the hair before washing. A large part of the residue can be easily removed with the brush.

As a rule, we cannot hold onto the frequency of our hair washing for our entire life either. How often we wash our hair depends on the type of hair and the needs of our mane. Dry hair needs to be washed less than hair that tends to be greasy.

But other factors can also influence the cleanliness of our hair. “Washing your hair every second or every third day has become completely normal,”. “If you use a lot of styling products or work up a sweat while exercising, you can wash your hair more often to remove dirt and residue.”

An essential tip for beautiful hair: Do not wash with too hot water because the higher the water temperature, the more stressful it is.

3: Use Conditioner Correctly As A Must-Have

“Conditioners and hair treatments only belong in the length of the hair and the tips,” says the hair expert. “The approach is usually healthy and supple and can weigh down and grease more quickly thanks to the extra care.”

For our hair lengths, however, a conditioner is an absolute must-have. Even with chin-length hair, you should never do without the nourishing conditioner after washing. It closes the cuticle of the hair, which is opened and roughened by washing.

By the way, care and diet play a decisive role in healthy-looking hair. Unique hair vitamin capsules can help. They provide essential nutrients such as zinc and biotin and affect the hair when used regularly positively.

4: Leave-In Care Even For Fine Hair

Do you avoid leave-in care because you feel like it makes your fine hair look greasy and straggly? Then you just haven’t found the right product for your hair yet. “Leave-in products are always great on-top care,” says the hair expert. “It is only important that the product matches the hair type.”

Do you have thick hair? Then the care factor of your leave-in product, just like with the conditioner, can be high. Hair oils are also great for full hair to prevent split ends. Thin hair benefits from unique leave-in products that provide more volume . They care for and protect the hair without weighing it down and make it look fuller and more grippy.

5: Gently Dry Your Hair

Many women blame the blow-drying for their damaged mane. Blow-drying itself is not the problem at all. “The thing that damages hair when blow-drying is the air we use to blow through our hair, which is usually much too hot,”. That’s why the professional advice: It is better to plan a few more minutes for blow-drying and gently dry the hair on a low to medium level.

If you want to do everything right, you should let your hair dry briefly under a turban made of an absorbent microfiber towel before blow-drying.

Extra hair dryer tip for more volume: If you can’t manage to give your hair more curl with the round brush, you can dry it upside down with the blow dryer. This gives the hair more volume at the roots and appears fuller.

Important: Always hold the hairdryer away from the head towards the ends of the scalp so as not to roughen the hair surface and strain it unnecessarily.

6: Cut Tips, But Do It Right!

If you want beautiful hair, you can’t avoid regular tip cutting. But how often and how much does it need to be cut? “The tips should be removed every eight to ten weeks so that the hair looks healthy and strong,” advises the hair professional. “But then only the tips, that’s about half a centimeter.”

7: Beautiful Hair Thanks To Intensive Care

There are many causes for dull, dry hair: environmental influences such as UV rays, saltwater or dry heating air, frequent coloring, wear-and-tear heat styling, incorrect care, and hormone fluctuations can be responsible for our brittle mane.

Moisturizing masks and treatments give the hair its suppleness back and should therefore be on the program once a week. Ingredients such as argon oil, coconut milk, and panthenol are considered natural moisture boosters and should quickly make the hair soft and silky again.

Extra tip: Work your hair conditioner into your hair with a large-toothed comb. That way, you don’t just need a smaller amount of the product. It also increases the care effect because your mane can absorb the treatment or mask better. Important: “Not every comb is suitable for wet hair,”. “Combs with fine teeth can put a lot of strain on wet hair and are therefore absolutely taboo.”

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