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Belly Fat: 9 Formidable Foods To Burn It!

Adopting a restrictive diet to have a flat stomach is not mandatory! Your diet is critical.


Certain fruits and vegetables are your allies to have a flat stomach. Unsurprisingly, eggplant tops the list. This vegetable captures fat and traps it for later elimination. This fat-burning food par excellence is also renowned for its high fiber content. To take advantage of its benefits, prefer cooking in the oven or steam.

How To Lose Belly Fat Without Dieting?

No unnecessary talk! The key to losing weight without an extreme diet is to adopt a healthy and balanced diet and to play sports, at least not to be sedentary. This, therefore, implies buying sneakers and banishing certain foods from your table to be consumed by all soft drinks; their gas causes abdominal distention and bloating. To find your flat stomach, industrial sugar is also to be avoided; it promotes fat storage at the abdominal level. 

Also, remove deli meats and processed foods from your diet; they are far too high in saturated fat and salt, which leads to weight gain. Avoid foods high in fat and calories; opt for healthy foods such as vegetables such as broccoli and eggplant, fruits such as pineapple and apple; also rely on oats, green tea, and healthy fats like those in nuts, avocados, and salmon. Finally, learn to relax! As a result, the body stores fat to meet excessive cortisol and adrenaline demands. Result? You’re getting bigger!

What Are The Natural Solutions To Make Peace With Your Belly?

Painful periods, stress, difficult digestion… Discover the gentle but very effective remedies to soothe stomach aches.

Stomach Ache: Why Should You Do A Kefir Cure?

This drink, originating from the Caucasus, is obtained by the fermentation of kefir grains, a cocktail of bacteria and yeasts. These microorganisms can be mixed with milk (cow, sheep, or goat) or fresh fruit juice: they then transform the lactose in the milk or the fructose in the fruits into lactic acid, a source of probiotics, in a particular strain of lactobacillus and saccharomyces. 

Consumed regularly, kefir helps to revive a sluggish transit and helps to digest better. As a bonus, with intestinal flora at the top, the body defends itself against viruses and bacteria and better assimilates food’s nutrients (vitamins and minerals). What Should I do? Drink a glass of it two to three times a week. After an episode of diarrhea or gastroenteritis, take a cure at the rate of one glass a day for three weeks.

Digestion Problems: Why Should You Switch To Whole Grains?

Goodbye bread, pasta, rice, or even white semolina! From now on, adopt the complete version of these cereals. The interest? They are much richer in fiber than their counterparts because they have retained the bran, the envelope surrounding the seed. As they are eaten cooked, their fibers soften and therefore do not risk triggering bloating or digestive heaviness. 

They are also a mine of vitamins, minerals, and proteins. What Should I do? In the morning, opt for two slices of wholemeal or sourdough bread. A serving of whole grains at lunch and dinner will allow you to fill up with good nutrients. To be dosed according to your hunger.

How To Fight Against Constipation Thanks To The Seated Twist?

This yoga movement provides an abdominal massage that promotes digestion and boosts the proper functioning of the transit. As a bonus, it stretches the entire spine for back relief. What Should I do? Sit on the floor and bend your left leg to position the left foot naturally against your buttocks.

Place your right foot next to your knee, with your torso straightened. Place your left elbow outside the right knee to rotate to the right. Your right-hand helps you by leaning against the floor behind you to straighten your back as you twist. Hold the position for a minute or two while breathing deeply.

How To Evacuate Gases Thanks To The Yoga Posture Pawan Muktasana?

Do you have a swollen and bloated stomach? Here is an unstoppable yoga movement to release the gasses that disturb your intestines. What Should I do? Lie on your back, legs bent, arms along your body. You can place a blanket folded in four under your hips. On the inhale, bring the arms outstretched behind the head. 

On the exhale, bring the arms forward, clasp one knee to get it back to the chest, and the other foot remains on the ground. On the inspiration, put the outstretched arms behind the head, lower the leg, knee bent, and put the foot down. Repeat the movement with the other leg. Repeat twenty times on each side.

How To Soothe Diarrhea With Loosestrife?

Whether it is because of gastroenteritis or a portion of food that goes wrong, the belly, swollen, hurts when the transit gets carried away. Loosestrife flowers, a perennial herbaceous plant, are very rich in tannins. This active ingredient has anti-diarrheal effects: by absorbing the water contained in the colon like a sponge, it helps to reduce the frequency of stools.

What Should I do? Loosestrife is available in capsules. I prefer those containing 200 mg of dry extracts. From the first symptoms, swallow 4 to 5 pills daily for two days. If your symptoms do not subside or even increase after this period of time, or if blood appears in your stools, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

How To Better Digest Peppermint Essential Oil?

Peppermint is the star in case of digestive disorders. This aromatic plant, born from hybridization between spearmint and watermint, has digestive and anti-nausea properties recognized by the World Health Organization. Benefits that it owes to the presence of menthol in its composition. The results are fast. Slightly anesthetic, menthol also can soothe bloating, heartburn, and digestive spasms.

What Should I do? After a heavy meal, take a drop of peppermint essential oil in 1 tbsp—coffee of honey. Pain, nausea, and bloating disappear within ten to fifteen minutes. Be careful, however, as this oil is not recommended before age seven and should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women or people with epilepsy.

How To Calm Menstrual Pain With Raspberry Leaves?

Against the painful symptoms of dysmenorrhea, raspberry leaves are of great help. They have antispasmodic properties that effectively soothe the uterus muscles and contain active ingredients that balance the secretion of estrogens and progesterone. What Should I do? Prepare them as herbal tea. Put 2 tbsp. Coffee leaves of raspberry (to buy in herbalism) in a bowl and pour over 200 ml of boiling water.

 Let infuse for ten minutes before filtering and drinking two cups daily. You will also find them as bud extracts, to be taken at 15 drops per day in half a glass of water, preferably in the morning. Start two days before your period and continue for three to five days to effectively soothe uterine contractions. To be taken as a two-month cure, renewable once. If the efficiency is not there, there is no need to insist.

How To Knock Out Stress With Lemon Balm?

The belly is our second brain. Intense abdominal pain can accompany a difficult period at work or personal life. To find inner peace, bet on lemon balm. The leaves of this large bush have calming, mildly sedative, and antispasmodic properties. The WHO has recognized its use for relieving gastrointestinal spasms.

What Should I do? This plant is to be taken in capsules, between 3 and 5 per day, for the duration of the stress period. To prevent abdominal pain, you can also consume it as an herbal tea at two cups daily (1 tsp. teaspoon of dried leaves in 200 ml of boiling water). Leave to infuse for ten to fifteen minutes before straining and drinking.

What Can A Stomach Ache Hide?

Frequent stomach aches can be a sign of many conditions. In all cases, if they settle or are accompanied by fever, vomiting, or bleeding, it is necessary to consult.


Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, general malaise… the acute phase of the “stomach flu” rarely exceeds a period of twenty-four to forty-eight hours. Involved in this crisis, a highly contagious virus (rotavirus) can most often survive for several hours in the palm of a hand or several days on a pen. Hence the importance of washing your hands well after each visit to the toilet and using the barrier gestures that we know well today.

What To Do In Case Of Gastroenteritis? 

Drink in small sips of water (at room temperature), vegetable broth, and rice cooking water  (whose starch “stops emptying”). For your meals, first, favor rice, tapioca, cooked carrots, crushed and sweetened bananas, white bread, cucumbers, mashed potatoes, and yogurts. In case of fever, aches, and headaches, you can take paracetamol (in suppositories if you vomit a lot). Unless improvement forty-eight hours later, consult your doctor.

Inflammation Of The Gallbladder!

Often very painful, with a sudden onset, an attack of hepatic colic occurs when one or more calculations (kinds of small pebbles) obstruct the common bile duct. This conduit pours bile into the intestine. Bile builds up and causes the gallbladder to swell. The pain in the upper abdomen may last a few hours before giving way. 

But if the obstruction persists, the bile can become infected, causing fever, permanent pain, and sometimes nausea: doctors then speak of acute cholecystitis, a reason for consultation in the emergency room. What to do? Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, help relieve the pain of an attack of hepatic colic. In the case of acute cholecystitis, on the other hand, an intervention, most often by laparoscopy, will be necessary to remove the gallbladder.


After meals, during digestion, the acid content present in the stomach can cause burning sensations which remain localized at its level or can also go up into the esophagus (this is called gastroesophageal reflux). This unpleasant feeling can be due to stress and anxiety, too large meals (too fatty, too acidic or spicy), pregnancy, or taking certain medications (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, certain antibiotics, bisphosphonate…).

What to do? Seizures usually disappear within one to two hours. You can occasionally take a topical antacid or gastric patch to neutralize the stomach’s acid. To avoid recurrences, eat foods rich in antioxidants (vegetables, fruits, sprouted seeds, etc.) and chew for a long time. I prefer steam cooking and, in the evening, have a light dinner and avoid excess liquids. Yoga, sophrology, or relaxation can also help calm your stress if the crises are repeated.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)!

Formerly called irritable bowel syndrome, functional bowel disorders, or functional coagulopathy, IBS manifests itself progressively by persistent diarrhea or constipation, or even an alternation of the two, for at least six months, with at least once a week abdominal pain (feelings of spasms, stabbing, twisting, stinging, heaviness, etc.) and a change in the appearance of the stools. In the majority of cases, there is also flatulence and bloating.

What to do? Consult a gastroenterologist who will offer personalized dietary management based on the foods that aggravate your disorders. In addition, in any case, he will recommend that you reduce your consumption of ultra-processed foods as much as possible (vegetable steaks, ready-to-heat meals, sodas, industrial sausages, powdered soups, etc.) and foods that contain FODMAPs (Fermentable, Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, And Polyols). 

These sugars promote water retention in the small intestine and ferment quickly on arrival in the colon. Certain medications, mindfulness meditation, hypnosis, and yoga can provide valuable additional help.


This infection or inflammation of a diverticulum (a sort of pocket which, with age, gradually develops on the wall of the left colon) is manifested by pain on the left at the bottom of the abdomen (iliac fossa); but also fever above 38 ° C and intestinal transit disorders (rather constipation). These signs reveal that fecal matter has become “stuck” inside a diverticulum, causing inflammation and infection.

What to do? Consult immediately if the intensity of the pain has not already led you to the emergency room. The treatments vary according to the violence of the crisis. If it is moderate, suppressing vegetable dietary fibers associated with prescribing analgesics, mild laxatives, antispasmodics, and probiotics for a few days should be sufficient.

If the crisis is resistant or, from the outset, more severe, a combination of antibiotics for seven to ten days is required. In the event of complications, the patient will have to be hospitalized to receive intravenous antibiotics and sometimes to be operated on.

Painful Periods!

Especially the first two days of menstruation, as a rule, pains in the lower abdomen are manifested. They are triggered by prostaglandins, hormones that cause contraction of the uterine muscle and the entire area around it. Not only can the pain be violent, such as cramps in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region and the thighs, but other even more debilitating discomforts accompany it, such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, or even pains.

What to do? Taken at the first signs, anti prostaglandins provide effective relief. If this is not enough, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be added. When the pain is bothersome, it is best to consult to rule out (or treat) endometriosis, a chronic genital infection, a fibroid, or a polyp. The doctor may prescribe a pill, patch, contraceptive ring, or even synthetic progestins for ten or twenty days a month to put the ovaries to rest. In addition, acupuncture and hypnosis can provide valuable help.

And Stress?

The gut contains more than 200 million neurons, allowing it to communicate with the brain. Thus, the first constantly receives signals about the state of the body and the emotions, making the digestive organs extremely sensitive to well-being or ill-being, both physical and emotional. And to top it off, stress lowers the pain tolerance threshold and makes you more susceptible to whatever is happening in your digestive tract.

Read Also: Lose Weight: Top 20 Lowest Calorie Foods!


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