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HomeHEALTH & WELLNESSBiting Your Fingernails: These Tips Can Help You Break It Down

Biting Your Fingernails: These Tips Can Help You Break It Down

Are you annoyed by your nibbled fingernails? We’ll tell you which tricks and products you can use to get rid of the annoying biting, off your fingernails finally. Whether out of nervousness, boredom or stress: biting your fingernails is an annoying habit. It not only ruins nails and cuticles but is also super unhygienic and an absolute no-go, especially during Corona times. But once the annoying tic has caught on, it is sometimes not that easy to get rid of.

Do you also catch yourself nibbling on your nails from time to time? We’ll tell you what you can do about it.

Biting Your Fingernails: That’s Why You Should Give It Up

Short, chewed-off nails immediately make our hands look unkempt, which is evident to most. But nail-biting also has many other disadvantages: On the one hand, nibbling and deforming leads much more quickly to the fact that a nail grows painfully into the skin. On the other hand, our entire nail bed can be permanently damaged by chewing so that the pins can no longer grow back healthily.

But the most important reason to stop biting your nails is that it is highly unhygienic. Since the beginning of the pandemic at the latest, the cleanliness of our hands has played a significant role in everyday life. But regular handwashing alone is not enough. It is just as essential to keep your hands away from your face. Therefore: stop biting your nails!

Here Are The Best Tips And Innovative Products To Help You Stop Biting Your Fingernails:

Cut Your Nails Short

This trick is super simple but effective. Because little can be nibbled off on short-cut fingernails, it works even better if you file your nails into an exact shape after cutting so that there are no longer any small corners or edges that tempt you to chew.

To not be tempted in the first place, it is best always to have a nail file handy. So invest in a small handbag file that you can use to smooth out small cracks in your nails instead of chewing them off. 

Manicure Your Nails Regularly

Fortunately, you don’t have to make an appointment at the nail salon to bring your fingernails into shape. You can also do this very quickly yourself, for example, on a lazy, cozy Sunday evening at home. Grab a nail file and a nail polish in your favorite color and give your nails a nice, well-groomed look. This motivates you to keep your fingers away from your mouth afterwards not to ruin the great result of your manicure again.

Bitter Nail Polish Is Said To Help Chew Your Fingernails

Don’t like wearing your nails painted in color? Then you can also paint your nails with a clear, bitter-tasting nail polish. The special varnishes with a bitter taste are supposed to keep you from sticking your fingers in your mouth and thus help you break the habit of biting your fingernails.

Say Goodbye To Fingernail Biting

A manicure with Shellac has many advantages: In contrast to conventional nail polish, the special varnish lasts a good 3-4 weeks without splintering. Many women decide on a Shellac manicure, for example, before their summer vacation because the long-lasting nail polish is also super practical on the toenails.

Best Of All: The beautiful sight of your manicured fingernails and the harsh Shellac polish is guaranteed to keep you from biting your nails.

Important: So that your nibbled nails are not stressed unnecessarily long, we recommend giving your nails a little time to relax after the Shellac manicure and taking a short break from nail polish. In the following section, we will tell you how you can optimally care for your nails during this time.

Extra Tip: How To Properly Care For Your Chewed Fingernails

Fingernails that have been chewed on for months or even years enjoy an extra dose of care so that they can grow back healthy.

You create the basis with rich hand cream. With it, you can not only care for your hands but also cracked cuticles and brittle fingernails. A unique nail oil, which provides the fingernails with intensive moisture, is even better.

Those who prefer to use home remedies can also use olive oil for care. The oil is rich in valuable vitamin E, which improves blood circulation and promotes the growth of healthy nail cells. The best thing to do is massage the oil gently onto your nails and cuticles before going to bed.

Also, make sure to trim your nails regularly. Nibbling results in barely visible splinters on our nail tips. By cutting, you will avoid cracking the fragments and breaking your nails.

Strengthen Fingernails With Proper Nutrition

If you want beautiful, healthy nails, avoiding a healthy diet is no. The numerous horny layers that make up our nails are also nourished through our bloodstream. If our body lacks essential nutrients, our fingernails automatically feel worse too.

Here Are The Four Most Essential Nutrients For Healthy Nails:


Calcium is one of the essential nutrients for healthy nails. Cheese, milk and yoghurt are good sources of calcium.

Biotin (Vitamin B8):

Biotin prevents your nails from becoming thinner and is found in oatmeal, peanuts and egg yolks, for example.

Folic Acid:

Your body needs folic acid so that your nails do not become brittle and remain flexible. Good sources of folic acid are kale, spinach, and peas.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

Unsaturated fatty acids also keep the nails flexible and pliable and ensure their natural shine. Fish, nuts, olive oil and avocado contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

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