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HomeHEALTH & WELLNESSCalcium-Rich Foods: These Are The Best Treats For Healthy Bones

Calcium-Rich Foods: These Are The Best Treats For Healthy Bones

Calcium-Rich Foods: Calcium ensures strong bones and teeth. But which foods are particularly rich in Calcium? We’ll show you the best calcium suppliers. Calcium is an essential mineral that is responsible for the structure and growth of bones and teeth.

If we are adequately supplied with it, it protects us from diseases such as osteoporosis. Calcium also plays an essential role in heart, kidney, and lung function, in producing hormones, and in blood clotting. Calcium is also involved in the transmission of stimuli in the nervous system. But that is not all!

Other Features Of Calcium:

  • Calcium strengthens the connective tissue and is therefore essential for that skin and other vessels.
  • Calcium is necessary for metabolism, which cannot function properly without the mineral.
  • Calcium ensures a healthy and robust immune system.
  • Calcium regulates various Hormones and activates enzymes in the process.

Calcium-Rich Foods: The Daily Requirement Of Calcium

A calcium deficiency, most often in muscle pain and cramps. Also, uncontrolled muscle twitching, tingling in the hands and legs (pins and needles), dry skin and eczema, hair loss, and brittle nails often develop from calcium deficiency.

There are various calcium-rich foods, but milk and dairy products are rightly at the top. They contain a lot of minerals. We can cover a quarter of our daily calcium requirement with just one large glass of milk. Even a slice of Gouda or Edam comes close to these values. If we also eat a portion of green vegetables such as broccoli or spinach – also calcium-rich foods – we should get enough Calcium with our food.

These Are The Seven Best Calcium Suppliers:


When we think of calcium-rich foods, the first thing that comes to mind is milk. Rightly so, cow’s milk is a great supplier of Calcium. A 200 ml glass provides us with 240 mg Calcium – a quarter of our daily needs.

Good To Know: It makes no difference whether you use full-fat milk with 3.5% fat or the skimmed version. The calcium content is about the same. In addition to cow’s milk, sheep’s and goat’s milk are also good sources of Calcium. 100 ml sheep milk contains 200 ml calcium, 100 ml goat milk 127 mg. Soy milk also provides Calcium. 100 ml contains 120 mg. Sometimes extra Calcium is added so that the content is higher.


You can also cover your daily calcium requirement with yogurt. A regular fat natural yogurt has 180 mg calcium per 150 g tub. The skimmed one with only 0.1% fat, even 217 mg. The calcium content of fruit yogurt is insignificantly lower.


The calcium content of cheese is unbeatable. The absolute front runner with 1600 mg calcium per 100 g is Pamesello, finely grated Parmesan.

Other types of cheese with a lot of calcium:

  • 100 g parmesan: 1100 mg calcium
  • 100 g Emmantled (45% fat): 1000 mg calcium
  • 100 g Tipster (30% fat): 990 mg calcium
  • 100 g Algae hard cheese: 900 mg calcium
  • 100 g Gruyere (45% fat): 900 mg calcium
  • 100 g butter cheese, Gouda, Edam (30% or 40% fat): 800 mg calcium
  • 100 g camembert (30% fat): 600 mg calcium


Milk and dairy products are without question the best sources of Calcium. Still, vegetables also play their part in keeping our bones strong—especially green vegetables like broccoli, fennel, or kale.

  • 100 g kale: 210 mg calcium
  • 100 g rocket: 160 mg calcium
  • 100 g spinach: 115 mg calcium
  • 100 g fennel: 110 mg calcium
  • 100 g Swiss chard: 100 mg calcium
  • 100 g purslane: 95 mg calcium
  • 100 g broccoli: 90 mg calcium
  • 100 g leek: 65 mg calcium
  • 100 g green beans: 50 mg calcium


Small, brown, and full of Calcium! 100 g hazelnuts contain 225 mg and cover almost a quarter of the daily requirement. Besides the hazelnuts, only the pistachios and almonds have a more significant proportion of Calcium.

Sesame Seeds

Wow, the calcium content of sesame seeds is impressive! 100 g contains 780 mg calcium – one tablespoon, i.e., 10 g, still 78 mg. Poppy seeds are also a great source of Calcium. 100 g contains 1460 mg calcium.


Vegans can cover their calcium needs with tofu, for example. 100 g comes to 90 mg.

Dried Figs

Do you fancy something sweet that is also very healthy? Then you should ripen into dried figs. They contain 190 mg calcium per 100 g.

Mineral Water

You should drink 2 to 3 liters of water a day to replenish your fluid balance. Mineral water is best for this. It also contains essential Calcium. The calcium content is very different and is between 90 and 195 mg per large glass, depending on the variety.

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