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The Ultimate Superfoods List: 10 Super Healthy Foods

It is so easy for your health! Just eat superfoods List regularly. Here is list of the ten best foods. Superfoods are all the rage right now. New ones keep coming so that the superfoods list gets longer and longer.

We looked at the list and picked out our ten absolute favorites. The superfoods on our list are not only very healthy, but they also taste extremely good! And: Apart from salmon, all superfoods are suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Number 1 On The  List: Blueberries

Blueberries taste wonderful on their own, just like in a smoothie, muesli, or on a cake. But they not only taste great, but they also made it to number 1 on our list of superfoods because they are great healthcare affordable, too. There are many vitamins and minerals in blueberries, but what makes them so special are the anthocyanins. These are plant pigments that are said to lower the risk of developing colon cancer significantly.

Number 2 On The List: Quinoa

It is not for nothing that quinoa is considered the gold of the Inca. In the past few years, the little yellow bodies have also made a name for themselves because they are a great alternative to potatoes, rice, or pasta. The superfood contains a lot of iron and a lot of protein.

3rd Place On The  List: Almonds

The third place on our list of superfoods is almonds. They are very high in fat, but the fat they contain is very healthy. And: They contain plenty of potassium, phosphorus, vitamin E, and folic acid and are said to lower the risk of heart disease.

4th Place On The  List: Oatmeal

If you want to treat yourself to something healthy at breakfast in the morning, you should start the day with oatmeal. They contain fiber, iron, and folic acid and make you feel full for a long time. And: Oatmeal is said to have a positive effect on high cholesterol levels.

Number 5 On The  List: Avocado

For a long time, the avocado was considered a fattening fruit among the fruits and was avoided precisely for this reason until studies have shown that they deserve a spot on the superfoods list! The fat contained is purely vegetable and full of healthy fatty acids, which should even positively influence the cholesterol level. And: Avocados are great sources of folic acid and are perfect for all women who want to get pregnant.

Number 6 On The  List: Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are the absolute trend superfood right now. Everyone drinks smoothies with the small brown seeds or sprinkles them on muesli in the morning. Why? Because they are said to help you lose weight thanks to their high fiber content, and they contain many minerals.

Click here: Delicious recipe ideas with chia seeds.

Number 7 On The  List: Kale

Kale isn’t one of the classic superfoods, but it shouldn’t be missing from our list! What many do not know: The winter vegetables are full of Vitamins, Minerals, and phytochemicals. It is also said to reduce inflammation and prevent cancer.

8th Place On The  List: Pomegranates

You can eat pomegranate seeds straight, sprinkle them over a salad or squeeze them and drink them as juice: And that’s exactly what you should do now and then if you like the small red seeds. They are high in vitamins and minerals and are believed to reduce the risk of heart disease. They are also said to have an anti-inflammatory effect and have a positive influence on blood pressure. By the way: The best way to get the kernels out of the shell is to tap them with a spoon from the outside.

Number 9 On The  List: Cocoa

Chocolate fans can look forward to it! Cocoa beans are also one of the superfoods and therefore on our list. Cocoa and the chocolate made from it not only make you happy, but they also provide a lot of magnesium. The mineral is said to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s. It’s best to drink a cup of cocoa more often: ideally, baking cocoa or raw cocoa. When buying chocolate, you should prefer dark variants with the highest possible cocoa content.

Number 10 On The  List: Salmon

It hardly tastes like fish and is therefore eaten by everyone who does not like fish that much. Salmon is not only tasty. The omega fatty acids it contains are said to prevent heart disease and help with joint problems.

There were only ten superfoods, but we could go on and on with the list and add all kinds of vegetables and fruits, nuts or legumes … To stay healthy and fit, you should eat as balanced as possible and include many different foods in your menu.

ALSO READ: Zinc In Food: Makes You Beautiful And Healthy


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