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HomeHEALTH & WELLNESSCod Liver Oil: A Health Booster, Benefits, And Properties

Cod Liver Oil: A Health Booster, Benefits, And Properties

As the name suggests, cod liver oil is a food derived from the liver organ of this fish. In the past, it was used as a remedy for rickets, a bone calcification defect caused by decreased vitamin D intake . Today, cod liver oil has recently returned to the fore thanks to the considerable nutritional importance of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which is particularly rich. Let’s discover its origin, properties, benefits, and contraindications together.


Naturally rich in vitamins A and D and a source of omega 3, cod liver oil has been considered excellent for the body for centuries. Even if its taste repels more than one, its health benefits must be considered. Cod is this large fish from cold seas (also called cod) renowned for its tasty flesh and especially for the oil extracted from its liver. The manufacturing process for this oil is simple: the livers are steamed before being crushed and decanted to extract the precious liquid. The average liver weight of a 100g adult cod is 2.5 to 2.6 grams; its oil content is about 30% (i.e., 1.5 to 1.6 ml of oil).


Initially known to treat problems of rickets and bone growth, cod liver oil has revealed all its nutritional virtues over the centuries. Starting with its high concentration of Omega 3 . We now know that it can play an essential role in regulating blood pressure, immune defenses, brain development, and the proper functioning of neurotransmitters.

  1. Its vitamin A acts on the vitality of the mucous membranes.
  2. Its cosmetic functions are no longer to be demonstrated, and cod liver oil is increasingly popular in the fight against wrinkles or acne-related scars.
  3. Vitamin A is also essential for vision and proper bone development.
  4. Finally, cod liver oil, rich in vitamin D, helps fix calcium in the bones and strengthens the skeleton.
  5. In adolescence, as during menopause, reducing the risk of fractures is particularly recommended.
  6. Athletes also know its usefulness in improving recovery after exercise and avoiding cramps.

In summary, this oil is a real health asset that provides valuable nutrients to the body. Current research focuses on the positive effects of this oil on Alzheimer’s disease, asthma, eczema, and breast cancer.

When To Use Cod Liver Oil?

Cod liver oil can be considered a dietary food and supplement. Its organoleptic and taste characteristics are very poor, which is why (unlike vegetable oils such as flax and walnut ) it finds no culinary application. It is recommended to use cod liver oil in case of nutritional deficiency related to vitamins and fatty acids. Fat-soluble vitamins:

  1. Vitamin A (retinol)
  2. Iodine
  3. Vitamin D (Calciferol)
  4. Vitamin E (tocopherols)

Some essential fatty acids (EFAs):

  1. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
  2. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).


Warning: note, however, that at too high a dose, cod liver oil can be harmful. A cure of two to three weeks is enough to boost the body! In particular, the hypervitaminosis associated with abusing cod liver oil, especially vitamin A, can lead to an enlarged liver, brittle hair, dry skin, calcium deposits in the arteries, and kidney stones. The problem of the unpleasant taste of cod liver oil is easily overcome by marketing cod liver oil in capsules or lids.


Particular caution should be exercised during pregnancy due to the potential teratogenic effects (ability to induce fetal malformations) associated with an overdose of vitamin A, which may already be present in significant concentrations in other supplements prescribed by a physician. Cod oil should not be used in case of allergy or hypersensitivity related to the components of the supplements. However, it is advisable to be careful with the combination of certain drugs

Organic Cod Liver Oil

Here are some organic cod liver oil products.

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