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Cooking Pasta: 6 Tips To Stop It Sticking!

Undercooked pasta that sticks together, nothing more exasperating when you’re hungry! To avoid this phenomenon, solutions exist!

Cook Them In A Large Volume Of Water!

Count 1 liter of water for 100 g of pasta. Pasta must float to rehydrate, so it doesn’t stick and can cook evenly. Also, choose a wide pan with high sides, so they don’t clump together.

Lose Weight: Can You Eat Pasta At Night?

Suppose starchy foods (pasta, bread, rice, semolina, potatoes, etc.)  can be eaten daily. It is recommended to avoid eating them in the evening; the reason for this fact is that these foods provide complex sugars assimilated slowly by the body and give it the energy it needs. A point that turns into fat if not spent. However, starchy foods provide a significant satiety effect for people wishing to lose weight; replacing pasta with two slices of wholemeal bread will counter the urge to snack at night.

Which Pasta Is The Healthiest?

Whole meal, spinach, gluten-free… Pasta offers various recipes that you need help finding where to turn! So which ones to choose? Durum wheat semolina and water. Point. On the palate, it provides complex carbohydrates, vitamin B to convert these carbohydrates into energy, and fibers that promote the feeling of satiety, all for zero grams of fat. 

As long as you don’t drown them in sauces: 100 g of a carbonara sauce is 160 kcal, 50 g of pesto, 250, while 100 g of tomato sauce only peaks at 45 kcal. On the cooking side, it is al dente imperatively. Overcooked and sticky, their glycemic index rises to 80 against 40. The lower this index, the more it spares the production of insulin and the longer the feeling of satiety. And the less we store!

Why Choose Whole meal Pasta?

Made from whole wheat (with its envelope) and not “peeled” wheat like standard pasta, whole pasta has three times more fiber than the latter. Their more marked color and flavor indicate superior nutrients (antioxidants, polyphenols, minerals). Integrative pasta (even more complete) and semi-complete, intermediate. 

They consistently choose organic to avoid pesticides that concentrate in the grain envelope. Richer in insoluble fiber, which becomes irritating in excess, whole pasta can suddenly be less tolerated in the digestive system. In this case, it is better to favor semi-complete.

What About Vegetable Pasta?

Red, green, yellow… Whether with tomato, spinach, or beetroot, vegetable pasta brings color to the plate thanks to adding 2 or 3% dehydrated vegetable powder. But make no mistake: 97 to 98% of their ingredients remain wheat. If the packaging highlights the presence of vegetables in this pasta, this is not their strong point. They cannot, therefore, be counted on to replace a portion of vegetables.

Which Pasta Does Not Make You Fat?

High protein pasta! They have shapes and colors, but they are not pasta! Based on milk, pea, and egg proteins, they provide as many calories as standard pasta with just a little wheat semolina. But on the composition side, there is nothing to do: 100 g provides 25 g of protein and 14 g of carbohydrates, i.e., double the protein compared to standard pasta and about five times fewer carbohydrates. Their composition is ideal for weight loss. Combined with a calorie-controlled diet and physical activity, they help to maintain and even develop muscle mass and tap into fat mass.

What About Pasta With Pulses When You Want To Lose Weight?

Based on wheat flour and pulses (lentils, split peas, etc.), this new generation of pasta is beginning to appear (under the Jardin Bio or Vivien Paille brands in supermarkets). The proportion of pulses remains low for consistency (between 20 and 30%), but it is sufficient to boost the protein and fiber intake of the finished product. 

Thus, 100 g of leguminous pasta contains 17 g of protein per 100 g, against 12.5 g for standard pasta, and 6 to 7 g of fiber against 3 g. The protein intake is increased, and, in addition, they are better assimilated thanks to all the essential amino acids (legumes provide lysine, cereals, methionine, and cystine).

What Are The Benefits Of Gluten-Free Pasta?

They usually consist of rice and corn flour. Previously brittle and mealy in the mouth, their texture is now similar to that of traditional pasta. In the event of a diagnosed intolerance, preference should be given to products bearing the barred spike logo, certifying the absence of gluten. Otherwise, you can turn to naturally gluten-free pasta, such as rice, soy vermicelli (mung beans), and buckwheat pasta.

Athletes generally consume a lot of cereal products, especially wheat-based, for energy. . However, because of intense and repeated efforts, their digestive system can be weakened. In this case, these pastes are often better tolerated. In the case of gluten intolerance, it is impossible to eat traditional wheat pasta. Manufacturers have developed pasta made from rice or corn flour to meet these needs. What gives?

How Is Gluten-Free Pasta Made?

Traditionally, pasta is made from durum wheat, with starch and gluten. The combination of the two makes it possible to obtain a texture that is both firm and elastic. To make gluten-free pasta, we mainly use rice, corn, buckwheat, and quinoa flour. Rice flour gives a slightly sticky and white result (they are guaranteed gluten-free and only made from rice flour in Italian grocery stores), and corn flour is reasonably compact but brittle. The mixture of flours makes it possible to approximate the color and texture of classic wheat pasta.

Gluten-Free Pasta: Do They Have The Same Nutritional Profile?

The differences between these flours are insignificant except for the protein content. On this point, buckwheat flour is close to wheat flour (12.6% protein for buckwheat flour, 12.8% for wheat), both richer than rice flour (7.2% ) or corn (4.6%). These values ​​must also be weighted because while cooking, the nutritional value of pasta is almost divided by three (addition of the volume of water).

Gluten-Free Pasta: How Does It Behave When Cooked?

The cooking time is close to wheat pasta and depends on its shape. But high supervision is essential! Overcooked, they will break. Note: tight dough, twists, for example, hold together better.

Gluten-Free Pasta: Are They Suitable For People Who Do Not Suffer From Gluten Intolerance Or Sensitivity?

Their higher cost may be a barrier to their consumption, especially since initially, they only concerned individuals intolerant to gluten and could only eat pasta with this alternative. But if you tolerate gluten, this pasta can vary the flavors and help bring different cereals into your diet.

Are Soba Noodles Gluten-Free?

Made from buckwheat (alone or sometimes mixed with wheat) and dark gray, it is the national spaghetti of the Japanese. You can buy them in Asian grocery stores or organic stores (or in the Asian department of certain supermarkets). They are cooked in soup with tofu, salad with smoked salmon, or in a dish with mussels, prawns, or diced fish… 100% buckwheat

sodas are naturally gluten-free but rich in manganese, phosphorus, and magnesium (231 mg per 100 g). But people intolerant or sensitive to gluten should check the composition of the sofas to choose 100% buckwheat.

How To Prevent Pasta From Sticking?

Cook Them In A Large Volume Of Water!

Count 1 liter of water for 100 g of pasta. Pasta must float to rehydrate, so it doesn’t stick and can cook evenly. Also, choose a wide pan with high sides, so they don’t clump together.

Stir Them Well At The Start Of Cooking!

During the first three minutes of cooking, this is where the starch is activated, so swirl your wooden spoon in the water; This will allow the starch to dilute better in the water. As a reminder, it is because of the starch that the pasta groups together and becomes sticky.

Pay Attention To The Cooking Time!

There is nothing better than overcooking to end up with a block of indigestible pasta; I prefer al dente cooking, which guarantees the dough’s tenderness on the outside and a slight crunch on the inside.

Drain Them Quickly!

Always with the idea that they do not clump together, remember to drain them in a colander with wide edges and large holes so they can breathe and the water drains more quickly

Do Not Let Them Cool!

The contact with the cold air promotes the accumulation of dough between them. Quickly pour them into the pan with the sauce. They will mix better than cooking them in a pan.

Should The Pasta Be Rinsed After Cooking?

It is generally not recommended to rinse the pasta in case you want to eat it hot; however, it is quite possible to do so if you want to prepare pasta salads.

Should The Pasta Water Be Salted?

Yes, the pasta absorbs a little salt from the cooking water. Enhancer of taste, salt will intensify the perception of flavors; in the same way, by limiting the swelling of the starch, the salt will prevent the pasta from sticking together. For the quantities of salt, it is recommended to follow the famous rule of 1/10/100, dear to the India: for each guest, count 1 liter of water, 10 grams of salt, and 100 grams of pasta. Finally, know that adding salt to cold or boiling water plays no role. Salt should, therefore, always be added when the water is boiling.

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