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Crash Diet: Is It Worthy Of Starving ?!

Crash Diet: Hunger! But what is it when the dream figure is waiting at the end of the two-week ordeal? A crash diet should make it possible. This includes, for example, the cabbage soup diet, in which mainly cabbage soup is eaten for weeks. There is not much to eat on a crash diet to lose as much weight as possible in the shortest possible time.

Crash Diet? What Is This Exactly?

A crash diet is a collective term for lightning diets of all kinds. This includes, for example, the cabbage soup diet, in which mainly cabbage soup is eaten for weeks. But also diet classics such as the pineapple or grapefruit diet, in which a lot of pineapple or grapefruit are consumed because of the allegedly occurring slimming enzymes, are included.

Regardless of which crash diet it is, it has a specific goal: within the shortest possible time Times as much weight as possible. This is associated with a bit of hunger. And it is not surprising that after two days at the latest, when you think of cabbage soup or pineapple, a slight disgust sets in.

Crash Diet: This Is How It Works

There is not much to eat on a crash diet to lose as much weight as possible in the shortest possible time. Most diets of this type include around 700 kcal per day. Since vegetables and fruits are shallow in calories, they often make up a significant portion. There is also a little lean meat and, depending on diet, also small parts of carbohydrate side dishes such as pasta, rice or bread. Between meals often consist only of natural yoghurt or fruit. Sweets, alcohol or fast food are taboo.

What Are The Real Benefits Of A Crash Diet?

There is great hope at the beginning of a diet: after all, a weight loss of seven kilos in seven days or something similar is promised! This would solve all weight problems in one fell swoop. Great! Unfortunately, a crash diet usually does not keep what it promises to be.

It starts with the fact that the body does not lose any fatty tissue at the beginning, only water. Nourishment confirms: “You have to save about 7000 kcal to lose one kilogram of adipose tissue.” So it takes quite a while before the weight loss on the scales is no longer just water but the desired body fat.

This Is What Nutritionists Say About The Crash Diet

Otherwise, a  diet is not the fulfilment of the weight loss prayers. Nutritionists  strongly advise against getting rid of the pounds with such diets. “Crash diets only have a short-term effect and are also quite unhealthy,”. What she means by that: If you usually eat again after the two or three weeks of the crash diet, you gain weight again at lightning speed.

The so-called yo-yo effect is to blame. During the diet, the body switches to economy mode. It uses as little energy as possible. If we usually eat again later, it stores as much of the food as possible.

But there’s a much more important reason why we should stay off the  diet. “A crash diet is so little eaten that the body is not supplied with all the nutrients,” . To be supplied with as many nutrients as possible, we have to consume at least 1200 kcal a day and eat as varied as possible.

This is precisely the weight loss tip from the nutrition expert. She recommends losing no more than half a kilo a week. This works with a change in diet in which, although no food is prohibited, we still mainly use low-calorie, vitamin and mineral-rich foods. These include vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy products, whole-grain foods, lean meats, and fish. Sweet and fast food is okay in small quantities, but rarely.

Those who stick to this weight loss tip and exercise regularly will lose weight, trick the yo-yo effect and are guaranteed not to be permanently hungry!

ALSO READ: Lose Weight Faster: 7 Tips To Burn More Calories While Jogging 


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