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Lose Weight: From Low Carb To Mediterranean Diet

Lose Weight- Some fast for half the day, others only nibble raw vegetables, and still, others forego either meat or carbohydrates. Or both. There are many ways to change your diet and finally weight loss effectively. However, experts know that it is essential for the success of a diet that the concept fits individual preferences and can be easily integrated into everyday life. The more blatant the waiver and the more complicated the implementation , the faster the motivation drops. The following overview should help you find a diet that best suits you and your habits and feel balanced and comfortable when losing weight!

Losing Weight: An Overview Of The Currently Most Popular Diet Concepts And Nutrition Models

Lose Weight With Vegetarian Diet

Vegetarians consistently and without exception do without meat. Many also fish. The diet consists mainly of plant foods and substitutes such as tofu; Dairy products, eggs, and honey are allowed. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and fiber is a prerequisite for losing weight with a vegetarian diet; So if you do without the meat side dish in fast food, you neither lose weight nor live healthily.

  • Diet duration: long term
  • Weight Loss: Slow; the slim figure remains
  • Pro: promotes health, helps you lose weight, and does good for animal and climate protection
  • Cons: can cause deficiency symptoms (iron, protein, vitamin B12)

Low Carb Diet

The low carb concept has many variants, is recommended by doctors, and is one of the most popular diets with good reason. In the basic idea, a distinction is made between “good” and “bad” carbohydrates. Accordingly, sugar and starch (especially products made from white flour) are removed from the plan. Whole grains, eggs, dairy products, and essential fats are still allowed; Most of a low-carb diet should, however, make up (non-sweet) types of fruit and vegetables as well as lean meat and fish. 

  • Diet duration: short, medium, or long term
  • Weight loss: depending on the concept and discipline; the more strict the diet, the more influential the weight loss; it helps to keep the figure
  • Pro: keeps blood sugar stable and prevents cravings, changes and improves metabolism (especially fat burning), reduces visceral fat tissue, supports muscle building, and ensures a permanently balanced, healthy diet
  • Cons: if the concept includes increased consumption of animal-based foods, this can increase health risks

Intermittent Fasting

With intermittent fasting(or intermittent fasting), the daily rhythm is divided into intervals of eating and fasting, which must then be followed consistently. The longer “hunger phase” should stimulate the metabolism and effectively push fat burning until the next food intake. Everyone can decide individually which rhythm can be implemented better in everyday life. Important: even during the “eating” phase, you should pay attention to a balanced, low-calorie diet and not indulge in indulgence; Avoid any solid food during fasting, instead drink plenty of water and tea to support critical detoxification processes, clear vegetable broth is also allowed.

  • Diet duration: short to medium term
  • Weight loss: initially mainly water retention; then steady weight loss
  • Pro: ideal as a detox cure or as a prelude to a (different) diet concept; draining, cleansing
  • Cons: Discipline is essential; possible side effects are a gnawing feeling of hunger, irritability, nervousness, sleep disorders, and poor circulation

Egg Diet

The basis of one of the most legendary low-carb variants (after all, British Prime Minister Margarete Thatcher is said to have melted her figure in shape with it) is a considerable number of eggs. To be precise, around five eggs a day, so 35 a week. Whether these are then boiled soft or hard, stirred, fried, baked, or poached is entirely irrelevant and is up to you. The side dishes are mainly raw or gently cooked vegetables, fruit, lean fish, and white meat. Because the body is deprived of carbohydrates and proteins are made available at the same time, the egg diet strengthens the muscle fibers and, at the same time, boosts fat burning.

  • Diet duration: short term (1 – 2 weeks)
  • Weight loss: slowly at first, then effectively (primarily love handles)
  • Pro: fast and effective without going hungry
  • Cons: can cause intolerance, digestive problems, and the so-called yo-yo effect; the high number of eggs is not recommended in the long run

Mediterranean Diet

Like the vegetarian or low-carbohydrate diet, the Mediterranean diet should be viewed more as a long-term nutritional model than a natural “diet.” Above all, those foods common in Mediterranean regions are allowed, i.e., citrus fruits and vegetables, olives, essential oils, herbs, freshly caught fish, and some meat. Those who also reduce (or completely omit) the typical carbohydrates such as pasta, pasta, and potatoes can not only gradually lose weight with the Mediterranean diet but also do their health good and work (due to the high concentration of antioxidants and omega fatty acids) natural aging processes opposite.

  • Diet duration: medium or long term
  • Weight loss: little
  • Pros: increases well-being, improves health, and acts as a natural anti-aging; reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Cons: minor weight loss; hidden fats, hidden carbohydrates, and the danger of overeating for pleasure.

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