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HomeHEALTH & WELLNESSFit, Healthy, Beautiful: Why You Should Eat Fiber Every Day

Fit, Healthy, Beautiful: Why You Should Eat Fiber Every Day

Do you want to shed unnecessary ballast and go through life healthier and slimmer? Then you should eat more fiber from now on. Sounds weird? But it is! We explain why the thread is important, and 15 foods are real fiber bombs.

Dietary fiber – somehow, that’s not a nice word, and you think of dry whole meal biscuits that you don’t like to eat. Dietary fiber has a pretty bad reputation. Hardly anyone realizes that this dull idea of ​​fiber is wholly misinterpreted.

Fiber helps to get rid of the ballast. And that literally. Our digestive system can only do an outstanding job with thread.

What Exactly Is Dietary Fiber?

Fats, carbohydrates, and proteins are all the rage, literally and concerning all sorts of nutritional and dieting trends. You also hear about vitamins while everyone knows how essential vitamins are. On the other hand, you hear much less about dietary fiber, which is just as important. So what is dietary fiber anyway, and why should we get plenty of it?

All plant-based food components (so-called polysaccharides) that the human body cannot digest are dietary fibers. These indigestible food components are super healthy and balance the intestinal flora. Not only does this prevent constipation and other intestinal diseases, but according to various studies, it can even have a positive effect on cholesterol, insulin, and blood pressure levels.

How Much Fiber Should You Eat?

The Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends eating at least 30 grams of fiber every day. So that you also know precisely where the thread is in it and how you can best integrate fiber into your eating habits, we have a few suggestions for you here. You can easily do this by replacing ordinary white bread and wheat noodles with whole meal bread and spelled noodles, for example, and adding fruit and vegetable snacks.

Vegetables are an excellent source of dietary fiber, and because they are sugar-free, they are also pretty low in calories. For example, legumes such as broad beans provide around 12.5 g of fiber per 100 g, prepared with salt and fat according to the nutritional value table. Tip for vegan cuisine: broad beans are the perfect source of protein! Frozen peas have 5.4 g per 100 g, and black salsify even provides 18.3 g per 100 g.

Fruit is also a good source of fiber. Not only fresh but also dried, fruit is also packed with fiber. For example, 100g of dried plums have a dietary fiber content of around 18g. Dried mangoes deliver less, at 8.4 g per 100 g. On the other hand, a fresh apple provides just 2 g of fiber per 100 g. While drying, it is already 11 g.

Nuts also provide a lot of fiber, especially peanuts (11.7 g per 100 g) and almonds (13.5 g per 100 g). Sesame seeds, poppy seeds, or flax seeds also provide some fiber. Therefore, regularly sprinkle nuts, seeds, and grains over your muesli or salad.

Eat fiber: These 15 Foods Are Exceptionally High In Fiber

100 grams of food dietary fiber in g

Dried chanterelles    60.5g

wheat bran    45g

linseed    38.6g

White beans    23g

poppy seeds    20.5g

100 grams of food dietary fiber in g

salsify    18.3g

dried plums    17.8g

dried apricot    17.7g

lenses    17g

Chickpeas    15.5g

100 grams of food dietary fiber in g

rye crispbread    14.8g

almonds    13.5g

Fig dried    12.9g

peanuts    11.7g

macadamia nuts    11.4g

Why Should We Always Eat Fiber?

All nutrition experts worldwide recommend that we eat five servings of vegetables and fruit every day. Anyone who has always thought that this is primarily due to vitamins is wrong because it is more important than vegetables. Fruits are ideal sources of fiber that keep our digestion going. By the way, a high-fiber diet can also prevent the dreaded condition of hemorrhoids. A healthy diet helps us to stay healthy in many ways.

And if our stomach is delicate, we feel fine overall, don’t we?

That said, scientists from Luxembourg and the US have found that it’s pretty spooky to think about what happens in our bodies when we don’t eat enough fiber. The study was published in the journal “Cell” and deals with the positive influence of dietary fiber on intestinal bacteria and the protective intestinal mucus layer. If there is no roughage available as food for the intestinal bacteria, they overexploit the protective mucous layer of the intestine. In principle, this can be imagined as a kind of inner-corporeal cannibalism.

An Important Note At The End: 

An active lifestyle with a balanced diet and plenty of exercises is still the best way to stay fit and to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

ALSO READ: Make Us Fit & Beautiful: This Is What You Should Know About Vitamins!


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