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HomeHAIR CAREHair Detox: Benefits + 5 Homemade Recipes

Hair Detox: Benefits + 5 Homemade Recipes

Even though we wash our hair regularly, there is often an accumulation of toxins on the scalp and the lengths. Over time, this residue layer smothers the hair, preventing it from shining or even causing hair problems. This is why it is necessary, at regular intervals, to have a detoxifying shampoo at hand! Benefits, frequency, and instructions, we tell you everything about hair detox!

What Is A Hair Detox?

A hair detox is a deep fiber cleaning that will free the hair of all the residues accumulated over time. Indeed, if we suspect that our hair contains dust and styling residues, we imagine less how much they are cluttered with many other substances. Mainly in question: pollution, limestone, cosmetics full of silicones, parabens, and waxes, as well as food with its share of pesticides…

The sum of these residues asphyxiates the scalp and prevents it from breathing properly, sometimes leading to hair loss, sebum deregulation, dull lengths, irritation, and other inconveniences! The benefits of a hair detox are quickly felt. Thanks to better oxygenation, the microcirculation of the scalp is optimal, the hair grows better, and it regains its lightness, its shine; in short, it appears in great shape!

When To Do A Hair Detox?

There are unmistakable signs: starting a detox treatment is worth starting when you have heavy, dull, or limp hair.  Before certain operations, it is also relevant. For example, it is necessary to detoxify your hair before vegetable coloring so that natural pigments can hang on the hair. Similarly, making a detox hair mask before henna is essential!

How Often Do You Do A Hair Detox?

It depends, of course, on the nature of the hair and its needs, but, as with the skin, you should not detoxify the hair too often, at the risk of stripping it and weakening it. If you have oily hair, you can perform a detox treatment about twice a month, integrated into a long-term care routine.  

On the other hand, for frizzy hair, curly hair, and dry hair, we wait at least a month between two detoxes or even a little more.  On the side of colored hair, we abstain for a long time when leaving the hairdresser at the risk of seeing the color disgorge very quickly. 

How To Do A Hair Detox?

In stores, in hairdressing salons, and on the internet, you can find everything you need to purify your hair: scrub, detox shampoo, and many other products.  You may also want to detoxify your hair naturally at home with well-chosen ingredients and focus on organic. 

Detox Clay Mask

For this recipe, we choose the type of clay according to the nature of the hair:

  1. green clay for oily hair;
  2. white clay for dry hair;
  3. pink clay for sensitive scalps.

Clay is well known for absorbing all impurities and detoxifying, and aloe vera cleanses and soothes; as for cider vinegar, it has no equal for making hair shine!


  1. Five tablespoons of clay of your choice;
  2. 50 ml cider vinegar;
  3. Five tablespoons of aloe vera gel.


  1. Distribute the preparation over the entire scalp and lengths;
  2. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, and the mask should not be completely dry;
  3. Rinse and proceed with a mild shampoo.
  4. Bicarbonate scrub

A hair scrub is a good idea for removing dead skin and other impurities, even in a scalp detox routine. As a result, it freed hair follicles and favored regrowth. The little extra: this homemade exfoliator costs almost nothing!


  1. Two tablespoons baking soda;
  2. One tablespoon of coarse salt;
  3. Four tablespoons of hot water.


  1. Dilute the baking soda and salt with the water;
  2. Apply the scrub all over the hair, paying particular attention to the scalp;
  3. Massage the whole of the head by performing circular massages;
  4. Rinse thoroughly to remove all grains.
  5. Rhassoul shampoo

This shampoo is particularly suitable for Afro hair, which cleans deeply and gently. Ultra complete, ghassoul combines both absorbent and degreasing properties but also softening. Tea tree essential oil cleanses the scalp for a long time. After this shampoo, the hair is airy and much shinier. 


  1. Four tablespoons of rhassoul;
  2. Three drops of tea tree essential oil;
  3. Three tablespoons of hot water.


  1. Mix to obtain a dough that is not too compact. 
  2. Distribute the shampoo and gently rub the scalp as well as the lengths;
  3. Leave it on for two minutes;
  4. Rinse thoroughly.
  5. Charcoal hair mask

We don’t always think about it because it’s not the most glamorous ingredient in the world, but charcoal is another good option for a natural hair detox! Indeed, it effectively absorbs all toxins and even the finest particles. 


  1. One teaspoon of charcoal powder;
  2. 4 tbsp coconut milk.


  1. Mix the two ingredients;
  2. Apply evenly to wet hair;
  3. Leave it on for 10 minutes;
  4. Rinse thoroughly.
  5. Coconut milk shampoo

Coconut milk has many virtues; we know it softens and nourishes the hair fiber, but it also gently clarifies the hair. Lavender essential oil is applicable here for its astringent properties and helps regulate sebum production. Castile soap brings an antibacterial side.


  1. Four tablespoons of coconut milk;
  2. Two teaspoons of castile soap;
  3. Five drops of lavender essential oil.


  1. Emulsify the ingredients;
  2. Wet the hair;
  3. Distribute the material and proceed as usual when shampooing;
  4. Rinse until you get clear water.

Read Also: Collagen For Hair: Benefits And Uses


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