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HomeHEALTH & WELLNESSHeadache: How To Treat It With Pharmacological Remedies

Headache: How To Treat It With Pharmacological Remedies

Migraine, stress, hangover, sinus or PC headaches are just a few types of headaches. How to treat them? Headache, more properly defined as headache, is a very common disorder with different levels of severity. While in many people, it is an occasional, passing symptom that passes with the intake of an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory, a targeted supplement against headaches or simply a little rest, for others, it has a heavy impact on the life of every day.

When the disorder is sporadic and not linked to chronic diseases or specific ailments, it can be treated with lifestyle changes and over-the-counter products. Today, drugs that can be purchased without a prescription are available on the market and adaptable to all intake needs, from pocket sachets of Okitask that can be taken without water wherever you are to Angelini Moment 200mg, which in the soft capsule format suitable for people who do not have gastric tolerability problems and which can also be taken on an empty stomach.

However, if pathologies cause the headache, it is also important to treat the cause. In this case, the neurologist will diagnose and prescribe a specific therapy. It is very important to consult a specialist in the field of headaches: the complexity of the diagnosis and the risks of inappropriate therapy need to be considered and managed by professionals with specific skills.

How Many Types Of Headaches Are There?

Migraine Headache

Headache is a symptom associated with many conditions and diseases. The most common of these are migraine, a disorder associated with pain of varying intensity on one side of the head. In severe cases, migraine headaches are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and discomfort with light and sounds.

Migraine is chronic when symptoms persist for at least 15 days per month for at least 3 consecutive months. When it is not a rare disorder but is framed in a well-defined pathology such as chronic migraine, the headache must be treated by a specialized neurologist, avoiding resorting to do-it-yourself therapy to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences.

Stress Headache

More commonly, headaches are due to stress (even emotional), physical tiredness and lack of sleep. In these cases, a little rest is enough to get an improvement. If necessary, you can take a product with an anti-inflammatory action formulated in combination with a gastroprotective active ingredient, such as Epifarma Ketodol, which prevents complications in the gastrointestinal tract.

Hangover Headache

The headache can occur after an evening of revelry: it is the so-called hangover resulting from an alcohol intake that exceeds the body’s ability to metabolize it.

PC Headache

Visual effort in front of the computer can trigger headaches in some people. Here two conditions add up: that linked to eye strain and that due to posture. In fact, in front of the screen, we tend to assume incorrect positions, which can give muscle tension at the cervical level and contribute to triggering a form of headache called muscle tension.

The problem is solved (or improved) by interspersing the hours spent in front of the PC with short and frequent intervals in which to carry out exercises to loosen neck muscle tension, for example, circumduction of the head, slow and circular movements which aim to bring balance the contraction of the cervical muscles. 

Regular vision checks and active sitting devices like a pilates ball help prevent this type of headache. Applying self-heating devices in the cervical region promotes muscle relaxation and soothes pain. It is possible to take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory such as Angelini Mendel to resolve the most intense attacks.

Headaches From Colds And Sinusitis

Headaches are also characteristic of ailments such as colds and sinusitis. To relieve congestion and pain, it is advisable to resort to remedies that loosen the mucus and reduce inflammation of the respiratory mucosa. The nasal washings with sterile physiological solution or with hypertonic sprays are excellent. 

Soft Narivit Plus Nasal Spray is a medical device that keeps the mucous membranes of the nose lubricated and hydrated, promoting the repair processes: it is, therefore, particularly suitable for soothing nasal irritations caused by a particularly intense and protracted cold. Also useful are fumigation products such as Pool Pharma Kuraflu, which exploit the effect of hot steam to clear the nose.

The reasons behind the headache can therefore be the most disparate. All have in common the final effect, i.e. the abnormal dilation of the blood vessels, which causes the release of substances that activate the pain stimulus. As we have seen in this article, the cases in which the headache recognizes passing causes and manifests itself as a passing episode, resolved by making up for lost sleep, are not uncommon.

In other cases, the pain in the head is the consequence of a hormonal or environmental alteration of various kinds. Some people are sensitive to light and sound or, again, to perfumes. When exposed to a particularly bright or noisy environment or a specific smell, they experience a headache. Head pain can be triggered in some people after eating certain foods, such as shellfish and aged cheese, or drinking red wine. There is also a genetic predisposition for headaches.

What To Do To Make The Headache Go Away?

People diagnosed with chronic headaches are followed up by a specialized neurologist and treated with specific drugs. There are several categories, from anti-inflammatories to triptans. For some years, some monoclonal antibodies have also been available, which require quarterly or monthly administration. Self-medication can be used to manage sporadic episodes. Medicines are available in all formulations to meet the habits of those who have to take them. 

It is possible to find the classic Cibalgina tablets, the Voltadvance sachets active on a wide range of pain types and the soft capsules of Ibuprofen which give less swallowing problems. Common NSAIDs can create stomach discomfort. To avoid heartburn and digestive difficulties, it is better to choose an active ingredient with a different mechanism of action, such as paracetamol.

Angelini Tachipirina 500mg in the Flash tab 16 tablet version is a product formulated in orodispersible tablets that disintegrate in the mouth without water. Paracetamol 500 mg tablets are also appropriate for treating headaches due to flu or other viral infections typical of the winter season.

Safe Self-Medication Against Headaches

From the point of view of self-care, it is important to make some considerations. First, the need to take pain-relieving or anti-inflammatory drugs should be emphasized as soon as possible after a headache attack. The sooner you take it, the more effective it reduces pain.

Furthermore, it is good to remember the risks of reckless self-medication. The headache can worsen if the drugs are not taken as intended. Finally, the abuse of anti-inflammatories for headache management is correlated, over time, with the risk of kidney or heart damage.

Herbal medicine can help reduce a load of anti-inflammatories, supporting the management of mild headaches, especially from muscle tension among the most used vegetable derivatives for this purpose is feverfew.

FB Health Partena 28 tablets contain extracts of this plant in combination with elements such as magnesium, which is useful for promoting relaxation, and vitamin B2. Aromatherapy can relieve episodic pain: inhaling the scent released by a few drops of peppermint essential oil poured on a tissue helps to soothe the symptom.

When Are Headaches Dangerous?

The headache has, in most cases, a benign character. To justify, some more concerns are the intensity of the symptom or the appearance of symptoms that could suggest the presence of serious pathologies.

It is necessary to go to the emergency room if the headache is excruciating or associated with difficulty articulating language, amnesia, and tingling in the limbs. Or if he appears violent and with high fever, vomiting and neck stiffness.

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