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HomeHEALTH & WELLNESSHeadaches To Stomach Aches: How To Recognize Stress Symptoms!

Headaches To Stomach Aches: How To Recognize Stress Symptoms!

Recognize Stress: Everyone has a busy day. It becomes problematic when hectic becomes permanent, and the first symptoms of stress appear. Stress is not “only” a psychological burden but can also cause physical ailments and illnesses. Headaches from stress, stomach pains, or irritability: many different stress symptoms exist. The signs that appear vary significantly from person to person. Some tend to have gastrointestinal problems, others to tachycardia or headaches. But no matter what stress symptoms you experience, they signify that you urgently need to change something. Far too often, we ignore the signals our bodies send us, forgetting how dangerous stress can be to our health.

Because stress symptoms are a clear sign of permanent stress, and it is unhealthy. When we are stressed, the body produces many stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. If they are constantly in the body, this can increase blood pressure, weaken the immune system and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The causes of stress can be just as varied as the symptoms, from personal worries to problems at work. It is all the more important to listen to our bodies. If you notice the following stress symptoms in you, you should urgently take more relaxation breaks:

Recognize Stress: Mental Stress Symptoms

A distinction is made between psychological and physical stress symptoms. Usually, both occur.

Psychological signs of stress include:

  • restlessness
  • irritation
  • Nervousness,
  • difficulty concentrating.

Many also struggle with constant tiredness and listlessness.

Psychological symptoms of stress, while unpleasant, are not dangerous in and of themselves. The situation is quite different with some physical stress symptoms. And when you know how closely our mental state is linked to our physical condition, it is clear that mental symptoms must also be taken seriously because they can also have long-term effects on our body – and our health.

7 Physical Stress Symptoms

In the case of constant stress, the body can react with restlessness and the like and physical, i.e., bodily symptoms. They usually go away on their own when the pressure subsides. The following physical stress symptoms are prevalent:

Gastrointestinal Discomfort

Stress hits most on the stomach. How the stress symptoms express themselves here, however, is very different. They can cause constipation but also diarrhoea. They can cause abdominal pain or nausea.


Heartbeat Rapid heartbeat is a stress symptom that you should always take seriously. If you suffer from it, you should urgently shift down a gear and change something in your lifestyle.


Headaches are among the most common stress symptoms. They usually go away when you calm down. Be careful if you are prone to migraines. Stress can be a trigger for a seizure.

Insomnia And Other Sleep Disorders

Our sleep is usually the first to suffer when we have worries or problems. So it’s no surprise that insomnia is also a common problem regarding stress symptoms. You can’t get any rest at night, and you can’t switch off. This prevents you from falling asleep but can also lead to problems sleeping through the night or waking up in the middle of the night and not going back to sleep.

There are numerous tips against falling asleep and insomnia in general. However, a doctor should be consulted in the event of severe insomnia.

Eye Twitching 

Thankfully, an eyelid twitching from too much stress isn’t that common. At least not in the permanent state. If you suffer from it all the time, you should consult an ophthalmologist to be on the safe side. If stress is the cause of the twitching, the symptoms will disappear on their own at rest.

Difficulty Breathing

Like tachycardia, difficult breathing is a severe symptom of stress. It is best to consult your doctor on how to deal with it. In asthmatics, an attack is also often triggered by anxiety.


In addition to the stomach, head, or eyes. Itchy rash, dry patches, or red patches are typical symptoms.

Symptoms Of Stress In Children

Unfortunately, not only adults are affected by stress. More and more children show symptoms of anxiety – which are very similar to those of adults. Often they complain of the following ailments:

  • Gastrointestinal complaints
  • a headache
  • rash

But psychological stress symptoms also occur in children.

If your child suffers from it, you should get to the bottom of the causes of the stress symptoms and reduce them. Fear of failure, being overwhelmed, and stress at school is often to blame. Talk to your child about it. Try to take the pressure off him. If that’s not enough, you should think about relaxation techniques and anti-stress coaching.

The Best Tips To Reduce Stress

So that stress symptoms do not arise in the first place, you should relax as often as possible and reduce stress as much as possible. Here are the best tips:

  • Doing sports exercise reduces stress.
  • Take regular breaks.
  • Get plenty of movement in the fresh air.
  • Learn relaxation techniques.
  • Creates an excellent work-life balance.
  • Learn to say no.
  • Don’t take on more work than you can handle.
  • Learn to assign tasks.
  • Accept that you are not perfect.

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