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HomeFASHION & BEAUTYHoney: 15 Varieties And Their Incredible Benefits On The Body

Honey: 15 Varieties And Their Incredible Benefits On The Body

Humans need sugar, and honey has been providing it naturally for several millennia. Focus on its miraculous virtues! Hawthorn Honey It has an action on circulation problems and is practical for nervousness, anxiety and insomnia.

Honey: What Are Its Benefits On The Body?

From its use in the kitchen to its curative role in gingivitis, from the qualities of propolis in the fight against psoriasis to the benefits of royal jelly to boost sexual vigor, honey has an incomparable richness; which not only has never been contradicted but which is still constantly rediscovered, proof of this is the use made of it by modern medicine in the treatment of burns in particular. But the benefits of honey on our body do not stop there! 

Depending on its variety, whether it is acacia, hawthorn, pine, linden, lavender, or raspberry…the precious substance will be able to act beneficially against constipation, blood circulation problems, cystitis, prostatitis, rheumatism; it will also be able to regulate the intestines, promote sleep, fight against fatigue or even control blood pressure. Finally, it is also a valuable ally in our beauty routine.; thanks to its richness in antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins B and C, minerals and trace elements.

How Is Honey Made?

Once the combs have been taken from the hive, the honey is extracted using a centrifuge. It must remain at the same temperature as the pack, between 30 and 35°. It is then filtered using a triple nylon sieve. It finally rests in a tank at room temperature for one to two weeks before potting. A flower, a scent To obtain honey made from a single flower (love of clover, marjoram or others…), the beekeeper will deposit his hives in a place where the chosen plant grows. 

The bees will naturally collect the nectar closest to their “home”. The more glucose a honey contains (like clover honey), the faster it freezes and conversely, the more fructose it has, the longer it remains liquid. Love is edible for almost two years and is stored away from light, humidity, cold and heat.

Honey Throughout History: A Symbol For Many Civilizations!

Like its producer, the bee, honey remains a symbol of life, fertility and wealth. Each civilization finds innumerable virtues in it. “Divine dish”, honey, from ancient times, was considered by all as a “food of life”. Only certain soothsayers saw a harbinger of ruin, disaster and misfortune in him. Nevertheless, it was used to manufacture tablets intended for engraving. According to the Greek historian Herodotus, the Babylonians had taken to burying their dead in honey because it had the reputation of being a “preservative”—first class.

The Egyptians dedicated a holiday to him, aptly named “the feast of the valley where we eat honey”, and used it in abundance, particularly by coating statues with it to colour and accentuate their shine. They reserved white honey for the pharaoh if ordinary love was consumed daily. They also used it to concoct a perfume, supposed to “flow from the eye of Ra”, which they offered to this god.

 Nevertheless, one can almost say that it was in Greece that “modern beekeeping” was born! This traditional technique begins with Zeus, the king of the gods, who, in his early childhood, was fed with the good milk of the Amalthea goat and the honey produced by the bees of Mount Ida. Some say his remains were immersed in love when Alexander the Great died. Just as joyfully, the precious nectar was poured on the altars and, small consolation for them, on the skulls of the poor people who would be sacrificed!

In Ancient Rome, Too…

Virgil sang of honey and bees at will. Many gods were entitled to their share of the cake: Bacchus, yet the god of the Vine, was considered the inventor of honey, and the nickname “bees” was attributed to him. to the priestesses of Ceres and the daughter of the latter, whose official name was Proserpina, was kindly called Mellita, which means “honey”. As for Daedalus, the architect who created the famous labyrinth that housed the Minotaur, he dedicated a golden beehive to Venus.

What Are The Beliefs Around Honey?

A symbol of fertility and opulence, honey is often linked to love affairs. For a long time, beekeepers were advised not to rub shoulders with bees if they had had sexual intercourse. In South America or Africa, harvesting honey goes hand in hand with several prohibitions concerning sexuality. Conversely, in Slavic countries, it was a custom for the mother of a young bride to pour a spoonful of honey into the hands of the newlywed. The husband then had to lick his wife’s hands.

Honeymoon: Where Does The Famous Expression Come From?

The term “honeymoon” originated in India. It was customary to offer the newlyweds wine and honey, which they had to consume in thirty days to obtain joy and happiness, hence the poetic expression “honeymoon”.

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