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HomeSKIN CAREHow Do You Deal With Your Skin After The Sun?

How Do You Deal With Your Skin After The Sun?

Your skin safeguards you and gives you exquisite colouring. Treat it to protect your figure and your health

How Do You Deal With Your Skin After The Sun? Rinsing

Stop making life hard on your skin. Long live sunbathing and sea and pool sessions, but salt, chlorine, UV rays from the sun and filter creams dry it out. Not to mention the heat, which dilates the skin’s pores where pollution and dust become encrusted more easily. First, care to bring to your skin, rinse it with lukewarm water, never with too hot water, even less with cold water. Tap water is often calcareous. Shower using a soothing shower oil for your dermis ( sweet almond oil ), preparing it for a moisturizing treatment. Remember also to rinse your scalp.

How Do You Deal With Your Skin After The Sun? Exfoliate It

The skin thickens to protect itself from the sun by producing an excess of melanin called tanning. This thickening of the skin reduces the elimination of toxins and impurities. It is, therefore, essential to exfoliate it regularly to rid it of these impurities.

Exfoliation And Coffee Grounds

The shelves of the trade are not stingy with exfoliating products. You can exfoliate your skin using coffee grounds collected at the bottom of the coffee filter. Add coffee grounds to your shower gel. At the rate of two to three times a week, this mechanical exfoliation will not damage your skin but make a good exfoliation. Not to mention that caffeine activates blood microcirculation, which is excellent for draining slightly fatty tissue.

Exfoliation And Cane Sugar

Slightly more expensive, dilute three tablespoons of cane sugar in two of mineral water, and exfoliate your skin without rubbing the sensitive points and avoiding the eye and mouth area. The variants are a teaspoon of cane sugar for a tablespoon of olive or sweet almond oil. Or a teaspoon of honey.

Exfoliation And Coarse Salt

Yes, yes, coarse salt is suitable for rough areas of skin. Mix five tablespoons of coarse salt with four tablespoons of moisturizing vegetable oil. Apply in circular massages on the elbows, knees, or the soles of the feet.

Care For Your Skin After The Sun: Watch Out For Silicone

Avoid sunscreens that contain silicone. This prevents the skin from breathing and will have more difficulty eliminating impurities.

How Do You Deal With Your Skin After The Sun? Hydrate

Hydrate From Within

The precept “what’s inside shows on the outside” is valid for skin hydration. By regulating body temperature, perspiration causes the skin to lose mineral salts . Reasons why drinking water is essential. You can store water in which sliced ​​cucumber has been macerated for 24 hours in the refrigerator; it tastes good and is suitable for your health. Otherwise, herbal teas, cold soups, gazpachos, salads and all water-rich foods (cucumber, watermelon, melon) are welcome.

Hydrate Your Skin

After rinsing and exfoliating your skin, it’s ready to be hydrated. This hydration is essential because the sun evaporates the water from the cells, which need it to function well. Choose milk or moisturizer, such as shea butter or glycerin, an antioxidant (containing vitamin E) because the sun’s rays promote free radicals that attack the skin cells.

Skin Care After The Sun, Depending On Your Skin Type

Nourishing your skin depends on its more or less dry nature and, of course, on its age. A baby’s skin (which will never be exposed to the sun) or a mother’s skin is more fragile. Mature skin needs to be even better hydrated. Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean you shouldn’t grease some skin types.

How To Deal With Your Skin After The Sun? Feed Her

It’s not enough to give your skin a drink; you have to nourish it deeply. In this case, shea butter is rich in vitamin A, which promotes collagen production and is responsible for skin elasticity. It is also rich in vitamins D, E and F.

Consider Aloe Vera

This elegant cactus is the skin’s natural medical kit. In case of burns, mosquito bites and, of course, after sunbathing. Aloe vera contains 99% water, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. In gel or better, directly on the plant, which offers its juice as soon as it is cut. One of the best after-suns, suitable for all skin types.

How To Take Care Of Your Skin After The Sun To Avoid Peeling?

Do you peel? Your skin was not sufficiently protected before exposure to the sun nor rehydrated enough afterwards. To avoid this desquamation, only expose yourself briefly or when the sun is at its zenith (between 12 p.m. and 3 p.m.). And apply sunscreen from the first exposure. Then hydrate and nourish your skin the first time. Too late? There are many grandmother’s remedies to extinguish the fire of a sunburn. 

If the burn is light, apply yogurt to soothe it by refreshing and moisturizing the skin. Alternatively, lay tomato slices, whose vitamin A content has a therapeutic effect. Don’t forget the vinegar (cider or white) diluted in the same proportions of water. The acid pH of the vinegar rebalances the skin and instantly relieves the burn. Apply with compresses. As for baking soda, it is also valid against sunburn. Also to be applied with compresses, in proportions of a teaspoon of baking soda for a quarter of a liter of water.

How Do You Deal With Your Skin After The Sun? Eat Colors

Before sunny days or a trip to sunny latitudes, take a course on beta-carotenes, precursors of vitamin A. They are in most orange-coloured fruits and vegetables, carrots, apricots, melons, and mangoes. You will have a healthy glow, and the skin will be partly protected from skin dryness.

Read Also: Cod Liver Oil: A Health Booster, Benefits, And Properties


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