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How To Do Nasal Washes

How to do nasal washes, a simple and effective natural remedy against colds and other problems of the upper airways. Some learn it through yoga, some from their child’s pediatrician, and some even in the hospital: doing nasal washes is a practice that prevents many ailments brought on by the cold; here is all the information and techniques to perform them at their best.

What Are Nasal Washes? 

Nasal washes involve the introduction of a liquid with cleansing functions into the nostrils of the nose; it is a natural “irrigation.” This practice allows you to clear the airways and protect you from inflammation and infections.

What Are Nasal Washes For?

Nasal washes serve to decongest the nasal cavities and promote proper breathing. Even children can take advantage of this practice as it does for 

  1. to counteract forms of colds through the elimination of mucus;
  2. to prevent accumulations with related forms of sinusitis and rhinitis.

How Many Nasal Washes Per Day?

There is no actual protocol. The primary advice is to do at least two daily irrigations, morning and evening, in case of respiratory constipation from mucus, and a medium nasal wash in the afternoon.

Stuffy Nose And Nasal washings

Nasal washes can represent a valid alternative to decongestant drugs used locally. They relieve the symptoms of a stuffy nose because, through a mechanical effect, they clean the mucosa of impurities and excesses of stagnant mucus that could favor the formation of inflammatory processes. The defensive function of the mucous membrane of the nose is restored, and the secretions produced by the nose and paranasal sinuses are eliminated through the digestive processes. The blocked nose effect is overcome with improvement not only in breathing but also in sleep quality. 

How To Do Nasal Washes  

A correct nasal wash involves elementary but precise mechanics:

  1. Tilt your head to the side to avoid swallowing the washing solution; 
  2. Insert the nozzle of the dispenser into the nostril opposite the tilt side of the head;
  3. Press firmly on the dispenser to push the solution and let the water out of the other nostril, taking all the residues with it;
  4. Repeat the process on the other side.

The dynamic nasal washing with a spray, with the pipette for nasal washes, or, even better, with the convenient electric nebulizer that can be connected to the aerosol, make nasal washing even more delicate and practical to use, especially when, in addition to physiological, it is necessary to use hypertonic saline solution or increase with medicines or other products. There are many devices for nebulization and nasal showers on the market, effective alternatives to joint aerosol therapy: sometimes you need a little patience and constancy. 

What To Use For Nasal Washes 

In general, the substances indicated for irrigation are isotonic, hypertonic, or sulfurous solutions. Some are synthetic solutions, others of thermal origin or seawater (sterilized). It is possible to proceed with nasal washes with simple water and salt. You can use the classic glass bottle of physiological solution and, with a syringe, take the dose to be sprayed in the nostrils with a pipette or with the same syringe without a needle.

Nasal Washings In The Newborn 

A first practice to preserve the well-being of newborns is to carry out nasal washes with physiology. It is essential to know how to manage the procedure because nasal washes on newborns could be dangerous if the child is very agitated if his nasal mucous membranes are swollen. So it is recommended to ask the pediatrician for advice. With slightly older children, it’s easier. The child lies on their side, fills the syringe, obviously without a needle, according to the recommended dose for the age, and pushes to one side and then to the other. The head must be well supported so that the water mechanics will wash away the dirt well without discomfort. Removing secretions, a fundamental final step can be done either with the practical aspirator for younger children or by blowing the nose for older ones. 

Nasal Washing In Ayurveda 

It comes from Hatha Yoga and is a practice that purifies the upper airways; it is called Jala Neti, the natural irrigation or nasal wash. The container used to make it is the  Neti Lota,  a small teapot made of plastic, ceramic or other material with a spout.  You fill the container with warm salty water, even better if with Himalayan pink salt; you position yourself on a sink, tilting your head and letting the water flow in one nostril and drain out of the other, breathing with your mouth.  He then blows his nose vigorously. Constant daily practice in the morning or evening is recommended in case of colds. 

To improve the breath and purify the nose, Ayurveda uses a practice called Navana Nasya, which involves the use of nasyamap, a nourishing and emollient oil used in the Ayurvedic medicinal tradition for hygiene and nose care with eutrophic properties. And endemic.  The nose, according to Ayurveda, is of great importance because it is precisely through the breath that energy or prana can enter our body. Just think of the pandemic and how a devastating virus entered the human body through the airways. Those affected by Covid 19 can activate this practice, and nasal washes help improve the conditions of the upper airways.  Useful in case of colds and allergic rhinitis, problems related to smell, and dryness of the internal cavities of the nose.

If used every day, nasyamap, according to Ayurvedic medicine, would instead be able to bring benefits in case of migraines, vision disorders, neck muscle tension, anxiety, and sleep disorders. It is formulated with natural ingredients: sesame seed oil, goat milk, and plant extracts, including cinnamon oil, turmeric oil, licorice, cardamom, and sandalwood, and is used by massaging one or two drops of product into the nasal cavity and in the external area of ​​the nostrils after nasal washing.

Contraindications Of Nasal Washes

Nasal washes have no contraindications and are recommended for adults, children, and during pregnancy. Of course, in the case of acute and persistent inflammation, they cannot replace drugs, and consultation with a specialist is recommended.

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