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HomeHEALTH & WELLNESSManuka Honey: What Are Its Health Effects?

Manuka Honey: What Are Its Health Effects?

There is currently a real hype about Manuka honey. Is he that healthy? And what exactly does manuka honey do to the body? We clarify! In the race for the most popular home remedies, honey takes the top spot. The golden natural product is said to have an antibacterial effect and help with all sorts of complaints from colds to inflammation. Honey is even said to be an absolute miracle weapon against pimples.

But among the types of honey, one is becoming a natural trend product. We are talking about Manuka honey from New Zealand. It takes its name from the Manuka tree, a tea tree whose flower nectar is collected by busy bees and transformed into dark honey.

What Makes Manuka Honey So Healthy?

Supposed superfoods are a dime a dozen. But often behind the hype is not valuable ingredients, but simple marketing. This is different from Manuka honey.

Researchers from the University of Dresden have researched the effects of New Zealand honey and found out what distinguishes it from other types of honey. In contrast to common types of honey, Manuka honey contains a considerable amount of methylglyoxal or MGO for short. MGO is considered anti-inflammatory and is said to have an antibacterial effect.

“Normal” honey also contains the health-promoting MGO but in a much lower concentration. While meadow and forest honey contain around five milligrams of MGO per kilogram of honey, Manuka honey contains up to 700 milligrams. This means that high-quality Manuka honey deserves the name “superfood.”

Manuka Honey: Strong Effect Against Bacteria

Manuka honey can be used for a variety of ailments. However, it is particularly recommended for bacterial infections of the skin. This is where the Manuka honey unfolds its healing-promoting effect and supports wound healing.

One area of ​​application is, for example, open wounds with wound healing disorders. Manuka honey is applied to the cleaned and disinfected skin area. The body part is then protected with sterile bandages. Thanks to its high MGO content, Manuka honey promotes wound healing and prevents reinfection.

Manuka Honey Works Against Pimples

The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of Manuka honey can also be used on blemished skin because pimples are nothing more than clogged and inflamed pores.

Applying a Manuka honey face mask to a thoroughly cleansed face can help refine the complexion and heal blemishes. Apply thinly and leave on for 30 minutes. In contrast to everyday anti-pimple products, honey has the advantage that it does not dry out the skin and, on the contrary, makes it nice and supple.

Tip: If you only suffer from isolated pimples, you can also dab the honey on the affected skin area with a clean cotton pad before going to bed and leave it to “act” overnight.

Manuka Honey: Positive Effect On The Gastrointestinal Tract

But Manuka honey not only has a health-promoting effect on the skin. Used internally, it can even positively affect the gastrointestinal tract. This is confirmed by the head of the Dresden research team.

The MGO contained in Manuka honey is said to inhibit the growth of bacteria that are responsible for diseases such as stomach ulcers or gastritis. If you suffer from an irritated stomach, you should try the home remedy Manuka honey.

Manuka Honey Is An Effective Home Remedy For Colds

In addition to stomach problems, Manuka honey can also help with colds and relieve annoying symptoms such as a sore throat or cough. Take a teaspoon three times a day and let it melt in your mouth. An alternative is candies filled with Manuka honey, which can relieve a sore throat or dry cough.

Tip: If you have a sore throat, we recommend a soothing sage tea, which you sweeten with New Zealand honey. The advantage of Manuka honey is that the health-promoting effect is retained even in hot tea since MGO is mainly insensitive to heat.

Medicinal Plant Manuka: More Than Just Honey

Manuka honey is by no means the only product that can be made from the New Zealand Manuka tree. Manuka oil, for example, is extracted from the leaves. Like honey, the oil also contains valuable ingredients that positively affect health. Manuka oil is similar to tea tree oil but is much more skin-friendly.

It promotes wound healing, makes the skin more resistant, and even helps against herpes. Although this has not yet been scientifically confirmed, there are numerous positive testimonials online about products containing manuka oil.

On Amazon, for example, customers are enthusiastic about a unique lip balm with manuka oil. According to the numerous reviews, this should provide relief from herpes and – used preventively – can even prevent a new outbreak. 

Important: Manuka oil should not be applied to the skin in its pure form but always mixed with high-quality skin oil, such as almond oil. A few drops are enough.

Power Effect Only With Natural Manuka Honey

Significant At The End: Just because it says ‘Manuka honey doesn’t mean it has to contain a health booster. Because there are many deceptive packages on the market, you should look for the test seal that confirms the MGO content to ensure that the honey you buy is real Manuka. There are kinds of honey with MGO values ​​from 100 to 820. The higher the MGO value, the greater the health-promoting effect of Manuka honey.

But – and this is the downer – high-quality Manuka honey with a high methylglyoxal content is very expensive. A 500g jar can cost over 100 euros. If you use Manuka honey sparingly and not every day, but only when you are ailing, such a jar can last for a very long time.

Important: Use only clean spoons to take honey out of the jar and close it carefully. You should store the valuable honey in a dark, dry, and cool place so that it does not lose its healthy ingredients and its powerful effect.

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