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Mediterranean Diet: 5 Recipes To Get Back In Shape

Here are five recipes from the Mediterranean tradition, revisited in the light version and complete with calorie counting, to get you back in shape for the summer and so good that you won’t even feel like you’re on a diet!

Far from being a danger for the swimsuit rehearsal, the Mediterranean cuisine and diet offer a series of typical and fresh dishes based on good seasonal food that is good for the body, feed it lightly, and are ideal if you have a few extra pounds.

Here are five recipes based on Italian foods, low in calories and rich in taste, which will allow you to vary even concerning the usual menu, perfect for eliminating swelling, and heaviness and losing weight before arriving at the beach.

Beauty Comes From Tomatoes With Rice

Moisturizing and tasty, tomatoes are the kings of summer, rich in vitamins and mineral salts, and they are suitable for the skin and calm inflammation. Here is a perfect recipe that takes inspiration from the Roman culinary tradition but with few calories.

Ingredients For 2 Or 3 People : 

  1. 4 large tomatoes,
  2. a spring onion,
  3. 6 small handfuls of rice,
  4. a pinch of ground cinnamon, > fresh basil
  5. leaves, > white wine to deglaze.


Cut the lid off the tomatoes, hollow them out and keep the pulp to one side without the seeds; in a large pan, sauté a chopped spring onion, the tomato pulp, and the rice; add a splash of ground cinnamon the chopped basil and then blend with a bit of white wine.

Add boiling vegetable broth, cook for about fifteen minutes, leaving the rice al dente if you want to put it in the tomatoes, and put it all in the oven again at 160°C for about 7 minutes before serving. Otherwise, for an even fresher version, cook it thoroughly and put it in the tomatoes, doing them as they are, raw.


 About 165 per serving.

Scale-Proof Eggplant Parmesan

We are used to seeing rich and beautiful seasonings in the classic parmigiana, but here is a light and revisited version. The eggplant parmigiana originates from Emilia and the south of Italy, Sicily, and Campania.

Ingredients For 2/3 People :

  1. a couple of round purple aubergines
  2. a cup of tomato sauce,
  3. garlic and basil;
  4. a mozzarella,
  5. 3-4 tablespoons of grated Parmesan,
  6. extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper


cut the aubergines into reasonably thin slices and grill until they are cooked but still soft. Preheat the oven to 180°C; take a large baking tray and start making the layers: a drizzle of essential oil, a sprinkle of aubergines, tomato, diced mozzarella, and a spoonful of grated Parmesan. Continue like this until the end and bake for about 15 minutes. Leave to cool for a few minutes before consuming, drizzled with a drizzle of raw oil.


 270 calories

Genoese Stuffed Zucchini

Here’s a tasty variant, which would also be made with meat, but here it’s vegetarian and light: with a couple of spoon fuls of basmati rice and a small salad next to it, it can also become a fantastic single summer dish.

Ingredients For 2/3 People

  1. 4/5 medium-sized courgettes
  2. an egg,
  3. breadcrumbs,
  4. garlic,
  5. extra virgin olive oil, salt,
  6. mint,
  7. a couple of tablespoons of grated Parmesan


Blanch the cour gettes in boiling water for about five minutes, cut them, and drain them; once they have cooled down, cut them in half lengthwise and hollow out the central part, which you will put in a bowl, placing the courgettes on a baking tray.

Add the Parmesan cheese, salt, pepper, an egg, a spoonful of breadcrumbs, and half a clove of garlic (to taste!) to the inside of the courgette and blend everything with an immersion blender. Then add a couple of chopped mint leaves and mix well again. Put a little stuffing in each zucchini and bake at 170°C for about ten minutes, a quarter of an hour, sprinkling the surface with a drizzle of oil.


A serving of just zucchini has about 150 calories

Wholemeal Pasta Salad, Cherry Tomatoes, And Mozzarella

A summer must, a simple and light pasta, which has only 380 calories for a nice 100-gram plate, and which becomes even tastier thanks to the Pachino tomatoes, good oil, and wholemeal taste combined with mozzarella and basil fresh

Ingredients For Two People

  1. 200 grams of good wholemeal pasta,
  2. a pack of Pachino tomatoes,
  3. a clove of garlic,
  4. salt, pepper,
  5. a mozzarella,
  6. fresh basil,
  7. extra virgin olive oil


put the cherry tomatoes cut into four parts in a large bowl and add salt, pepper, chopped basil, a crushed garlic rump (which you will then remove), and four tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. Let it infuse and let the water form while you cook the pasta al dente. Drain the pasta and put it in the still-hot bowl; mix everything well, and only when it has cooled down add the cubes of fresh mozzarella.


380 per 100 grams

Baked Courgette Flowers With Ricotta

Greedy and fanciful, a dish of just over 200 calories per portion, which we also know in the fried version of the Roman and Neapolitan culinary tradition, is the light and vegetarian baked zucchini flowers.

Ingredients For Two People

  1. a dozen fresh courgette flowers
  2. a packet of ricotta,
  3. a spoonful of grated Parmesan,
  4. an egg,
  5. a couple of fresh mint leaves,
  6. salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil.


clean the courgette flowers well, remove the pistil inside, and arrange them in a non-stick ovenproof dish. Prepare the filling with the ricotta, the egg (if you are vegan, you can use linseed gel), the grated Parmesan cheese, salt, pepper, and a few mint leaves. Gently fill the flowers with the help of a teaspoon, and bake at 180°C for about 10 minutes, lowering a little if they brown too much.


About 200 calories per serving

Read Also: Make Sweets Yourself: The Best Tips And Recipes


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