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HomeFASHION & BEAUTYNo More Lousy Skin! 4 Skincare Steps For The Perfect Glow

No More Lousy Skin! 4 Skincare Steps For The Perfect Glow

Perfect Glow- Do you wish for radiantly pure and healthy skin? We’ll show you a few simple care steps and give you tips that will help you, achieve beautiful skin. Well-groomed and radiantly pure skin is what we all want. There are tons of toners, serums, and creams out there, all of which promises just that. But let’s be honest: With all the products, we quickly lose track and in the end don’t even know what we need. We can tell you: Basically, there is not much that your skin needs.

A few simple care steps and beauty routines are suitable for every skin and every age. We’ll tell you what things you should pay attention to and what an ideal care routine looks like.

Perfect Glow- How Do I Get Beautiful Skin?

Unfortunately, there is no general answer to this question. There is also no magic trick or formula that works for everyone. Because it depends on the skin type and the individual skin needs, for example, dry skin should be treated differently from oily skin.

Nevertheless, there are a few tips that everyone can look out for in their daily grooming routine. We introduce you to the most important ones here.

1. Use Fragrance-Free Skincare Products

Yes, good-smelling skincare products are excellent. However, perfume makes absolutely no contribution to skin health. On the contrary: fragrances can irritate the skin. They can even lead to allergic reactions or a defensive reaction of the skin—the result: skin prone to dryness, redness, and itching.

Tip: A great skincare product that works entirely without fragrances and alcohol and is suitable for every skin type is the Revivalist Moisturizing Care Without Perfume. The daycare provides the skin with intensive moisture, hydrates, and invigorates it. The cream should also visibly reduce wrinkles after two weeks. It stimulates the skin’s lifting processes and thus ensures a firmer complexion.

2. Do Not Touch Your face 

The eyes itch, there is an annoying pimple on the nose, and anyway, we constantly feel the need to play around with our fingers on our faces. Unfortunately, this habit does not help us to have healthy and pure skin. Because there are many bacteria on our hands that we catch on doorknobs, on shopping trolleys, or the steering wheel, these bacteria have no business in the face. Above all, you should avoid it if you are prone to pimples and blemished skin anyway. Because the bacteria can not only cause skin blemishes, they can even become inflamed.

3. Diet, Drink Water & Lots Of Sleep It Is

Not only the external impact on your skin that counts – for a clean complexion, it is essential that it also radiates from the inside and is healthy. Means: Move away from “toxic” substances such as alcohol, nicotine, or fast food and get on with a healthy diet and plenty of water. You should drink at least 2 liters a day. This ensures that your skin immediately looks plumper and fresher.

Sleep is just as important as a balanced diet and sufficient fluids. Because only through a restful night can the immune system recover from the stresses of the day. During the night, the cells are renewed, giving us a fresh and healthy complexion the following day.

4. Be Patient

Anyone who hopes to have beautiful skin as if by magic immediately after changing their skincare routine will, unfortunately, have to disappoint. Because the skin first has to adjust to the care products. So give your skin a little time. It can take up to three months for your skincare routine to take effect.

Skincare Routine: Step By Step To Beautiful Skin

Anyone who wants to improve their complexion should introduce a skincare routine. Those who have a set way for skincare mornings and evenings don’t forget anything and help the skin to adapt to the new products. We’ll tell you how to care for your skin step by step properly.

Step 1: Cleanse Your Face

Cleansing is the basis of facial care. You should remove makeup, sebum, sweat, and other dirt particles from your face in the morning and the evening. Anyone who wears makeup should first clean the skin with a makeup remover. It is best to use an oily product for this, so you get mascara or other stubborn products down well.

Then clean the face with a mild lotion or a cleansing foam and lukewarm water. The skin should now be immaculate and free of all residues.

Step 2: Peeling (Optional)

It would be best if you exfoliated immediately after cleansing your face. This is how you rid your skin of dead skin cells. In addition, the care can be better absorbed by your skin later. After the peeling, your skin will immediately feel supple and glow. However, you should only do this step once a week. If you tend to have sensitive skin, you should also use chemicals instead of classic mechanical peeling. This is because it is gentler on the skin.

Step 3: Tone The Skin

Once your skin has been cleansed, the toner is used. This soothes the skin and gives it moisture. In addition, it prepares the skin optimally for the absorption of valuable ingredients of the following care products.

Step 4: Apply Moisturizer

Your skin is now perfectly prepared and can absorb the care in the best possible way. If you want to use a serum:

  1. Apply it before the cream.
  2. Use a moisturizer.
  3. Gently pound this into the skin, not forgetting the neck.

The profoundly effective Revivalist moisturizing care without perfume is suitable for all skin types. Since it does not contain any fragrance or alcohol, anti-aging care is ideal for sensitive skin. The cream supplies the skin with plenty of moisture and has a calming effect. The contained probiotics of natural origin should also tighten the skin and make wrinkles appear smoother in just two weeks. A real all-rounder you can’t go wrong with!

By The Way: 

The daycare is absorbed into the skin very quickly and does not leave a sticky film. It is therefore also perfect as a basis for your daily makeup.

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