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Petitgrain Essential Oil: A Great Nervous Rebalancing Agent

Stress, nervousness, melancholy or blues, severe orange petitgrain medicinal ointment mitigates and comforts by reharmonizing the body and brain. Focus on this fundamental fragrance-based treatment.

Bigarade Petitgrain Essential Oil: In Brief

Like neroli or unpleasant orange rejuvenating oil, severe orange petitgrain ( Citrus aurantium ssp. amara ) comes from the harsh orange tree, likewise called an unpleasant orange tree. The refined part changes: here, the leaves and the youthful branches interest us. Unlike the oils separated from the citrus strip, it isn’t photosensitizing: it is very conceivable to open yourself to the sun soon after its application. Much appreciated for pressure the board and apprehensive and close-to-home distinctive characteristics, bigarade petitgrain oil additionally conceals other all-around kept mysteries, especially in beauty care products.

Petitgrain Bigarade: What Are The Benefits?

Petitgrain Bigarade And Stress

It is no incident that it is once in a while nicknamed the oil of the heart. The medicinal oil of petitgrain bigarade is particularly demonstrated to treat all uneasiness-related side effects. Its extravagance in linalyl acetic acid derivation makes it a magnificent antispasmodic: it, in this manner, eases apprehensive fits, chest snugness and feminine spasms highlighted by pressure. 

It also controls the pulse and will be well-known for individuals experiencing palpitations ( tachycardia, arrhythmia, etc.). All the more, by and large, the rejuvenating oil of petitgrain bigarade is shown as a truly anxious rebalancing. It reestablishes concordance between the two parts of the autonomic sensory system, not exposing to the will:

  1. the sympathetic system (accelerator of the organism, activated in case of stress)
  2. and the parasympathetic system (retardant of the body, taking over during periods of relaxation).

People prone to spasmophilia or neurovegetative dystonias, therefore, particularly appreciate it. As a good adaptation, it also meets our needs of the moment: if it revives us gently in the event of a slack (without exciting us), it restores serenity in the event of excessive nervousness (without making us doze off).

Petitgrain Bigarade: Its Soothing Scent

On the olfactory level, the essential oil of petitgrain bigarade is considered the comforting, soft and warm friend that helps regain self-confidence and invites you to let go. On the other hand, we will prefer noble chamomile in case of emotional shock. Petitgrain bigarade and sleep: effective against nocturnal awakenings? Endowed with soothing and relaxing action, the essential oil of petitgrain bigarade helps to fight against sleep disorders. It can massage the solar plexus before bed, diluted to 5% in a macerate of St. John’s wort. However, it remains less powerful than the essential oil of mandarin zest for this use.

Petitgrain Bitter Orange For The Skin

At the cutaneous level, petitgrain bigarade exerts a purifying and toning action. It is thus perfectly suitable for oily or even acne-prone skin. It can also act as a natural deodorant: although less effective than palmarosa, it has the advantage of being less irritating. Appreciated for its fragrances with green notes, it brings a touch of freshness to a feminine perfume or a homemade shower gel.

Petitgrain Bigarade: What Contraindications?

Flexible and very safe, bigarade petitgrain has no particular contraindications. However, it will be prohibited for pregnant women before the third month of pregnancy.

How To Use Bitter Orange Petitgrain Essential Oil?

All the advice that follows does not replace the advice of a health professional. If in doubt, seek advice from a trained aromatherapist physician or aromatherapy counselor. Presenting no toxicity, the essential oil of petitgrain bigarade can be used by all major routes invested in aromatherapy: cutaneous, oral, inhalation and diffusion. On the skin, it can be used occasionally or in emergencies, such as an anxiety attack. 

Then place 1 drop directly on the wrists by rubbing them against each other and breathing deeply. Inhalation from the bottle also works: acting quickly, its effects are more fleeting over time. The classic cutaneous route is to be favored to counter chronic stress or soothe painful menstruation. It will then be diluted in vegetable oil: between 5 and 7% for a relaxing aim (at the sternum level, for example) and up to 20% maximum for spasmodic pain (on the painful area).

To leave azen imprint in your interior, aerial diffusion is sovereign. In this case, respect the number of drops indicated in the instructions for using your diffuser or nebulizer. In aromatherapy, the oral route is always to be handled with care. It is still of interest for the intestinal sphere, especially in the event of bloating and flatulence. Dosage and therapeutic windows are to be determined with your practitioner.

Bigarade Petitgrain Essential Oil In The Kitchen

Notice to gourmets, petitgrain bigarade essential oil can also be used in the kitchen for flavor preparations! At 1 or 2 drops, it blends perfectly in a fruit salad, muffins, waffles, or vegetable dishes (cucumber soup, beet puree, etc.).

Read Also: Calendula Oil: Soothes The Skin Of Young People And Adults


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