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Pumpkin Gnocchi: Basic Recipe And Variations

Pumpkin gnocchi is a typically autumnal Italian cuisine preparation. But what is the recipe for preparing them? Here are many ideas and valuable tips for cooking pumpkin gnocchi rich in flavor.

Pumpkin Gnocchi Recipe

How are pumpkin gnocchi made? Here is an easy-to-follow step-by-step recipe. Ingredients for 4 people:

  1. 600 grams of cooked pumpkin 
  2. 200 grams of cooked potatoes 
  3. 1 egg
  4. 30 grams of grated cheese
  5. 300 grams of 00 flour
  6. nutmeg to taste
  7. salt to taste 

The recipe for pumpkin gnocchi first requires cooking this ingredient and the potatoes. Start by pouring the cut pumpkin into a bowl and adding a teaspoon of water; then cover it with cling film and cook in the microwave for about eight minutes at maximum power. Remember to stop halfway through cooking to mix the pumpkin a little.

The same procedure is carried out with the potato cut into small pieces, setting the microwave cooking duration to approximately four minutes. Once the two vegetables are ready, mash them well with a fork, then pour the pumpkin onto a work surface, spreading it well with the knife. Pour the potatoes over the pumpkin and mix well, then salt to taste.

Leave the vegetables to cool, break the egg into the pumpkin and potato mixture, and add the grated cheese and nutmeg. Finally, mix everything well using a fork. Add the flour a little at a time, remembering that the aim is to obtain a reasonably soft mixture, so it will be advisable to use the bare minimum. Knead with your hands, gradually incorporating the flour; once you have obtained a soft dough, flour the work surface and roll out the dough with a rolling pin. 

It should reach a thickness of a couple of centimeters, and then cut some strips with a knife. Roll them up to form tails, cut them and shape the gnocchi, placing them little by little on a floured surface (such as a plate or cutting board). In the meantime, boil the water to cook the freshly made gnocchi: this is necessary to prevent them from softening too much. As soon as the water boils, add salt and throw in the gnocchi; they will be ready as soon as they rise to the surface. Drain them and then season them to taste.

How To Make Pumpkin Gnocchi: Valuable Tips

Are there any special tricks for making truly special pumpkin gnocchi? What precautions should be taken into account so that, once the gnocchi have been shaped, they do not fall apart in contact with boiling water but, instead, remain firm? First, one of the fundamental requirements for this recipe to succeed ideally is the choice of the pumpkin variety.

Not all pumpkins are recommended for making this preparation: it is better to avoid the types that contain an excessive quantity of water because they would make the dough too moist and, consequently, you would tend to use flour in abundance, with the result that the dumplings would become hard and unpleasant to the palate. The ideal pumpkin for gnocchi is the Butternut variety or the Mantovana variety, which stands out for its compact and richly flavored pulp.

Another tip from real experts is to cook the pumpkin in the microwave (and not in a pan, therefore) to further reduce the quantity of water present in the recipe; then, to measure out exactly how many potatoes are needed, add half the weight of the pumpkin to the mixture.

In addition to consuming them freshly made, pumpkin gnocchi also lend themselves very well to being frozen so they can be enjoyed even after some time. To preserve them this way, proceed as follows: once cooked in salted water, immediately dip them into a bowl with cold water and let them cool very well. 

After draining them, grease a container well with olive or seed oil and pour them inside. This way, they won’t stick to each other, and you can store them in the fridge covered in cling film for a couple of days. Alternatively, they can be placed in the freezer  (placed in a tray and closed in a food bag) and kept for about six months. To cook them, throw them back into boiling water while frozen and wait for them to return to the surface.

Pumpkin Gnocchi: 3 Variations To Try

Italian cuisine can count many pumpkin gnocchi recipes, from regional variations to gluten-free versions, up to those that add new and unexpected ingredients. Here are three options to make this preparation more captivating and truly suitable for everyone.

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