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Red Clover Supplements In Menopause: Are They Effective?

Red clover supplements are utilized in the treatment of menopausal side effects. Red clover supplements have been accounted for to be viable in alleviating menopausal side effects. Because of their phytoestrogen content, i.e., substances that act similarly to female chemicals and estrogens, they advance hormonal equilibrium during this stage.

These enhancements are acquired from the Trifolium pratense plant, which has a place in the vegetable family. It develops wild on soils in Europe and Asia and in North America’s glades. Its little red blossoms are utilized for practical purposes. All the more explicitly, they are utilized as an enhancement for asthma, outshining hacks, elevated cholesterol, bone well-being, and menopause. We should see together what the investigations say regarding it.

Red Clover Supplements: Do They Relieve Menopausal Symptoms?

Red clover (Trifolium pratense) can be purchased in several presentations, including the dried herb for making tea. However, tablets, powders, extracts, topical treatments, and tinctures can also be found.

According to popular belief, its consumption is associated with improving menopausal symptoms. In particular, it reduces nocturnal hot flashes, bone demineralization, headaches, and the risk of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease. Is there any supporting evidence?

What The Research Says

In ongoing many years, the capability of red clover and its subordinates to decrease menopausal side effects has been considered. Along these lines, it has been resolved that it concentrates phytoestrogens, for example, daidzein, genistein, biochanin A, and formononetin, related with various advantages.

Notwithstanding, suppositions about its belongings in easing menopause stay partitioned. A writing survey shared by the Public Community for Biotechnology Data expresses insufficient proof to help the viability of semi-sanitized isoflavone concentrates of red clover. All things being equal, this equivalent survey reasons the plant decidedly affects the medical care of developed and menopausal ladies.

It has been accounted for to maintain bone well-being and forestall atherosclerosis. An American Diary of Obstetrics and Gynecology survey found that ladies who took red clover encountered a modest decline in hot blazes contrasted with the fake treatment bunch. For other menopausal side effects, like temperament, sexual issues, and rest unsettling influences, a minor impact was seen.

 This proposes that the plant might be valuable for ladies at this stage. This is upheld by a later meta-examination, shared through the diary Supplements, which detailed that red clover removes have a “moderate impact” in diminishing the daily recurrence of hot blazes. In any case, the scientists demand that more definitive proof is required.

Potential Effects On Lipid Profile And Bone Health

In addition to reducing hot flashes, red clover supplements provide additional benefits for perimenopausal and postmenopausal women. A meta-analysis shared in the journal Maturitas reported that isoflavones derived from this plant help reduce total cholesterol concentrations. In turn, a study shared in Nutrients highlights that the anthocyanins and isoflavones in red clover give it anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

 Because they inhibit the adverse effects of oxidative stress, they also benefit cardiovascular health. Regarding its effects in preventing bone demineralization, an Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine study found that daily red clover extract benefits bone health in healthy menopausal women.

Specifically, the participants received a daily dose of 150 mL red clover extract containing 37.1 mg of isoflavones.  A protective effect on bone mineral density loss was observed after 12 weeks. However, increasingly large studies are needed to confirm these effects.

Possible Side Effects And Contraindications

Information shared by the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai indicates that no severe side effects have been reported from consuming red clover for up to a year. Some possible adverse reactions are nausea, headaches, and skin rashes. People at risk of breast cancer should consult a doctor before taking these supplements.

Research has found opposing effects – cell proliferation and apoptosis – of isoflavones on breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Therefore, for safe use, it is essential to seek the advice of a specialist. This plant also increases the risk of bleeding. For this reason, its simultaneous consumption with anticoagulant drugs is not recommended. It should also not be taken with oral contraceptives and anticancer drugs.

For safety, it should be avoided in the following cases:

  1. Children.
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. Patients with cancer or a history of malignancy.

Recommended Dose

The intake doses of red clover supplements range from 40 to 80 mg daily. This may vary by manufacturer. Therefore, you must consult the label. Any questions should be directed to the herbalist or doctor.

To Remember

In various investigations, red clover is effective as an aid in reducing the symptoms of menopause. Even so, the researchers insist that more comprehensive studies are needed to corroborate these effects. For now, the supplements are available in herbal medicine and pharmacies. They are generally considered safe for most healthy women. However, it is recommended to consult your doctor before taking them regularly.

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