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HomeDIETRhubarb Compote: A Tangy Recipe That Is Good For Your Health!

Rhubarb Compote: A Tangy Recipe That Is Good For Your Health!

Simple to prepare, the rhubarb compote is a tangy delight that awakens the taste buds from the first bite! But this compote has exciting health benefits. Let’s see all its benefits and how to prepare it to delight you!

Rhubarb Compote: What Are Its Benefits? 

By consuming rhubarb compote, you will enjoy the benefits of its main ingredient: rhubarb. By eating it regularly, rhubarb is excellent for lowering harmful cholesterol levels and keeping the line. But its virtues are still numerous! Due to its soluble fiber content, rhubarb can lower harmful cholesterol levels without affecting good ones. The fibers present in rhubarb help with their excellent intestinal transit and boost the digestive system. Consumed in the form of compote, rhubarb is an excellent laxative.

The source of vitamins, this fruit stimulates the body. Its amount of vitamins B, C, and E and provitamins A are beneficial for strengthening bones, gums, and teeth. The vitamin K it contains helps promote blood circulation. Rhubarb also contains antiseptic substances. These have anti-inflammatory properties. Finally, low in calories, carbohydrates, and lipids, rhubarb can be eaten without fear during a diet.

Rhubarb Compote: The Calories

In 100 grams of rhubarb compote, there are approximately 100 kcal. Rhubarb compote: from a recipe point of view  Rhubarb compote is very easy to prepare. It can be declined in several recipes to vary the tastes. Here are some recipe ideas to delight you for sure!

How To Clean Rhubarb?

Be careful of rhubarb. Only the petiole is eaten, that is to say, the stem and not the leaf. To do this, wash your stem with water and peel it using a peeler and, failing that, a knife. Then cut it into small pieces.

How To Cook Rhubarb?

Once the above preparation is done, place the small pieces in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. The rhubarb will disgorge and produce juice after about 15 minutes; then, you can cook. Below you will also find advice adapted to each recipe.

Quick And Easy Rhubarb Compote

If you want to prepare an express rhubarb compote, wash a kilo of rhubarb and cut your branches into slices 1 to 2 cm thick without peeling them. Cover the pieces in a saucepan with 100 grams of sugar. Leave to drain for 10-15 minutes. When the rhubarb has “spit out” its liquid, cook over low heat, stirring occasionally. Leave to simmer for about 30 minutes until you get the desired consistency. Add the juice of an orange if you wish.

Rhubarb And Apple Compote

For this recipe, you need:

  1. 400g rhubarb
  2. 600 g of apples of different varieties
  3. Two packets of vanilla sugar
  4. 50g sugar
  5. 15 cl of orange juice

Preparation. Strip and cut the apples and rhubarb into pieces. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and cook covered until you get the compote consistency. If the consistency is too runny, remove the lid to let the juice evaporate.

Banana Rhubarb Compote

This recipe is speedy to prepare. You need the accompanying three fixings:

  1. Eight sticks of rhubarb
  2. Four bananas
  3. 100g sugar

Preparation. First, wash, peel, and cut the rhubarb into small dice. Arrange them in a dish. Cut the bananas into slices, then add the sugar. Let cook for 15 minutes in the microwave. Finally, mix everything.

Rhubarb Compote Without Sugar

For this compote, peel 200 g of rhubarb and two apples. Cut these fruits into small pieces. Please place them in a saucepan, pour water, and cook over low heat for 20 to 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. As soon as the time is up, let it cool a little, then add 1/4 of a teaspoon of baking soda. If you want, you can add half a vanilla bean.

Rhubarb Compote For Babies

For your little one, here is a recipe for rhubarb compote:

  1. Peel 50 g of rhubarb.
  2. Cut them into small sections and put the pieces in a pan.
  3. Wash and peel 150 g of apples.
  4. Cut them into pieces and wipe out the seeds.
  5. Add them to the skillet.
  6. Leave to cook over low heat.
  7. Add the fixings to a blender and mix.
  8. Chill your compote.

How To Thicken A Rhubarb Compote? 

If your rhubarb compote is too thick, you can gently put it back to heat by removing the lid. This will allow the water to evaporate.

What To Do With Rhubarb Compote? 

If you want to use the rhubarb compote and not eat it as is, add it to a cake, a cake, or a pie.

How To Sweeten A Rhubarb Compote?

To sweeten rhubarb, two techniques can be used. If you don’t have much time, soak your pieces of rhubarb for 40 minutes in cold water with a teaspoon of baking soda added. If you have time, let your rhubarb pieces marinate overnight in caster sugar.

How To Freeze Rhubarb Compote? 

To freeze your rhubarb compote, place it in a clean jar before putting it in the freezer.

Read Also: Batch Cooking: The Solution For Planning Your Meals!


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