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Seborrhea: Symptoms, Causes, All Remedies

Seborrhea is the excessive production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. It can depend on several factors, including eating disorders or hormonal dysfunctions, but it is also linked to nervous factors and stress. Let’s find out how to cure it.

Types Of Seborrhea

The sebum has its smell, which worsens when the scalp’s microbial flora metabolizes it. Dandruff is a more specific pathology, which originates when the sebum is dry, and the flakes look like small white cuticles; it is seborrhea furfuracea

When the sebum is fluid, we speak of greasy seborrhea, the scales are greasy, and the preferred places are the scalp, nose, chin, forehead, and shoulders; when seborrhea is associated with an eczematous type of inflammation, we speak of eczematoid seborrhea. It usually precedes acne. 


Itching in the head, pain in the scalp. Hair loss is a natural consequence if the anomaly lasts for a long time. Seborrhea sometimes progresses to seborrheic dermatitis, a condition in which excess sebum is accompanied by inflammation of the skin, which reacts by producing oily scales on the scalp, behind the ears, and inside the ear canal, as well as a sensation of scalp pain.

Causes Of Seborrhea

The causes of seborrhea can be both physiological and psychological. In the first case, seborrhea may depend on the following:

  1. hormonal dysfunctions  (such as excessive androgen synthesis);
  2. infections (which cause an alteration of the skin flora);
  3. conditions such as Parkinson’s disease or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV).

As far as the psychological component is concerned, it is good to remember that stress, tiredness, and nervousness can heavily influence sebum production. Finally, it should be remembered that seborrhea can also depend on the following:

  1. poor or excessive personal hygiene;
  2. use of aggressive cosmetics or skin products;
  3. incorrect feeding:
  4. Alcohol abuse.


The diagnosis can identify a type of seborrhea which can be physiological, occasional, or pathological. Through accurate tests, the doctor will understand if the origin of the seborrhea is due to eating disorders, hormonal dysfunctions, nervous factors, and stress. In the case of occasional and non-pathological seborrhea, the factors can be environmental, too alcoholic hair lotions, or too aggressive treatments. 

Cures For Seborrhea

Nutrition In Case Of Seborrhea 

A healthy diet rich in fruit and vegetables should be adopted, avoiding animal fats as much as possible. Beware of any intolerances that can generate stressful situations and put a strain on the intestinal flora.

Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, tangerines, and grapefruits) are also recommended since, in some cases, they can trigger allergic reactions on the scalp (especially in children).  A recent study has shown that the topical application of honey diluted with warm water (9 parts of honey and one part of warm water) significantly improves itching, dermatitis, and dandruff.

Herbal Remedies For Seborrhea 

In the case of seborrhea, an ancient remedy involves using lotions based on alchemilla, peppermint, and rosemary infusions. Usually, cabbage cooking water is used.  In many cases of occasional seborrhea, the face and scalp are cleaned daily with products based on pure aloe juice or gel. 

The following are also excellent for external use:  hypericum oil: it is used for its healing and emollient properties, capable of stimulating cell regeneration in case of skin lesions, psoriasis, dry skin of the face and body, skin aging, bedsores, stretch marks, scars, and acne marks;  echinacea: it is the immunostimulant plant par excellence. 

Among the phytotherapeutic remedies for internal use:

  1. Borage oil: in the form of pearls, it is successfully used together with linseed oil for all skin problems.
  2. The alpha-linoleic acid in these plants significantly improves the oxygenation and respiration of the cells. It lubricates the blood vessels and all body tissues, improving their permeability.
  3.  It can also be used on the skin to combat skin inflammation, such as seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, acne, and psoriasis.
  4. Crab apple: as regards the forms of seborrheic dermatitis identifiable as a psychosomatic disorder, once the pathology has been diagnosed, it is possible to prevent its worsening with Bach flowers. Crab Apple is the floral remedy developed by Edward Bach for all skin problems of psychosomatic origin.
  5. Burdock: it is another natural remedy that favors the correct physiology of the skin, thanks to the purifying and decongestant properties rendered by sesquiterpenes, polyacetylene sulfonated compounds, caffeoylquinic acids, and inulins, which justifies its use in the treatment of dermopathies and is therefore defined as an “end cosmetic.”Furthermore, it stimulates the liver and pancreatic function, favoring the elimination of toxins, especially when this disorder derives from food intolerances.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture is very effective in the case of seborrhea. Usually, the acupuncturist, in the presence of seborrhea, also checks the state of the tongue (if it has a red tip and white patinas). The therapy involves the purification of heat, the removal of moisture, and the expulsion of wind. In the case of seborrheic dermatitis, in addition to expelling the wind, it also feeds on Blood ( Xue ).

Aromatherapy For Seborrhea

For sebum with very oily hair, lavender essential oil and lemon oil is used. Tea tree oil also protects the skin from fungal, bacterial, and microbial attacks, assisting our natural skin defenses, thanks to its powerful broad-spectrum antibiotic action. In case of excess sebum on the skin, cedar essential oil is also very effective. 


Homotoxicological drainages are very useful in the case of seborrhea. An interview and a personal visit are necessary for the latter’s choice. You will understand that you are dealing with an expert homeopath when he asks questions concerning your interiority because the causes of a manifest disorder such as seborrhea are often internal, if not always.


Yes, to meditation and yoga. All the activities that favor the relaxation of the organism are good. Maintaining a good sleep-wake rhythm is also important for scalp health. For this reason, those who naturally have a lot of energy and need a daily dose of physical activity can and must swim, run, and walk; better to avoid intense activities before bedtime or immediately after a meal.

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