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HomeFASHION & BEAUTYThe Loofah: Good For The Skin And For Other Uses

The Loofah: Good For The Skin And For Other Uses

The loofah (loofah or luffa) is a vegetable wipe fundamental for skin health management. Ideal for admirers of regular magnificence, the loofah has various advantages. Rapidly, it can turn into your magnificent partner! Yet, its purposes are as yet various. We should unwind every one of the secrets of the loofah and find every one of the excellencies of this abnormal wipe.

Presentation And Description

From the beginning, the loofah isn’t the principal thing you would use to focus on your skin. Be that as it may, this vegetable wipe is great for dealing with your epidermis. The climbing plant having a place with the Cucurbitaceae family has its primary qualities: yellow blossoms and lobed leaves, natural products looking like zucchini and cucumber. 

Filling in Africa and Asia, the loofah is dried and afterward exhausted of its seeds. It contains normal filaments with excellent peeling properties. On the other hand, staying aware of your wipe is basic since it has an interesting future. The loofah should be saturated so it becomes adaptable. It can then be utilized with a cleanser. It should then be washed well and dried to keep it from decaying. You can likewise place it in the clothes washer at 40°C most extreme. To be aware: there is the loofah in the glove and wipe.

Natural Loofah

The loofah is a natural sponge containing natural fibers. If you want to buy some, here are the prices (as an indication): between 9 and 15 euros for a loofah glove and between 7 and 10 euros for a sachet of loofah glitter for exfoliation before hair removal.

Loofah: For What Use? 

The loofah is utilized to shed the skin and to perform stripping. You can utilize everything over your body. In the wake of dampening your loofah and adding cleanser, here are the moves toward take for improved productivity:

  1. Make circular gestures in your lower body to go up. This will promote circulation.
  2. Also, perform circular movements at the level of your belly.
  3. Gesture vertically and upwards on your buttocks.

After using your loofah, remember to moisturize your skin well. By using the loofah, you will feel real well-being. Your skin will also be more supple and more supple. 

  1. It promotes blood circulation;
  2. It softens and exfoliates the skin;
  3. It removes impurities and dead skin;
  4. It permits the skin to recover its versatility.

The loofah can also be used before hair removal to prepare your skin. Depending on your skin type, you can use the loofah daily. But if you have sensitive skin, space out the frequency of use (once a week is a good average).

Loofah For The Back

For the back, the loofah will be of great use to you! There is, in particular, the dorsal loofah, which will allow you to clean your back easily.

Loofah In Glove

The glove loofah is very soft and can be used like a classic glove with soap. Remember to moisten it before each use. As soon as it comes into contact with water, it will swell and regain all its suppleness and softness.

Loofah And Soap

You can use Aleppo soap or black soap with your loofah. Loofah sponge for the dishes You can also do the dishes with the loofah. But remember to rinse and dry it well to eliminate bacteria due to food particles between the fibers.

Loofah Or Less?

Depending on your needs, you can choose between these two solutions: if you want a gentle exfoliation, a loofah sponge will be preferred. But if you want a deeper scrub, a Kessa glove will be ideal. Common points between the two: they promote blood circulation, eliminate impurities and dead skin and refine the skin texture.

Make Your Sponge

Loofah: Which Plant? 

The loofah belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. It is a  tropical or sub-tropical climbing plant with yellow flowers, lobed leaves and whose shape is reminiscent of cucumber or zucchini.

Loofah: Its Culture

This plant can be planted in tropical, temperate, and subtropical zones. For cultivation in the open ground, there should be no frost, and obtaining a vegetable sponge takes 150-200 days of heat since the emergence of the seeds. If you want to plant loofah, here are some tips and rules to follow:

  1. Planting period: between April and May (start sowing in a warm place 5 to 6 weeks before planting in the ground)
  2. Soil type: rich in organic matter
  3. Sowing: cultivate pockets of 3-4 seeds or plants spaced 1 to 2 meters apart.
  4. Cultivation: plant your loofah in a 20-liter pot.
  5. Maintenance and watering: weed around the base and water regularly.

Where To Find It? 

So you can plant your loofah or find it as a glove or sponge on the internet.

Loofah Supplier

Here too, you can find a manufacturer directly online.

Whole Loofah

If you want to buy a whole loofah, you can also browse the internet, where several sites offer it.

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