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What Are Natural Antihistamines?

Natural antihistamines help fight respiratory allergies and urticaria by calming conjunctivitis, rhinitis and itching.

Histamine, What Is It?

The receptor is an amine delivered by our body, shaped thanks to the decarboxylation of the corrosive amino histidine; decarboxylation is a response where a carbon dioxide particle is lost and, for this situation, happens thanks to the mediation of a compound called pyridoxal phosphate.

 Histidine is a synapse in the focal sensory system and a compound courier. In this subsequent case, it is emitted by pole cells – cells of the safe framework – following unfavorably susceptible responses and during provocative cycles, setting off a progression of reactions.

Effects Of Histamine On The Body

After its release, histamine can bind to different receptors found in the cells of other organs and tissues. Different effects are generated based on the link between histamine and receptor, based on the receptors’ location.

When histamine binds to the cardiovascular, bronchi and intestines receptors, the typical allergy symptoms occur. The link with the receptors in the central nervous system causes histamine to function as a neurotransmitter.

The link between histamine and receptors present in the bone marrow and on leukotics leads to a modulation of the immune response. In contrast, the connection with the receptors found on the stomach mucosa causes an increase in gastric secretion, which can generate gastric pyrosis, i.e. heartburn caused by irritation of the esophagus and gastric and intestinal ulcers.

Allergic Symptoms And Histamine

In allergic reactions, hypersensitivity or anaphylactic reactions, contact with antigens or allergens causes a series of responses in the body, including the release of histamine from mast cells. The release of histamine in allergies causes :

  1. Vasodilatation;
  2. increased vascular permeability;
  3. bronchoconstriction;
  4. increased intestinal peristalsis.

Based on the route of contact and penetration into the body of the allergen, allergic symptoms can be different. If the allergen rapidly enters the bloodstream, like insect or animal venom, there will be systemic anaphylaxis with oedema, increased vascular permeability, anaphylactic shock, and cardiovascular collapse. In this case, the reaction will be violent and dangerous, as it could quickly lead to death.

When the allergen comes into contact with the subcutaneous tissues, on the other hand, there are:

  1. wheels; 
  2. erythema;
  3. urticaria.

The pollens and feces of mites that are breathed in can instead cause allergic rhinitis or bronchial asthma: in the first case, there is edema and irritation of the nasal mucosa and allergic conjunctivitis; in the second, there is inflammation of the airways bronchoconstriction and increased mucus secretion with cough and difficulty breathing. Finally, vomiting and diarrhea occur in addition to urticaria, vomiting and diarrhea occur, and systemic anaphylaxis is possible in food allergies.

How To Relieve Itching

As we have seen, one of the allergy symptoms is hives and therefore itching. This condition can occur following an insect bite or as an allergic food reaction. It is necessary to investigate the causes that trigger the reaction, but natural remedies for urticaria can be:

  1. Lavender essential oil;
  2. clay

To Be Applied Directly On The Wheels

A lavender essential oil should be diluted by adding three drops to a tablespoon of vegetable oil to be massaged into the affected skin areas. Clay, on the other hand, is a powder to be mixed with water, vinegar, or hydrolat to form a paste to be applied on wheels; when the compress is dry, it is rinsed with water.

Histamine-Lowering Foods

In case of histamine intolerance or histamine intoxication, it is advisable to exclude certain foods. Histamine intolerance occurs when the body is not efficient enough to eliminate histamine in the body, causing symptoms that include:

  1. asthma ;
  2. diarrhea ;
  3. headache ;
  4. conjunctivitis;
  5. rhinitis;
  6. hypotension;
  7. arrhythmia;
  8. urticaria;
  9. widespread itching.

Histamine poisoning causes similar symptoms but is due to excessive consumption of histamine-rich or histamine-releasing foods. In both cases, it is good to eliminate some fish such as mackerel, tuna, sardines and herring and all seasoned and fermented foods, therefore cheeses, cured meats, sauerkraut, cocoa, alcoholic beverages and sauces such as ketchup. Among fruit and vegetables, it is better to avoid the following:

  1. Strawberries ;
  2. kiwifruit ;
  3. tomatoes ;
  4. eggplant.

What To Eat To Lower Histamine?

Among the foods to prefer to combat allergies, histamine intolerance and intoxication, we, therefore, find cereals, fresh cheeses and most vegetables. The preferred drinks to lower histamine naturally are:

  1. Water ;
  2. green tea or even herbal tea.

What Are Natural Antihistamines?

In case of seasonal allergies, it is possible to use natural antihistamines to reduce the manifestations affecting the respiratory tract and the skin.

  1. Among these, we find:
  2. Nigella ( Nigella sativa ) ;
  3. Agrimony ( Agrimonia eupatoria ).

Nigella is useful as a natural antihistamine to be taken as needed as an infusion or mother tincture. Agrimony is mainly used against allergic conjunctivitis and urticaria. It is taken internally as an infusion prepared with leaves and flowers or as a mother tincture and can also be used in aerosols and for external applications on the skin and eyes.

To alleviate the allergic symptoms in the eyes, it is also possible to make compresses with chamomile, using filtered and cold infusions. A natural antihistamine for allergic rhinitis is instead the helichrysum to be used by inhalation; the aqueous extract of helichrysum is also an excellent eye drop in allergic conjunctivitis.

These remedies can be associated with blackcurrant bud extract ( Ribes nigrum ), rich in:Vitamin C  flavonoids and other substances that help relieve allergies and inflammation; It is taken once or twice a day by diluting 50 drops in water. Another natural antihistamine is perilla oil, obtained from the seeds of Perilla frutescens.

Perilla Oil Is rich In The Following:

  1. Vitamin E ;
  2. phytosterols ;
  3. polyphenols ;
  4. essential fatty acids of the omega-3 series

It is viewed as powerful as an elective regular allergy medicine and mitigating to blackcurrant or different cures. To quiet the sensitivity usually, you can require two teaspoons every day.

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