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Abdominal Exercise Mistakes: The 7 Biggest Mistakes

Abdominal Exercise Mistakes: Highly motivated, we do our crunches every day to finally fulfill our dream of six-packs. But do you know what? This is precisely FALSE! We’ll tell you the seven most fatal mistakes in abdominal training and how to do it correctly.

So much motivation is praiseworthy, but a lot doesn’t always bring much. Daily exercise is just one of seven mistakes we like to make when doing abs. Read the following mistakes carefully: Do you make any of these? If so, you should urgently change that.

Abdominal Exercise Mistakes: Perform Exercises Incorrectly

So that the abdominal muscles are optimally trained, and you do not suffer any postural damage or injuries, you should always make sure that you do the exercises correctly. It is best to have a trainer show you and ask him to watch you do it.

What is often done wrong: The head is pulled up too much during crunches and sit-ups. It should be in line with your back. And: Always tense your stomach and make sure that you perform the exercise with the strength of the abdominal muscles and not with momentum. In the video: The most effective abdominal workout – this is how it works! Pulled up too much. It should be in line with your back. And: Always tense your stomach and make sure that you do the exercise with the force the abdominal muscles perform and not with momentum.

High Repetitions

The more repetitions, the better? Unfortunately, this is not true. Your abdominal muscles need to be challenged a bit. A short, intense workout is often better than a vast number of repetitions. The more repetitions, the better? Unfortunately, this is not true. Your abdominal muscles have to be challenged a bit. A short, intense workout is often better than a vast number of repetitions.

Forget Breaks

Muscles do not develop during training but in the time afterward. It is, therefore, vital that you give your abs time to regenerate and grow. Always take a day or two off between abs workouts. On these days you can do something for your legs and buttocks, for example.

Always The Same Training

You don’t need an extensive repertoire of exercises, but you should change your workout now and then and try new activities. But what is even more critical: increase yourself. Do more repetitions or make weight exercises more challenging.

Neglect The Obliques

The abdomen consists not only of straight but also oblique abdominal muscles. However, they are often forgotten. To prevent this from happening to you, you should, for example, modify the crunch and do it at an angle or train the side plank.

Forget Your Back Muscles

Many people make this mistake when they work out their abs: they do abs exercises like crazy and don’t strengthen their lower back at the same time. To avoid bad posture, you should train this. Just like arms, legs, and buttocks – it is always better to prepare the body as a whole and not just individual problem areas.

Only Strength, No Endurance

Weight training is excellent for building muscle. But for the muscles to show up, you also have to get rid of the fat. This works best with endurance training. Work up a sweat three times a week and work out while jogging, Zumba, or spinning.

ALSO READ: Training Plan For Everyone Who Wants To Lose Weight


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