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HomeFITNESSAfter Exercising, Avoid These Biggest Mistakes That You Are Doing

After Exercising, Avoid These Biggest Mistakes That You Are Doing

After Exercising: When and what can you eat after exercise? And what about drinks and a good stretch? We’ll tell you the most important after-workout rules. After sporting a beer with friends, the evening can begin! It is also tempting to treat yourself to something tasty after training. After all, you’ve just burned many calories. We know that this is not the best idea. The fact is: You can make a lot of mistakes after a workout. But what exactly should you do after exercising, and what should you do without? 

After Exercising: Here Are The Dos & Don’ts 

After this, Sports beer with friends, so the evening can begin! It is also tempting to treat yourself to something tasty after training. After all, you’ve just burned many calories. We know that this is not the very best idea. The fact is: After that, you can make a lot of mistakes. But what exactly should one do for now after the sport on and on what you should do without?

Don’t: Drink Too Little

When we exercise, we consume a lot of calories and a lot of water through sweating. Therefore, you should drink enough during and especially after training. How much? About 30 to 35 ml per kg of bodyweight plus 500 to 1000 ml for every hour of physical activity. The best choice: perfectly normal mineral water. When exercising, we consume a lot of calories and a lot through sweating water. Therefore, you should drink enough during and especially after training. How much? About 30 to 35 ml per kg of bodyweight plus 500 to 1000 ml for every hour of physical activity. The best choice: perfectly normal mineral water.

Be sure to stay away from sports drinks. Most of them are overpriced and sometimes full of sugar. Soda, cola, or juice, and energy drinks, are also not good ideas. Alcohol is, of course, also a no-go after exercise. Be sure to stay away from sports drinks. Most of them are overpriced and sometimes full of sugar. Soda, cola, or juice, and energy drinks, are also not good ideas. Alcohol is, of course, also a no-go after that sport.

Don’t: Skip The Cool-Down

You’ve just been training for two hours, and you’re tired of the annoying cool-down? Not good! Warm-up and cool-down are important parts of any workout. Stretching is important to lower your pulse and heartbeat and bring the body to rest. In addition, stretching exercises loosen the muscles and thus prevent injuries and muscle strains. It is important to lower your pulse and heartbeat and to calm the body. In addition, stretching exercises loosen muscles and thus prevent injuries and muscle strains.

Don’t: Cram Sweets & Fast Food Into Yourself

Anyone who does sports and burns a lot of calories gets hungry. Especially after training, there is a great temptation to treat yourself to something delicious – after all, you hit the gas. After a sweaty workout, many reward themselves with a fat pizza or a huge piece of chocolate cake. Just don’t!

We should keep our hands off that after exercising:

  • Sweets
  • Fast food
  • fat, hearty food
  • big portion
  • Pasta and rice
  • White bread
  • Chips & Flips

Do: Eat Something Rich In Protein

Anyone who has done strength training should eat something rich in protein after exercising. Muscles need protein to grow. Yogurt with banana is perfect or a serving of low-fat quark. A piece of meat or fish is also rich in protein. All those who have mainly taken care of their endurance should also use protein, but not forget carbohydrates to replenish their energy reserves. A slice of whole-grain bread or oatmeal is ideal.

Here’s what you can eat after exercising with a clear conscience:

  • Natural yogurt with fruits
  • Vegetables with quark dip
  • oatmeal
  • Whole wheat bread with cheese
  • salad
  • chicken
  • fish
  • nuts
  • avocado

Don’t: Don’t Eat Anything After Training

Not eating anything after a workout is just as bad as eating too much or the wrong thing because after exercising, our glycogen stores are empty, and we feel weak. Fifteen minutes to an hour after exercising is the best time to recharge your batteries. If you wait longer than two hours, you risk an undersupply of the muscles.

Even those who want to lose weight should take a little after exercising to remain productive in the long term.

By the way, whether for losing weight, building muscle, or for a healthy lifestyle, your diet is an important factor that you can influence positively.

Don’t: No Time To Shower

Sometimes things have to happen very quickly after a workout. Nevertheless, you should not do without showering because sweat on the skin causes bacteria to form faster. It is not enough to change clothes.

Relax And Take Breaks

Anyone who has achieved a lot can relax. That means: take a rest after exercising. After an extensive workout, sleep at least eight hours to start the new day fit and refreshed. If you want to do something good for yourself immediately after exercising, you can treat yourself to a relaxing bath.

It is also best to always take a day’s sports break so that your muscle groups can regenerate sufficiently. If you train different muscles on two days, you can, of course, go back to training the next day.

Don’t: Go To Bed Immediately

Relaxing on the sofa is okay, but going straight to bed is not a good idea. The body takes its time to come down again. We can’t sleep right after exercising – unless it was a yoga class.

ALSO READ: Slimming Smoothies: 5 Delicious And Healthy Recipes


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