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HomeHEALTH & WELLNESSGood Carbohydrates: They Are Allowed When Losing Weight

Good Carbohydrates: They Are Allowed When Losing Weight

Put an end to without bread and pasta! Good Carbohydrate friends who have pinched all carbs in the “low carb” craze can use them again. Because “good carbohydrates” are allowed, even if you want to lose weight.

Good carbohydrates, bad carbohydrates: Of course, it’s not that simple. But one thing is for sure. There are big differences when it comes to carbohydrates. They can be roughly divided into simple and complex carbohydrates. But not only that, but our body also reacts very differently to the carbohydrates and the point in time at which we ingest them.

Good Carbohydrates Are Considered Fattening Foods In Low-Carb Diets

For years, greasy foods were considered the number one fattener, but high -carbohydrate foods such as bread, potatoes, and pasta have been taking their place for quite some time. You are a thorn in the side of the low-carb diet.

The reason why these foods are supposed to make you fat: If you eat a slice of bread, the body has to produce plenty of insulin after consumption to transport the sugar that arrives in the blood from the bread into the cells. This is a completely harmless, normal metabolic process.

The problem: a lot of insulin promotes the storage of belly fat. It also inhibits fat burning. Both of these make it difficult to lose weight immensely. Therefore, low-carb fans avoid foods rich in carbohydrates such as potatoes, pasta, desserts, chips, muesli, ice cream, or even rice.

“Don’t Lump Carbohydrates Together”

However – and carbohydrate friends should read on here – there are big differences, as described above. Good and bad carbohydrates, simple and complex, differ in their chemical structure. But above all, and most importantly, everybody is different and metabolizes food components differently.

“You can’t lump carbohydrates together,” Rather, it is important to find the right source of carbohydrates for your metabolic processes.

Do Not Let Blood Sugar Levels Skyrocket

“For example, many people do not stay full for long after a meal with rice as a side dish because their blood sugar skyrockets. This happens when the intestinal bacteria cannot metabolize the rice well,” the nutritionist continues.

If the blood sugar level shoots up, the body also produces a lot of insulin, which leads to fat being stored on the stomach, among other things. BUT: If I eat a slice of whole meal bread with cheese, it has significantly less blood sugar level than a slice of white bread with jam. The blood sugar level rises only slowly, less insulin is produced, and accordingly, there is less risk of stored abdominal fat. If the blood sugar level shoots up, the body also produces a lot of insulin, which leads to fat being stored on the stomach, among other things. They also fill the stomach and keep you full for a long time. “Dietary fiber is mainly found in high-carbohydrate foods such as cereals, whole grain bread, and legumes. It is a boon for us.

Whole grain bread contains good, complex carbohydrates that you can and should eat regularly because they contain plenty of fiber, important for regular, healthy digestion.

They also fill the stomach and keep you full for a long time. “Dietary fiber is mainly found in foods rich in carbohydrates such as cereals, whole grain bread, and legumes. They are good for our intestines, keep us feeling full for a long time and promote digestive activity.” 

A Food Diary Protects Against Food Cravings

For a better overview and to conclude: “Since our intestinal flora, also known as the microbiome, is composed differently in every person, every person reacts differently. A classic ‘filling side dish’ such as rice or pasta can be turned into, or potatoes will be the opposite.

Many people often do not see the cause of their hunger attacks in a previous meal because the reaction does not start immediately after eating.

What Are Your Good Carbohydrates?

The metabolism is different in every person, so your diet should be individually adapted to each individual. Do not rely on any new trendy diet, rather find out what your own body needs. “Like us, our microbiome has different levels of performance at different times of the day. Studies have shown that many people metabolize carbohydrates best in the morning”. “People who can tolerate carbohydrates better in the morning are therefore allowed to have more oatmeal, bread, or cereal muesli at breakfast.

Every person’s metabolism is different, so you should get your nourishment individually adapted to each individual. Do not rely on any new trendy diet, rather find out what your own body needs. ‘. You track your blood sugar over 14 days, and you can determine. On the other hand, a snack may no longer make the intestinal flora happy in the evening. The effect: the blood sugar rises, the fat storage is stimulated, and you are hungry again so quickly that you reach for chips or chocolate again in front of the television. “

Would you like to know when your body can best absorb carbohydrates and which carbs it is? You can find out, for example, with the program ‘ Million Friends, ‘where you track your blood sugar over 14 days and can determine which foods are good carbohydrates for you. Food provides good carbohydrates for you.

Please Avoid It More Often: An Overview Of Bad Carbohydrates

Therefore, do not strictly pinch all carbohydrates, only those foods that contain simple ones. These are mainly:

  • White bread
  • White flour pasta
  • potatoes
  • Sweets
  • Cake cookies
  • Fast Food
  • crisps
  • alcohol
  • Juice & lemonades

Please Eat Regularly: An Overview Of Good Carbohydrates

However, you should consume these high-carbohydrate foods regularly:

  • oatmeal
  • Whole Wheat Pasta
  • Whole grain bread
  • all vegetables, including potatoes
  • millet
  • Quinoa
  • nuts

The Best Tips To Lose Weight And Still Eat Bread & Co.

  • Don’t forbid anything, but eat sweets and cakes only rarely and in small quantities.
  • Change your diet to whole grain products: Bread, pasta & Co. are now available in the “healthier” whole grain version. Ask your nourishment to wholegrain products: Bread, pasta & Co. are now available in the “healthier” whole meal variety.
  • Instead of pasta and potatoes, eat millet, quinoa, or amaranth as a side dish. In addition to complex carbohydrates, they also contain a lot of protein.
  • Refrains from sugary drinks.
  • Avoid alcohol.
  • Eat protein-rich foods and vegetables regularly, such as eggs, quarks, meat, or fish.

ALSO READ: The Fat-Away Plan: The 10 Best Tips For A Low-Cholesterol Diet


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