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HomeHEALTH & WELLNESSHealthier And Fewer Calories: These Are The Best Sugar Alternatives

Healthier And Fewer Calories: These Are The Best Sugar Alternatives

Were you looking for sugar alternatives? We’ll show you how you can replace conventional sugar in healthy and sometimes even low-calorie way! It has long been known that refined sugar is not good for our organism and even harms it. And because awareness of healthy nourishment is getting stronger, sugar alternatives are more in demand than ever.

Even those who eat according to the low carb or clean eating principle wonder which healthy and low-calorie alternatives to conventional sugar are available. After all, our taste buds are turned towards sweetness, and nobody wants to do without sweet things entirely. Fortunately, this is unnecessary because there are numerous super tasty – but healthy – sugar alternatives that help reduce our sugar consumption!

Sugar Alternatives- Sweet Things Make You Happy

Even in the low or slow-carb nourishment sweets are not neglected. After all, nothing makes you happier than a delicious dessert that we treat ourselves to once or twice a week. With this, we reward ourselves to a certain extent. For this reason, the dessert should satisfy and make us happy – it doesn’t work without the sweet taste.

Honey, Maple Syrup, Stevia & Co: How Many Calories Do Common Sugar Alternatives Have?

Instead of normal sugar, it is better to use healthy alternatives. They have significantly fewer calories and more positive effects on our body than table sugar (approx. 380 kcal per 100 g) because conventional sugar promotes, among other things, serious diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure.

So that you can ignore white sugar in the future, here are the most important sugar alternatives and their number of calories at a glance:

Coconut Blossom Sugar: Approx. 380 Per 100 g

This sugar alternative is obtained from coconut palm blossom. However, coconut blossom sugar has a lot of calories – so use it sparingly. By the way: If other palm blossoms are used, this type of sugar is called palm sugar.

Agave Syrup: Approx. 310 Calories Per 100 g

Agave syrup tastes slightly like caramel and is made from the juice of Mexican agaves. This is tapped directly from the plant and boiled down to syrup. The natural sweetener is rich in minerals and trace elements and is a great cream to sweet.

Honey: Approx. 300 Calories Per 100 g

Honey is considered a healthy alternative to sugar because it has slightly fewer calories than sugar (387 calories per 100 g). Nevertheless, it is not a lightweight among the sweeteners.

However, the healthy ingredients contained in the golden natural product are more important than calorie savings. Honey is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. In addition, bee sap is said to have an antibacterial effect, which is why it is often used as a home remedy, for example, for sore throats.

Sugar Beet Syrup: Approx. 290 Calories Per 100 g

Many people know sugar beet syrup as a spread under the name beet herb. The dark syrup is also really good as an addition to salad dressings (goes perfectly with balsamic vinegar) or to overnight oats. The syrup is also a great source of iron and magnesium.

Dates: Approx. 280 Calories Per 100 g

Another great and, above all, healthy way to sweeten desserts is dating. 100 g of dates have 282 calories. It sounds like a lot at first, but you don’t need more than three dates for delicious sweetness. The oriental dried fruits are perfect for creams or yogurt. Put in the blender and puree finely. Alternatively, you can also find great with other fruits such as ripe banana sweet.

Maple Syrup: Approx. 260 Calories Per 100 g

When it comes to low-calorie consumption, maple syrup is the secret star among the natural sugar alternatives. You can save 35 percent of the calories if you use it instead of sugar. And not only that, maple syrup contains more healthy ingredients than honey. You can use maple syrup to sweeten classic pancakes, but also other cakes or creams.

Xylitol: Approx. 240 Calories Per 100 g

In many low-carb dessert recipes, xylitol is used instead of table sugar. Xylitol, also called xylitol or birch sugar, is a sugar alcohol. Since it is produced naturally, this sweetener can be better utilized than synthetic sweeteners.

The advantage of xylitol is that it tastes almost like normal sugar, has little influence on blood sugar level, and has a dental care effect. The downer: Xylitol is much more expensive compared to table sugar.

Note: Pets must never eat products that contain sweeteners, such as xylitol!

Stevia: Approx. Five Calories Per 100 g

If you want to enjoy sweets without any regrets, there is no avoiding stevia. The plant’s leaves, which come from South America, taste even sweeter than normal sugar but have no calories and do not cause tooth decay. It sounds like a dream! But stevia has one catch: the herbal sweetener has an unusual, slightly bitter aftertaste that you can taste.

Tip: It’s best to test stevia on pancakes. First, add a teaspoon to the batter and fry a pancake to test the degree of sweetness and taste. Then add more stevia powder if needed.

An Important Note At The End: 

An active lifestyle with a balanced diet and plenty of exercise is still the best way to stay fit and achieve or maintain a healthy weight.

ALSO READ: Protein Diet: How To Lose Weight With Protein Recipes


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