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HomeHEALTH & WELLNESSHealthy Eating On The Go: These Tricks Will Save You Calories

Healthy Eating On The Go: These Tricks Will Save You Calories

Healthy Eating- Eating out on the go is usually quite unhealthy. But it doesn’t have to be. Here are the best tips on how to do it: healthy, tasty and low in calories. If we get hungry on the way, we quickly head for the nearest bakery or the kebab shop. This is, of course, not healthy – not even mentioning low calories. Unfortunately, most on-the-go snacks are pretty high in sugar and fat. But just because you’re on the go doesn’t mean you have to do without healthy food.

We’ll show you how it works with a healthy diet from now on. If we get hungry on the way, we quickly head for the nearest bakery or the kebab shop. This is, of course, not healthy – not even mentioning low calories. Unfortunately, most on-the-go snacks are pretty high in sugar and fat. But just because you’re on the go doesn’t mean you have to do without healthy food. We’ll show you how it works with healthy nourishment immediately.

Healthy Eating On The Go: Preparation Is Everything

The fact that we often resort to unhealthy food on the go is usually because we have no other option. If there is only a chip shop on-site, we have no choice – after all, we don’t want to go hungry either.

To avoid such situations in the future, you should always have small, healthy snacks with you. This can be nuts and kernels in small packs, energy balls or protein bars. Fruit or vegetables are also super easy to take away.

Tip for everyone on the road for a long time and wants to avoid unhealthy food: Prepare your meal! In the so-called meal prep, several portions of food are pre-cooked, packaged and partially frozen. Pre-cooking for several days saves a lot of time, and home-cooked meals are easy on the wallet when you are out and about. tip for everyone on the road for a long time and wants to avoid unhealthy food: Prepare your meal! In the so-called meal prep, several portions of food are pre-cooked, packaged and partially frozen. Pre-cooking for several days saves a lot of time, and home-cooked meals are easy on the wallet when you are out and about.

Healthy Food On The Go: Five Great Snacks

Snack 1: Fruit

Fruit is healthy, has hardly any calories and still makes you feel full. In addition, fruit is straightforward to transport. So you always have a healthy snack with you, and you don’t have to eat unhealthy food on the go.

So that the fruit does not get mushy and also tastes fresh, you should always pack the fruit in a freshness box. For example, there is a special banana-shaped box for bananas. If you want to cut apples, pears, etc., into small pieces beforehand, it is best to sprinkle the fruit with lemon juice so that it does not turn brown.

If you don’t have anything with you, go to a supermarket and buy a banana or an apple. Bakeries are also increasingly offering fruit. Alternatively, you can choose one of the ready-cut fruit salads or a smoothie.

Snack 2: Raw Food

If you want to eat healthily on the go, you should try vegetable sticks. Chopped carrots, cucumbers, radishes, celery or cherry tomatoes are super easy to take with you in a lunch box.

If the raw vegetables are too dull for you, you can also take a low-fat herbal quark with you.

Snack 3: Yoghurt With Granola

Low-fat yoghurt with fresh fruit and muesli is not only healthy, but it also makes you complete and is excellent for a snack on the go. If you don’t want to eat the yoghurt until later, you can also add frozen berries – the fruit thaws throughout the day and keeps the yoghurt fresh.

Snack 4: Homemade Bun

You don’t think of bread rolls when looking for healthy snacks. But bread rolls can also be beneficial – it all depends on the topping and the bread roll. A wheat roll, thickly coated with butter and served with salami, is anything but healthy.

For a healthy variant, you should have enough salad and fresh vegetables on your bread roll. It would be best if you also avoided butter – a delicious alternative is cottage cheese. How about a roll with cottage cheese, avocado and pomegranate seeds, for example? Also delicious: a roll with radishes and hummus or paprika and egg.

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Snack 5: Chia Pudding

Chia pudding has been a trendy breakfast for some time. No wonder – after all, chia seeds are considered a superfood. The tiny seeds keep you full for a long time and are rich in nutrients. The chia pudding is also a great snack for on the go because it is quick to prepare and easy to transport.

You can prepare the chia pudding in numerous different versions. Whether with yoghurt, soy or coconut milk, with berries or as a chocolate variant. Tip: It is best to prepare chia pudding in the evening, as the seeds swell for a while and have to set.

Nothing In It? Find Healthy Food On The Go

Most snacks that you can buy in the city, at train stations or rest stops are high in sugar or fat. However, there are a few things that you can safely eat on the go.


Salad is always a healthy alternative if you want to buy something to eat quickly on the go. You can now get pre-packaged ready-made salads in every supermarket or bakery. Although they are better than sausage and chips at the chip shop, real calorie bombs are often hidden here, too – above all. The dressing is usually anything but low in calories.

It is, therefore, better to go to shops where you can put together your salad. There are also salad counters in some supermarkets. Avoid fattening foods such as cheese or sausage and use various vegetables instead. When it comes to dressing, a light balsamic dressing or a dressing made from low-fat natural yoghurt is better than a French or Caesar dressing.

Vegetable Wrap

Vegetables are always good choices. Many supermarkets and bakers now offer wraps. Choose the vegetarian version with lots of vegetables. But pay attention to the nutritional information, sometimes the sauce is a real fattening food.


Sushi to go: The packaged sushi offered in the supermarket is not that bad and is a significant change from sandwiches and ready-made meals. Particularly practical: You can eat it wonderfully in between meals. The chopsticks are often included with the delivery.


Buddha Bowls, also known as the Good Life Bowl, are all the rage right now. Rightly so: Because there are many balanced and healthy delicacies in the colorful bowls, which provide a lot of nutrients and keep you full for a long time. Buddha Bowls, also known as the Good Life Bowl, are currently a prevalent trend. Rightly so: Because there are many balanced and healthy delicacies in the colorful bowls, which provide a lot of nutrients and keep you full for a long time.

Whole grain rice, quinoa, millet or amaranth usually form the basis of such Buddha bowls. Popular ingredients are also legumes such as lentils and chickpeas, edamame, avocados, nuts, sweet potatoes, tofu and all kinds of vegetables such as kale, cauliflower, spinach, red cabbage, corn and broccoli.

Eating Healthy On The Go: Avoid Boredom!

Those who sit on the train or bus for a long time often don’t eat out of hunger but boredom. So distract yourself by reading an exciting book, watching a movie on your smartphone or working with your laptop on the go.

You should also always have enough water (please no soda, cola or other sugary drinks!) With you when you are out and about because the supposed feeling of hunger often disappears just by drinking a glass of water.

Another tip: don’t use chewing gum! With constant chewing, the body produces enzymes and waits for nutrients to be added. If they fail, however, there is an increased feeling of hunger.

ALSO READ: Eat Healthy: Simple Healthy Eating Hacks For The Lazy


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