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Protein Diet: How To Lose Weight With Protein Recipes

With the protein diet, the pounds should fall off particularly quickly. We’ll tell you how this weight loss method works, what you should pay attention to, and which recipes are suitable for the protein diet. The protein diet is one of the best-known and most popular diets. It is no wonder because it promises quick and long-term weight loss without any food cravings or the yo-yo effect. Many stars also swear by this weight-loss trend.

Anyone who thinks the protein diet is monotonous is wrong. Because in addition to meat, dairy products, nuts, and vegetables are also allowed. So you don’t have to go hungry on the protein diet. However, there are a few things that you should consider if you want to lose weight quickly and permanently with the protein diet. Here come the most important ones Tips and recipes.

How Does The Protein Diet Work?

As the name suggests, the protein diet mainly includes foods that contain protein. The term “diet” is rather misleading here as it is not a diet but rather a change in diet. The motto of the protein diet is lots of proteins, few carbohydrates.

The Foods Are Good Sources Of Protein:

  • Meat (chicken, beef, lamb)
  • Fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel)
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products (yogurt, cheese, cow’s milk)
  • nuts
  • Cereal products
  • Legumes (soy, sesame seeds, lentils)

Meat, fish, and dairy products, in particular, should end up on the plate during the protein diet. Lean meats in particular, such as poultry or low-fat beef and yogurt, cheese, and tofu, can be eaten without hesitation. Legumes such as peas, soy, or lentils are also great protein sources and should regularly be included in your meals.

The following applies to nuts: enjoy moderation as they are very rich in fat, as a rule of thumb: a small handful per day.

Protein Diet: Reduce Carbohydrates

You should reduce products rich in carbohydrates, such as pasta and bread, as well as foods containing sugar. However, the emphasis here is on “reduce” because you do not have to and should not completely do without these foods. They are still allowed in moderation.

How many carbohydrates you are allowed to eat is very individual and depends heavily on your body. Factors such as gender, age, height, or sporting activity play a major role here.

A rough guideline that you can use as a guide: Around 30% of the nourishment may consist of carbohydrates during the protein diet.

Tip: It is better to incorporate carbohydrates into your food in the morning or at noon and avoid them in the evening. According to the “slim in your sleep ” weight loss principle, avoiding carbohydrates in the evening should support nighttime fat burning. The kilos should fall easier this way.

What Are The Advantages Of The Protein Diet?

There are several reasons why you should go on a protein diet. On the one hand, proteins keep us full longer than carbohydrates or fats. In addition, our body releases less insulin after ingesting protein than after a meal that is high in carbohydrates. And that has a positive effect on our body.

Because: Insulin inhibits fat burning. Too much insulin also causes our bodies to store excess water in the body. A constant blood sugar level also has the advantage that food cravings are reduced. So: Goodbye pasta, pizza, and bread, hello protein suppliers!

Protein Diet: You Should Keep This In Mind

The Nutrition Society recommends 0.8 g protein per kilogram of body weight. With a bodyweight of 70 kilos, that would be 56 g of protein. It is controversial whether too much protein harms our bodies. Moderate handling is therefore advisable in any case.

In general, if you eat a lot of protein, you should eat a lot to drink to excrete the breakdown product of protein called urea. Healthy kidneys are a basic requirement for a protein diet. It is also recommended to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Isabelle Keller from the Nutrition Society

Protein Diet: Recipes For Breakfast, Lunch, And Dinner

So much for theory. Now let’s get down to business. Here are three great protein diet recipes – from breakfast to dinner. The best: All of these protein recipes can be modified. For example, you don’t like the tomatoes from the lunch recipe? Then replace them with peppers or another type of vegetable. Super easy!

Breakfast: Protein Bread With Cottage Cheese

The first meal of the day is very important if you want to lose weight. Breakfast should fill you up, provide you with power for the day and get your circulation going.

For example, low-fat quark with fruit, protein pancakes, or an omelet is ideal for a protein-rich breakfast. Our favorite for a hearty, protein-rich breakfast is the protein bread with cottage cheese.

What You Need:

  • Two slices of protein bread
  • 50 g of cottage cheese
  • 1/4 red pepper
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 1-2 stalks of parsley
  • 1/2 bunch of chives
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable corn
  • Salt and pepper for seasoning

That’s How It Works:

Put the bread slices on a plate and brush with cottage cheese. Then cut the bell pepper and onion into small cubes. Finely chop the parsley and chives.

Put everything together with the corn in a bowl and stir—season to taste with salt and pepper. Now distribute the vegetable mixture on the bread, and your power breakfast for the protein diet is ready!

Tip: You can also top the cottage cheese with other ingredients. Dried tomatoes, for example, are also very tasty.

Lunch: Chicken Curry With Spinach

When it comes to lunch, too, you have many options on the protein diet. Recipes with meat, fish, and vegetables or marinated tofu are particularly good for a protein-rich lunch. Here comes our protein favorite for lunch:

What You Need:

  • 120 g chicken fillet
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1/2 clove of garlic
  • One tomato
  • 60 g spinach
  • 100 ml coconut milk
  • One teaspoon curry
  • some oil for frying
  • Salt and pepper for seasoning
  • Cashew nuts

That’s How It Works:

Heat oil in a pan. Chop the onion and clove of garlic and add to the pan. Now wash and dice the chicken fillet. Also, add to the pan, fry, and season with curry powder.

In the meantime, dice the tomatoes and add them to the pan. Wait a moment, then deglaze with coconut milk. Let everything simmer for about 10 minutes on a low level. Now add the spinach—season to taste with salt, pepper, and curry. Finally, sprinkle cashew nuts over the top. Bon Appetit!

Tip: You can serve some brown rice as a side dish. It’s healthier than white rice.

Dinner: Protein Wraps With Tuna

Don’t feel like cooking late in the evening? No problem! How about an Italian salad for dinner? Egg, ham, and cheese give the green salad that extra portion of protein.

Our tip for dinner: protein wraps with tuna! They succeed in just a few minutes and fill you up.

What You Need:

  • Two protein wraps 
  • 150 g canned tuna
  • 60 g of cottage cheese
  • 1/2 spring onion
  • One handful of iceberg lettuce
  • 120 g canned chickpeas
  • Salt and pepper for seasoning

That’s How It Works:

Briefly heat the wrap in the microwave. This makes it easier to roll. Drain the tuna, place in a bowl with the cottage cheese, and stir. Cut the spring onion into fine rings and add—season to taste with salt and pepper. Spread the prepared tuna cream on the wraps. Cut the lettuce into strips and spread on the wrap. Drain the chickpeas and pour over them. Roll up the wrap, and you’re done!

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