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How To Get Rid Of Brittle Fingernails: 5 Tips That Work Wonders!

Brittle Fingernails: Split & constantly breaking nails be annoying. But no need to despair – we have five beauty tips that will help you, get a grip on broken fingernails again. Hand on heart: who doesn’t know this one enviable friend with the always perfectly manicured fingernails? Yes, it is unfair! For some, every nail polish color looks stunning, and others get stuck in their new blouse for the umpteenth time with their torn nail.

Split nails always come when it doesn’t suit us, and it feels like an eternity before they have grown back. We’ll tell you how you can get brittle fingernails beautiful and strong again!

Brittle Fingernails: Whip Up The Vitamin Balance

Before starting the beauty program, you can first look in the refrigerator. For many, a lack of nutrients is the dilemma: therefore, pay attention to a balanced diet rich in vitamins B and C.

A lack of calcium and magnesium is also a typical cause of brittle nails. Therefore, you can add dark chocolate, bananas, and dairy products to your menu.

These Are The Four Most Important Nutrients For Healthy, Strong Nails:


Calcium is one of the most important nutrients for healthy, growing nails. Cheese, milk and yoghurt are good sources of calcium.

Folic Acid:

Your body needs folic acid so that your nails do not become brittle and remain flexible. Good sources of folic acid are kale, spinach, and peas.

Biotin (Vitamin B8):

Biotin prevents your nails from getting thinner. Put nuts, oatmeal, soybeans and egg yolks on the menu more often.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

Unsaturated fatty acids give the nails their natural, healthy shine and keep them flexible and pliable. Fish, olive oil, and avocado are rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

File Brittle Fingernails Instead Of Cutting Them

If you want to grow your nails, you need to trim them properly first. It sounds strange, but it brings a lot! Say goodbye to nail scissors and clippers. Even if you can hardly tell: Both tools bend your nails when you shorten them and create an unclean edge that quickly tears again.

Therefore, it is better to use high-quality ceramic or sand leaf files with a fine grain size, which files your nails gently. To unnecessarily roughen brittle fingernails, they only ever file in one direction. Keep the file as straight as possible at the front, and do not go too deep under the nail.

From Now On, Only Natural Nail Polish Remover

Sometimes a delicate pink, sometimes a bright red: If you regularly give your fingernails a new look, you should use a nail polish remover with as few chemicals as possible. Aggressive cleaning agents and solvents are one of the main causes of brittle fingernails and dry out the nail plate and the cuticle.

Acetone-free varnish removers with nourishing ingredients. Therefore, make the race – they not only smell better but also care for your nails and moisturize your cuticles.

Must-Have For Brittle Nails: Nail Oil

Brittle fingernails require an extra dose of care. A moisturizing hand cream creates the basis. After applying cream to your hands, massage some other cream onto the nail bed and fingernails.

Special nail oils or nail serums are more intense than hand cream. They supply the skin with valuable nutrients and make it beautifully supple. It is best to place the product on the dessert right away and apply it before going to bed – this gives the care product a lot of time to work.

A popular nail care serum with a very good rating on Amazon is the “Nail Spa” by Alessandro. The serum is intended to care for and protect cracked and dry nails. Particularly great: The product should be quickly absorbed into the skin so that you can easily apply it several times a day.

Tip: Those who prefer to use natural home remedies can also use olive oil for nail care

A Little Time-Out: Oil Bath Against Brittle Fingernails

Treat your broken nails (and your wallets) to a mini-spa at home now and then. You can easily make a nourishing oil bath yourself.

Add a few drops of oil to warm water, such as olive, almond or jojoba oil. Dip your fingertips into it for about 5 minutes – for example, in the evening while your favorite series is running. It’s quick, relaxed, and your nails will love it!

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