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HomeSKIN CAREImpure Skin With 25 Plus? Five Tips For Cleaning Up Your Complexion

Impure Skin With 25 Plus? Five Tips For Cleaning Up Your Complexion

Tips For Cleaning Up: Are you tired of annoying pimples and blemishes? Here are five beauty tips for blemished skin with 25 plus that help! The 25th birthday is long gone, the birthday cake has been finished, and the topic of puberty has long been said goodbye. Then one morning, a nasty little pimple reappears and many more after it. We’ll tell you how it comes to blemished skin from 25 plus and what you can do about it.

Tips For Cleaning Up: Where Does Blemished Skin Come From With 25 Plus?

Impure skin that shines and suffers from pimples and blackheads, again and again, is not just a puberty problem. Many women in their mid to late 30s suffer from what is known as ‘late acne’. The causes of this problem are complex. Often there are hormonal fluctuations. If too much stress occurs, for example, at work, late acne develops. Another cause often associated with stress is an unhealthy diet: white flour, sugar or ready-made meals are the culprits here.

We’ll tell you which tips you can use to get blemished skin under control quickly at the age of 25 plus.

Tip 1: Cleaning Is The Be-All And End-All

Regular cleaning of your face is an absolute must for a clean complexion. Throwing warm water in your face is not enough! Very blemished skin should be cleaned twice in the evening: For example, first with cleansing milk that loosens fat-soluble dirt and removes make-up, and then with a mild washing gel that frees the sebum glands from water-soluble dirt.

Tip: A popular and well-tolerated cleansing product for the face is the wash gel with organic aloe vera and chia seeds from Sante. It cleanses the skin gently but thoroughly, refreshes and revitalizes.

Tip 2: A Peeling Ensures Evenness

An important factor in late-onset acne is that the skin in the area of ​​the sebum gland exits becomes too keratinized, and the skin fat builds up. The clogged pore quickly turns into a nasty pimple if bacteria are added. You will succeed in ‘exposing’ the sebum ducts with a peeling.

Enzymatic peelings are particularly recommended. They have the great advantage that they are very gentle on the skin but still thoroughly remove keratinized cells. No rubbing is necessary. The enzymes chemically dissolve the flakes of the skin.

Tip 3: Extra Care With Clarifying Masks

Impure skin is particularly happy about a portion of extra care, such as with clarifying masks with healing earth, herbs, or the mineral zeolite. It is best to apply the mask to clean skin in the evening and leave it on for ten minutes. Then remove it with facial tissue. During this time, the skin can absorb the intensive active ingredients and is better equipped to fight against bacteria that cause pimples.

Tip 4: Take Care Of Pimples Properly

If the purulent pimple is already there, we quickly push it around. A real no-go, as a result of which the spot not only becomes painfully inflamed but can also lead to scars and pimple marks. It is therefore essential to keep your hands off!

Instead, dab the pimple with an antibacterial solution that contains salicylic acid, for example. Tea tree oil can also be applied sparingly directly to the spot. It prevents inflammation, dries out the pimple and allows it to heal faster.

Tip 5: Take Care Of Yourself

The causes of late acne are difficult to control only with cosmetic products. Therefore, you cannot avoid taking a close look at your entire body and your way of life. Often the impurities have to do with the fact that the intestines are not functioning well. A check-up at your family doctor or alternative practitioner is good if the pimples don’t want to go away or if they heal very poorly.

It is also worth doing without white flour and detoxifying teas to balance the intestines lines back into balance. The skin often only reflects what is wrong inside the body. But if you take care of it, in combination with the right care, you have a good chance of soon being able to look forward to a clear, pure complexion.

One Important Thing: 

skincare is always very individual to judge whether the tips or products presented by us work for you. If sensitive skin is prone to irritation, it may be advisable to consult a skin specialist. So you are guaranteed to find your skin’s needs.

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